Broken Antler Fen Nothing compares to when the smoke settles and you're the last [m]an standing.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya had expected reyes to tire. but still she ran, and still he toiled behind.
her dancing strides had returned them to the meadow of low mists, and here the last of her strength evaporated.
the girl forced herself on and on still, but her stride had loosened and still reyes was behind her.
unknowing if it was fear or desire that led her on, the raven whirled to face him, hackles flaring to life and lithe body planted in the muckwater borders of the fen here.
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RE: Nothing compares to when the smoke settles and you're the last man standing. - by Teya - August 14, 2021, 08:53 PM