Whump research
send my soul away
1,066 Posts
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Master Guardian
1. How quickly would a severe laceration  heal without stiches?
Depends on the laceration site, the depth of injury, and the amount of motility in the surrounding structures. For a non-mobile site, a good guess for full wound closure is probably five weeks for a wound that needed stitches but got none. Most lacerations heal from the inside out. ROM will impact how quickly a wound closes, as will how vascular the tissue is. Something on the leg will have a slower healing time than something on the neck or head, for instance.  Then there are also other complications at play such as the type of connective tissue lacerated - in general skin heals quite rapidly, tendons slower, and ligaments slowest of all.

2. How would a wolf avoid infection in a punctured eye?
Any sort of puncture in the wild usually comes with some sort of infection. In the wild, punctured tissue can have a good prognosis, but punctured joints (IE joint puncture of the stifle, hock, etc) are almost always fatal. Eyes are very fragile and are likely to become infected once punctured, and tend to develop ulcers if left untreated; generally prognosis is good for survival, but not visibility in the punctured eye.  

3. How soon would a wolf be able to eat again after a devastating mouth injury?
Depends on location and injury type. Face injuries heal fairly rapidly due to the highly vascular nature of the head.

4. How bad of body condition would a wolf be in after starving for 3-6 weeks?
Wolves are 'feast or famine' predators - they can go 2+ weeks without food without extreme loss of body condition. A good rule of thumb is to use a body conditon scale, and detract one level on the scale for every 2 weeks they go without food. Most wild animals fall within 4-5 on the BCS, with very few outliers at 6+ and many more at 4 or lower.
when you come down to take me home
send my soul away
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Whump research - by Memory - April 05, 2020, 12:26 PM
RE: Whump research - by Reiko - April 05, 2020, 01:02 PM
RE: Whump research - by Arcturus - April 05, 2020, 02:33 PM