Redhawk Caldera Unbidden
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
All Welcome 
Heph lingered on the edge of the Caldera, she had been unsure whether to extend her journey so far to the south, whether it was wise to invite the pack to the hunt. And yet if Dwin said that her sister might marry into Moonglow and a friend may find a home in Moonspear then they were potential allies and she wished this hunt to be a success. So she stayed to the edges and lifted her head up in a call, no urgency and yet a request to be met. She bore the skins of two otters on her back because she had not met these wolves before and she did not wish to come empty-handed to them as a stranger.

Looking for @Teya and @Maia but all welcome!
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It was good to have Bridget around, but as the weather grew colder, Maia began silently fretting. She had both no reason to and every reason to. Brecheliant was as quiet as ever. But Teya struggled with her grief, time kept passing no matter how much she wished it would stop, and now Frolic was looking to make her own way in the world as well. Maia was outwardly cheerful, but it was so hard not to cling to the few children she had left here.

She hadn’t really spoken about it with anyone, but she knew this past spring had been their last. Even if Eljay wanted to try again, something told her it was time. She shouldn’t push her luck.

They deserve their own lives.. She’d always hoped that at least some would choose to settle here and make her a part of it. It was wishful (selfish) thinking, but… no. As long as they were happy.

A call went up and Maia welcomed the distraction. She jogged to meet the woman, a stranger with a casual bearing and kind eyes. Maia smiled at her, greeting her with a friendly approach. Hello. Is there something you needed from Brecheliant? I’m Maia.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph smiled in turn offering a tip of her head. "I'm Heph from Moontide. We plan to hold a large hunt in Hoshor plains to the northeast of here soon and I came to invite Brecheliant." Her voice did not falter over the words although they cut straight to the point.

She realized quickly though that the explanation most likely did not explain the invitation or who she was, she was not sure if anyone from Brecheliant except Dwin had met a wolf from Moontide after all. "It err might seem strange but I met a wolf Dwin who mentioned her sister might be staying in Moonglow and wished to extend the invitation and bring you these." She slid the two otter skins from her back and took a half step forward to lay them between the two wolves before retreating once more. Perhaps she should have simply asked Moonglow to send word or even Rodyn who was more experienced in both travelling the south and in matters of diplomacy, but her voice was warm and smooth as she spoke, betraying only a hint of the potential for awkwardness.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia was surprised by the request, and while she hid it well, it evoked a low anxiety. She wasn’t the strongest hunter, but could they afford not to go right now? Maybe she’d need to talk to Eljay about it and see what some others in the pack thought. If Frolic was old enough she’d jump at the chance, but… she’d just gotten home. It would be valuable experience for all the kids, and maybe she could…

They are my daughters, Maia replied, smiling and cutting off her train of thought abruptly. The otters were lovely, and brought to mind the other young man who’d come with things to offer. These wolves were friendly in such a forward way. They should really send gifts back, but she wasn’t sure how much they had to spare. I really appreciate that. You didn’t need to… but thank you.

Maia glanced back, then shifted a bit on her paws. I can ask and see who all would like to come? If you have a time and place. I don’t want to promise anyone, but I think… I’m pretty sure we will be there. She might embarrass herself in front of other packs, but it wouldn’t be worth it to miss out on the chance to network and repay some of what they’d given. Brecheliant was shrinking; as her children found other homes, they couldn’t afford being so isolated down here.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph nodded, replying warmly. While she was glad to hear that they might come she did not wish to pressure them, hearing the question in Maia's voice over who among their number might travel to the plains. It was still early in the season of winter but winter nonetheless. "We look forward to seeing you there, but please don't feel pressured to make the journey if we called too suddenly."She spoke honestly tone open and even over her words.

Swiftly tilting her head to the northwest she looked in the direction of the lake and the plains as she gave the time and place. "Three days before the next full moon. Hoshor plains is to the northeast of here a little over a day of traveling quickly. If you head east to Meadowlark and then north until you reach the greatwater lake it will be just north of there across the river." The journey would be longer skirting the lake and crossing Otter Creek instead of Whitefish River although perhaps safer, she doubted that the river would freeze over easily and so early into the season.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia smiled and gave a soft, dismissive laugh. I’m sure it will be fine! Her own nerves shouldn’t prevent the pack from meeting their neighbors and taking part. Imagine! Besides, Eljay would be fine here, and there would be others that would stay.

It had been a while since she’d traveled, but she was sure she knew the plain Heph spoke of. Someone will be there. Even if I can’t make it. She looked in the direction and committed the details to memory, then looked back to Heph appreciatively. Thank you, for inviting us. It will be good to meet some of the other packs.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph grinned at the conformation and tipped her head gently at the thanks. "Of course, safe travels. And once we're all there feel free find me or our alpha Rodyn for any introductions." She added. While they might prefer to seek out Kukutux or their own daughter for introductions within Moonglow and the other Moon packs there were more coming besides. Hopefully they would all be able to work together or at the very least get along, although it would be a boon if the hunt yielded nourishment for good will.

Heph would stay a short while longer, answer any questions or simply wish her farewells and then head off again.

last post from me :D