Sheepeater Cliff So why am I so sad to leave you?
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Date can be changed if needed, just lmk. For @Kynareth Deagon and @Aiolos

They set out pretty soon again.
She'd left Arwen by herself, but the girl seemed inclined to follow. To wander.
She'll have to see when she returned.
But for now, they hunted at the bottom of the Sheepeater Cliffs, looking for either her child or this Hide. Signs of a struggle. A fight.

She lifed her head to Aiolos, wondering if he'd found anything of use yet.
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Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
If it's the day they met and then dropped off Arwen, it's the 3rd, for records sake. :)

West to the mountains of the Sunspire, opposite of Moonspears chain of mountains where he currently was close to. Aiolos had lived on just the other side of this ridge once before, in a vale now claimed by another. 

They scoured, both for Vanity's missing child and his own missing packmates. He howls, calling out to Minori, to Hide (though not Orochi as it had been known already he had returned only to be on the hunt for Hide as well), to this Leshen. 

His expression is grim, turning to the pale faced woman with a sigh. Do you know where he might have gone? If this is the last place you saw him, maybe he got picked up by a nearby pack...
moonglow daddy
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
He howled, and she echoed the call.
They may never find any of them...
They might find just one.
Hopefully, Arwen was safe.

"He wouldn't have strayed far from Arwen." They were thick as thieves, and she made sure they knew that wandering from each other was a dangerous thing to do. Now look.
"I'm almost certain someone took him." She kept thinking she could smell a whiff of another female in the air, but she couldn't be certain.
Someone had stolen her child, she knew it in her gut.

She looked about them, hoping to see his dark little form bounding towards her.
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Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Did Leshen know anything, maybe heard someone, saw someone? Aiolos at this point was more or less grasping at straws, trying to figure out any information he could that maybe he would be able to piece together. If Vanity had left her pups hidden away whilst she went out to find food, or maybe another pack to join, he could hardly blame her. There was little options left when you were a loner with pups on your own. A situation Aiolos was lucky he did not have to endure. 

He jut his muzzle along the edge of the cliffside, pointing for her to arch around, whilst he moved in an sniffed another portion for traces. He didnt know the pup's scent, but knew that of his own lost ones. If anything, doing this together would help make them safer. There were some pretty nasty wolves about and whilst he didnt know if they were as low as stealing children, he wouldnt put it past them either. Aiolos didnt mention this, however, as he didnt want to frighten the mother. There is a pack north of here, and another beyond the mountains in the Vale. We could check there?
moonglow daddy
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
"He wouldn't have left his sister," she was adamant about it.
He was a good boy, quiet and stable.
He listened and loved his sister as far as she could tell.
She could feel the panic rising in her stomach, she felt sick for it.

No, she had to stay calm.
She traced around the edge of the cliff like he gestured to do. Looking for a scent. A sign. His pack scent or fur...blood. Leshen. 
Her ears cocked back to him. Sounded like a good idea.
"We should check." If they were some do gooders like this Yuèlóng was it wouldn't hurt to look for her stolen child.
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Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
If you wanna end here and we make a backdated thread for northstar vale?

She agreed and he dipped his muzzle to the woman. He found himself often taken aback when he looked at her, who's markings on her face looked like some type of war paint or even, an exposed skull. 

Common, I know an easy route into the Vale. He had, after all, first lived within the Vale when coming to the Teekon Wilds. It had been quite some time since then, but he remembered his former beautiful home well enough.
moonglow daddy
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Of course
She gazed at Aiolos.
He was a good man. She could see why he was a leader.
Where the Nightwalkers were founded on fear, Yuelong was founded on trust.
Valour wanted that, but it wasn't possible there.
She realises now that she'd also left behind the skull of her beloved. Well, obsession rather.

She tilted her head up to look to the cliff peaks.
An easy route would probably be the best for her right now.
"Ok, let's go."
She waited for him to lead the way, hoping he was right.
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