Sky Mesa Your choice of companion
423 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
All Welcome 
Set on July 16th afternoon!
@Briar Cayde

Thousands of hums reverberated within the depths of her ears. Thunderous, thriving buzzes and rumbles off in the far distance. There was only so much one could hear in a never ending span of sands. Oh, she knew! She knew, she knew. That sounded familiar, and calling. It sang to her, and she followed the siren.

Followed its call.

Until hours of heat exhaustion and endlessly traveling pads came to use. Noise of a trickle that turned into a great rush started to arrive. Quiet at first, and nearly gone unnoticed from the hum in her ears and the falling sand in their walk, but it all wrapped into a gift. Flowing, active water running towards their feet. It was first the subtle shift in the sands texture to be noticed, long which she must have known, but the visual of it was no lie. And she kept her word.

The hum would also reveal itself as hundreds of mosquitoes and bugs crawling about. Gnats; though, not so many of them. Perhaps the normal ear would not have caught such a thing, but hers long had! Big, big ears to hear and capture! Her head swiveled back to the likely crawling Briar. If he had any complaints through their walk, she'd been dead silent! In a squinty grin, "this good, yes?"
49 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Contrary to the imp's expectations, Briar was still on his paws. Barely. The silent travel did little to distract from the throbbing pain traveling up his limbs. But the promise of water was too great a reward to stop his march. She barked out and looked to him squinty-eyed. He couldn't blame her. He could see the sun even with his eyes closed. He tried walking with them closed, at one point. He stopped when he found himself straying from her pawsteps. Narrowing his eyes, he lifted his head. 

Never had he truly been a man of faith. Briar still wasn't. Quiet whispers that comprised prayers stopped falling from his lips before he lived a full year on this earth. 

Running water was nothing short of divine. 

Yes. He spoke between haggard breaths. This is fantastic. Pushing himself to water's edge he barely thought over a slightly off color to the water as he lowered his head to make a dent in his thirst. He might as well have been licking a stone, as mineral laden the water was. 

Forcing himself to take a break, he sprawled out in the sand. Taking his tongue over swollen paws, he winced before grumbling, Any one who lives out here is a lunatic. He looked back to his designated guide. You're included in that. 

He closed his eyes and dipped his head. Pressing the top of his muzzle to his forepaws to chase away the ache in his skull. Thank you, by the way.
423 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Silly, silly piss man.

In swift motion, she was above him, placed and poised with her stomach on stone and paws afloat the air. Her legs crossed over one another, and in low head, she motioned her tail towards his hind legs, waving it in a pushing motion at the river as if she could do so with her fur from afar. "Lunatic? Afraid not know what Pisser means!" she exclaimed, and behind her, that little tail kept waving back, forth, back, forth, while her eyes never dared to leave his head.

"Perhaps Pisser is Lunatic for traversing God without knowing his steps. He should be thankful he found guide. You. Does he feel quenched?" Pressing her chin down to her leg, she nestled her cheek down into it before lazily allowing her head to drop towards the water in action to drink.

49 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
The headache was chased away. With a firm press to his skull he released himself, moving his head back to the water. His ears tilted towards the little woman. He felt infinitely better. With the likelihood he was going to find himself in a sand filled graved drastically reduced, he had enough headspace to feel annoyed again. 

Pisser. An ounce of his ego returning. Swiping his tongue across his muzzle, he heaved himself to his paws. With a wince that he soon hid beneath a furrowed brow, he placed his paws upon the stone she perched upon. His gaze hardened as he was now eye level with her. Did she not hear him thank her? His tail lashed as a sour smile crossed his face. 

If I give you my name, would you still insist on degrading me so? His paws ached. Hot, cracked, and swollen, he was sure that they had been burned. It kept him civil. I do believe I have already given you my thanks. He watched as her tail wagged. How pleased with herself she must have been.
423 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Oh, she was ecstatic.
A silly laugh rushed from her maw, inside-voiced, but clear as her shoulders came to a hike. Her tail continued to sway about, her eyes came to a shut, and with crossed paws, she tilted her head towards him and pointed her nose at his body. "Yes?" Her response had been quick and immediate; though, it answered the request of asking a question, and came before she registered that it had been a question already. Even quicker, she added. "Would he like so? Is Pisser degrading to him?"

It wasn't like there was anyone about. It wasn't like he had other choice. It was also not as if she had not aided him, but amusing, amusing, amusing it was to listen to him whine about it! She had fun with Pisser man, he was funny! Funny, funny, funny! And whether or not her question had been a true one or an insult was incredibly blurry, but she asked it as if it had been one.
49 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
I apologize for the gap in time for this reply! Thank you for your patience!

Briar strained to keep the faint smile to his lips in the face of her laughter. Ears flicking back before he swiveled them back to pointed attention. Well I don't know the folk you socialize with but, yes, I find 'Pisser' degrading.

His shoulders hiked as he drew a sharp inhale through his nose. Why, after all, he could answer her question nicely. The little imp woman poked and prodded and was clearly oh-so proud of herself with her goading. Surely he could be better—no—he would be better than her in this. My name is Briar. I would like if you would refer to me as such.