Greatwater Lake But baby, if I had to choose
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Posting order will be updated once all participants have joined in the first round.

After the long awaited departure of their most recent intruder, Khaba led @Aliki, @Selena, and @Zaahira back towards the lake.

But before the small assembly could get too far, the alpha abruptly halted their path, turning furiously toward Selena. Lip curled and teeth bared, he snarled angrily.

Of all that had come to his aid, she was the only to hang back from the crowd. While he knew well she was far more submissive than the other two, and aimed mostly to please, he expected more. 

Slow, tantalizing, he strode forward and began to circle her, eyeing her frame at every angle. He wondered now... how to punish her for this slight, yet unforgiving betrayal. She did not defend him — thus, he now thinks to himself... why should he go on defending her?
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

43 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Khaba was not the only one who was displeased, after all that had transpired today. Aliki was still a ball of pent up aggression and hormones, after having to contend with Wallace.

That part was over. Two other females had arrived on the scene, but only one had tried to help. It was Selena, she noted, who stood back and did nothing. She may be new, but to Aliki, this was unacceptable. A pack was a unit. They worked together. Had each others backs. Or, that's how it was so it was supposed to go.

While Khaba expressed his anger, circling Selena, Aliki edged closer. She could already tell from her body signals, that she was a more submissive individual. She knew nothing about her on a personal level. Nor did she have anything of such nature against her. The way in which she acted now was purely out of instinct. Of the drive to enforce her point.

She rushed the dark female, hackles raised and tail high. A series of deep, stern growls rumbling in her throat. She bowled towards her, aiming to pin her down. Beneath her, in a classic display of disciplinary dominance.
96 Posts
Ooc — Maria
She wasn't aware of the disrespect she had brought upon Alpha or the others until it was too late. Selena was now mere inches away from the towering mountain of a man, who looked down upon her with disgust and disapproval. Immediately, she knew what she had done wrong. Or rather, what she didn't do. 

Nervous tears streamed from her bleak eyes as the woman whipped her head to find Aliki pressing on her from another angle. "I'm s-" Her cry was cut abruptly short as she darted her gaze to look back to Alpha. She would only make things worse by vocalizing her apologies. Stay calm, just stay calm.

It pained her to share a glance with Zaahira. In any other circumstance, she would expect her siren to have her back, but this was different. Solemnly, the small subordinate gave her a knowing look before lowering herself onto her belly in a desperate attempt to plead mercy. Flattening in body and spirit, Selena would accept whatever punishment she must.

326 Posts
Ooc — Twin
To say Zaahira was struggling was an understatement. 
Her bird was now under the watchful eye of their Alpha, a flame having been sparked behind his eyes. He himself was blissfully unaware of what was brewing between the snake and the raven, and the thought of making him aware of it was enough to make bile surge up to the back of her throat. Selena was her's, but Zaahira was his
Zaahira was not a wolf of empathy under most circumstances, but she could feel Selena's heartbeat through the roots of the trees around them. That alone was enough to earn a soft rumble from her. A note of pity. 
Slowly, she comes up behind her maiden with a seemingly mindless brush of her tail to the side of her thigh. It'll be okay. She takes a place not far from Khaba with a slow descent into a sit, partially dreading what would happen once her haunches hit the ground. To the world, she is calm, collected. Perfectly poised, perfectly postured, with nothing to her expression except for a tightness to the corners of her mouth and a wildfire gaze that locked onto her Alpha. But momentarily, it wanders to the bird. 
I'm sorry.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Official posting order is as follows until the thread is concluded: Khaba, Aliki, Selena, Zaahira.

Before he even has the chance to think up a proper way to deliver punishment, Aliki strides forward with an idea of her own. 

Khaba is tempted to intervene, but quickly decides against it. Now with with Zaahira by his side, he feels the tension leave him. He sees it—both of these women, devoted to him and him alone.

Now, it is time to be sure Selena feels the same.

Nose twitching, his cold, now prideful gaze trails to Aliki where she waits, hovering over the female. 

