Reserving pups?
send my soul away
1,066 Posts
Ooc —
Master Guardian
Because I think this is a topic that comes up every year and is something worth discussing further since there are always a few members who have questions, I wanted to add some things for everyone, not just the players involved in this thread:

First, I want to remind everyone of our FAQ, which covers a lot of the questions people have during breeding season. The FAQ is located here:

Second, I want to remind players that these rules were rules instituted after player feedback (this may not be something newer players know) - these were rules that our members, in that time's climate, felt were necessary measures and represent the values of our community. WOLF has always been a community that is flexible, and rules are often revised or removed based on majority feedback. If players are feeling discontent about our current rule-set, open up a discussion!! As our member base grows, it will change -- and as it changes, the needs of our players and the environment of our Guidebook will also change to reflect that.

To jump back to the discussion here, players do need permission to impregnate and/or get pregnant and have litters, period. Both parties in conception need permission - the male AND the female. They need it from whoever the leader of their Group is - LWs need CM permission, and pack wolves need the permission of their PMs within their pack. (Pledged wolves count as LWs and must get CM permission)

This permission must be granted prior to the start-date of their conception thread. If they have a conception thread before permission is granted, both parties will need a new thread conceiving. Conception threads cannot predate the date permission[s] were granted - this goes for BOTH parties.

It is not a matter of "someone else controlling your character"; it's a matter of simple hierarchy. Realistically, not every wolf in a pack breeds in the wild. Realistically, not every puppy survives to adulthood. The game had to find some compromise between what the members want, and our theme of semi-realism.

Now for a bit of a behind-the-scenes takeaway from someone who has been / is a PM:
When you join a pack, you are joining someone else's (a leader's) vision. That leader is your character's leader, and they have full jurisdiction over much that happens in their pack. Who can stay, who is accepted, who is exiled or chased out, and who can breed.

Puppies are a limited resource; each pack can only have 8 puppies in their roster. PMs are tasked with the unenviable responsibility of deciding which characters among their pack of assumed 16 adults can have puppies. There are always going to be pairs or individuals that are denied permission in light of this, as there are half the amount of puppy slots to available adults.

PMs, for the most part, want to give people puppy slots. It does them no favors to withhold all slots. A smart PM can project long-term the viability of their pack, and look for ways to draw in new members to keep things engaging. PMs will encounter very few downsides to giving puppy slots, but keep in mind those slots are limited and often times spoken-for quite early in the season. When those slots are filled, that is it - no more until a spot frees up, period. A PM denying someone in light of that is not being cruel or controlling - they are following the rules stated in the Guidebook. (

There are not many negative reasons to give out the slots, but there are many negative repercussions that can happen when a PM withholds slots. Puppies present the opportunity for new growth in a pack, which is fundamental for that pack's longevity. Puppies bring in character development, which keeps characters active and engaged. Puppies bring in new players to the pack, and they also contribute to the pack member count. A smart PM will want to keep active members in their pack, and will reward their activity by allotting the members slots. Members denied slots have the opportunity to vote with their feet and take their body elsewhere -- which in the end, detracts from the pack member counts and can threaten a pack's stability/longevity.

The onus is on the players to be active and valuable assets to their pack. If they are active and valuable, PMs will want to reward them -- often by puppy slots.

If you don't like that your PM has denied you, feel free to vote with your feet and try to find better luck elsewhere. Better yet, it may be a good idea to try to form your own pack, where you can make your own subset of rules ICly, including dictating who gets to fill up the puppy slots.

To rehash:
Everyone needs permission from their group leader to breed.
PMs are in charge of distributing pup slots, but are limited by the number of slots they can give (8).
Players are more likely to get slots when they are long-standing and contributing members to the pack.
Players can vote with their feet and go somewhere else if they are unhappy with their PM.
Players can at any point make their own pack.
Players can open up discussion at any point if they feel rules are outdated or no longer fit our current climate.
when you come down to take me home
send my soul away
Messages In This Thread
Reserving pups? - by Aphrodite - March 06, 2020, 12:25 PM
RE: Reserving pups? - by Surya - March 06, 2020, 12:28 PM
RE: Reserving pups? - by Reiko - March 06, 2020, 12:29 PM
RE: Reserving pups? - by Aphrodite - March 06, 2020, 12:37 PM
RE: Reserving pups? - by Towhee - March 06, 2020, 12:31 PM
RE: Reserving pups? - by Ying - March 06, 2020, 12:45 PM
RE: Reserving pups? - by Towhee - March 06, 2020, 01:03 PM
RE: Reserving pups? - by Reiko - March 06, 2020, 12:49 PM
RE: Reserving pups? - by Talamasca - March 06, 2020, 01:05 PM
RE: Reserving pups? - by Arcturus - March 06, 2020, 09:13 PM
RE: Reserving pups? - by Aphrodite - March 07, 2020, 08:54 AM