Lion Head Mesa First when there's nothing
der rote sanddiener
22 Posts
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All Welcome 
Open to anyone of Akashingo! Isa is looking to meet some new faces. ^^

The new fellahin roamed the halls of the palace. It was truly an amazing place, touched by many beautiful sights. Being here felt like a dream. The palaces of her homeland had been grand, but none as much so as this.

With slow movements, Isa observed each corridor and quarter entrance closely, remembering the scents of those who entered and departed. As her mentor had once taught her, it was important to know who kept to where. There were even bonus points in knowing without having first been told. This would be the case, as was her goal. Nothing would tell of her talents and ambition better than this.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — ebony
in the absence of the crown prince, the young priest felt lonely.

she and nazli brought each of their own vibrances. he did not hum today; he was listless, and that was why he noticed the strange and pretty red wolf looking into each room.

this piqued him. "hello," the young hem-in-training said quietly. he blinked toward the woman. she was radiant, lustrous, and smelled of akashingo. "i am senmut, a priest."
der rote sanddiener
22 Posts
Ooc —
From her busied, searching gaze, Isana did notice they who approached. They paused near and offered both a greeting and name. She was hesitant, to say the least. But not disgusted.

Senmut, priest, The red woman repeated, softly acknowledging his title in the palace. He was above her station, no doubt; but he was not royal.

I am Isa, fellahin. She had no shame for her title. She would wear it with confidence, head held high. It was an honor to serve, and she would never think differently. 
1,058 Posts
Ooc — ebony
a new fellahin? senmut dipped his head a little in sudden consternation.

but he recovered quickly. "how are you becoming accustomed to the palace?"

unbidden he wondered if she had yet been called by the eager pharaoh. the idea titillated and shamed senmut; he glanced away in shyness.
der rote sanddiener
22 Posts
Ooc —
Isa watched his head fall, but said nothing of it. It arose quickly, preventing any concern or query.

It has been quiet. The shabti said she would call on me, but she has yet to. In the meantime, I have been getting acquainted with each chamber and their master or mistress. A shared secret of trade; one only she and her tutor had once known.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — ebony
only now beneath isa's eye did senmut remember the order of the queen herself! that he should seek passion to better know his prayers!

his mouth went fully dry. "you serve — mistresses also? women, in that way?" his curiosity burned and he was so surprised he forgot all his mannerliness.
der rote sanddiener
22 Posts
Ooc —
For a short moment, the fellahin was confused.

How did this hem mean by his words? She served mistresses, yes... but in what way had he implied?

I do not bed them, if that is what you inquire. Isana was blunt, as she was often. If this was the meaning of his query, he would have a straightforward answer.

But I will serve them in any other way they desire me to do so. There was no denying her eagerness to serve; and in all other ways.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he reddened. "i am sorry. i do not mean to be so forward."

senmut gave her a low bow, hoping to soothe any chagrin. 

"are you happy in your role?" he thought of nazli, fondly.
der rote sanddiener
22 Posts
Ooc —
Isa was not quite sure of whether she should have been offended or if she should forgive the boy for his quick tongue. But she had little time to decide this. Perhaps she could not hold a grudge forever, but she certainly could learn to be more wary of him in the future. For now, she would excuse the apology and the topic altogether.

Serving has always been my way, though the title of fellahin and the concepts and traditions of Akashingo are new to me. It will take time to learn, but for the time being I am very much so content. How could she not be content? There was no reason not to be. Not yet, at least.

And what of you? How does the title of senmut settle with you? And then there would be the question of how long he had held this honor.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"oh! my name is senmut. i am a priest, in training," the young wolf clarified with a dip of his head. 

she enjoyed her role and spoke gracefully of learning its details. he was made curious by this.

"i am happy as a we'eb, my lady. i learn from akhtar. and i sing the prayers to welcome Ra each morning. it is an honor."