One heavy bellow, and his demand is made. Punish her. Punish her like what she is — an omega. 

An omega. What Selena would now be, as her cowering self has proved her to be no better than one. 

He would see this done until he was entirely satisfied. Even if it meant finding a pool of blood left as additional witness.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

43 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Selena began to speak, to utter an apology. But silenced herself, wisely. Aliki hovered over the cowering female, dark ears pivoted back. Very much aware of Zaahira and wondering if she would intervene, or dare challenge her. 

She did not.

Khaba urged her on, approving of her assertiveness. His message was clear. And so it was, she would do his bidding. 

Lips peeling back to expose gleaming teeth, she drove home her dominance with a guttural snarl. Snapping forward to pin Selena firmly beneath her. Jaws parted, wrapping around her snout in a hard muzzle grab. Applied firm pressure, enough to pinch and bruise, but not draw blood. Hackles on end and tail high over her hips, Aliki set Selena in her Omega rank. 

And, with no obvious sign of an Alpha female in the pack, she boldly flaunted her ambitions. Her growl rumbled steadily, a direct challenge to either female to remember their place.
96 Posts
Ooc — Maria
OOC discussion had about inflicting mortal wounds on Selena. Let me know if I need to change anything! Just wanted to get it started

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: violence

It was unlike Selena to do anything more than submit in a situation like this. And on this day, if the winds had not decided to gust in the exact moment Aliki wrapped her jaws around her slender muzzle, she would have likely done the same. 

The Spirits had been quiet since her joining of Greatwater Lake. It was a fact that chilled the once devout follower and left her feeling empty and otherwise aimless. Nothing called to her, no warmth was felt in this home, her original protector had fled and in the back of her mind she had begun to plot her own escape. 

Today, the Spirits seconded that notion. Her ears pinned back as the mixed breed shrieked in a mixture of fear and aggression, a noise that even shocked herself. The thrashing that followed was like that of a hooked fish, desperately trying to rip itself free. The more she pulled, the more warm liquid gushed from around her snout. In too deep of shock, the handmaiden thought that maybe her nose was dripping from the pressure applied from Aliki, or perhaps it was slobber. It wasn't until the pain jolted her back to that she realized she was bleeding heavily. 

Her eyes nearly rolled to the back of her head as the little bird attempted to open her own jaws and snap her teeth at the larger woman, front paws flailing in hopes of landing some kind of blow.

326 Posts
Ooc — Twin
purposefully vague with the violence!
Young and awfully bold, this new bird was, with steel fur the color of a nighthawk and jaws that snapped and painted the earth's floor with Selena's blood.
But Zaahira was a viper. Unassuming as she might be, smooth and dark as the night, she held venom within her teeth. And she saw the opportunity to remind both of these women who they were messing with. 
Using her own larger size to her advantage, she lunges toward Aliki. She is young and still with puppy fat to lose now that Zaahira has a good look at her, staring her down with the gaze of a predator. Clasping her jaws around the scruff of her neck with a mighty tug, she pulls the pair apart by force, should they allow for it. 
Who the hell do you think you are? Is what radiates from a wretched growl, one that spoke of her own dominance. She is careful in where her bites land, where her eyes go, how she defends herself. You're mistaken if you think you're the one in charge, child. 
Selena would have to wait, though her eyes briefly wander towards her. What she sees makes Zaahira only strengthen her grip. The bright scarlet seeps into her vision, the rage unfurling in a display of violence that would make God himself look away. 
What good is proving a point if your point is to murder your own packmate?
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Rather than succumb to the fated punishment she had earned herself, Selena chose to fight back. 

For a moment, Khaba felt surprise. But as more unfolded, satisfaction in what unfolded took over.

Each woman had their own reason to fight — something that, in fact, impressed him. None held back from their desires and wants. For survival. For power. For the top spot, that which Zharille had abandoned. 

As fur flung about and teeth cut skin, he did no intervene, sitting calmly on the sidelines. 

This was the way things were. The way they had to be. The women fought for their rights, and he would see them given when rightfully earned.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any