Northstar Vale I guess it's kinda funny, how you can love somebody
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,125 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Reyson moved throughout the pack lands, a goat upon his back. It dripped along his tawny coat and he wanted to get to a place to pull the skin from it's bones and bury it in caches around the area. One near Tamar, one near the wolf that had children, Ethan was it? One near Meadow and one near the healer's den just in case.

However, he had to get near the river first, so he could work the fur through the paces of making it usable. He had watched other's do it, had learned in one of his many campaigns. Finally he made it and he slowly began to separate the fur from the meat, still the red streaks down his sides and back, he probably looked a fright.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony

her small paws found the trail beside him. "towhee and her family are not returning."

she felt that the pain in her chest was only slightly lessened, and only for a moment. she reached to help him, tasting the blood. "do you know if you will stay, reyson?" he and meadow. she must know now, to know the future of epoch.
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,125 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ice eyes lifted to look at the dainty wolf in front of him. Made thinner and smaller in the passing weeks amd he felt terrible for being a part of that diminishing. Even though it wasn't intentional.

A tightening in his chest at the mention of his two friends more so for Maxim who had still not been found.

I believe we are staying. Despite it all they were here.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"take maxim's place. the vale is peaceful only when peace is kept. and you have kept that, reyson."

and for meadow, she could think of no other who might also join her, in sisterhood and in protectiveness of epoch.

she would try then to harbor no pain over towhee's departure. "jack is staying here."
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,125 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amd again he would step into leadership for another. He felt his chest tighten and the thought made him want to suddenly cry and he had no understanding of why. Though he showed nothing, instead he gave a firm nod in affirmation to her words. He'd help her.

He sighed softly. I'm afraid i don't know their children well. Children make me nervous only cause i fear of hurting thrm accidentally with my size. I'm getting better.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"careful is the good father."

tamar sent out her breath, more steadied now that it seemed she would not be alone.

and nor would he.

"thank you, reyson. you will get to know jack."
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,125 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A small sideways smile at the words taht left her maw. He had never been a careful father. Not with Amity at least and look she was cold and dead and it was his fault if it was anyone's, because he had taught her and she refused to leave him, like he would have done.

Tamar had a lot on her plate and Reyson was a little angry at Arsenio for this, but it wasn't his place to argue against the male leader of their pack. And he had enough fighting for a good long while.

I will try to get to know him. Can't make him want to know me if he doesn't want too.

Sometimes when you were young you were resistant. Especially if you were missing your father as the boy probably was.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"you will make a good father."

tamar did not know why she had said these things, only that she must say them. and she meant them, and looked now to reyson with knowingness.

tamar wished for the past to remain there. but she knew also that it would take time of a certain nature.
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,125 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson smiled. I hope I make a better father this time than with my first daughter Amity. She was a good girl, but stubborn like me.

There was a gentle knowing in the eyes of the she wolf in front of him. And he didn't know why his throat tightened or the lump grew, but it was there none the less, but he swallowed it down. Pressed the pain further down as he always did. He had mourned and grieved and screamed to the heavens, but it had not lessened only grew bearable.

Father Time, he hated and loved that bastard.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
a first daughter.

tamar had not known of this child.

the arche brushed his shoulder with her own.

"tell me about her, reyson." tamar's voice was kind.
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,125 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson shifted eyes tirning inwards towards memories he had laid to rest. Gently pucking through.

Siring children was different in our former pack. A female found a male she liked for his military prowess or aomething and requested. If he was willing well thats how it went about. There were some love partnerings, but not many. Amity was born to a she wolf i am afraid i forget her name. Terrible of me.

He sighed and shifted. Amity was golden an had pretty eyes like mine. She was smart and brave and kind. She grew well and proud. Joined my ranks when she was old enough. Became one of my best soldiers and her mate rook. He could turn into anyone best damn spy I've ever had the pleasure of working with. I lodt them both at the last battle. They refused to leave me. Though i begged. She was full of light and laughter and always had a joke.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
a mother unknown.

a father who loved her.

tamar brushed his shoulder.

"you taught her loyalty. she clung to its lesson in the end."

it was saddening, but it was no curse.
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,125 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A soft noise. That he had, but he wished it had been a lesson she hadn't taken to so well. Perhaps she would be alive.

He smiled. That I did amd she did.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
last for me! <3

in silence tamar walked beside reyson.

how far they had come.

how far epoch had come.

what would they continue to be?