Noctisardor Bypass He's the one give his life to protect you
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Druid crouched over the water, perfectly still and breathing shallowly. She could see catfish feeding a little ways beyond the shore. She willed one of them closer. She knew she would have to dive to catch it, though she didn’t mind the thought of getting wet. It would feel nice on this muggy May midday.

She thought she heard raised voices in the distance. Were they angry? That was odd. She refused to move, though she strained to hear. Druid couldn’t pick up anything in particular and soon silence fell, though the tension broke a few minutes later as she sat up with a sigh. The catfish had moved out of sight and she was getting a crick in her neck.

She brought up a paw to rub at it, then glanced at the water before deciding to pursue a meal elsewhere. Druid steppped back from the bank—swollen from recent spring rains—and chose a direction at random, loping alongside the water. Maybe she would find another fishing spot, though she hoped she might come across something she could snatch a bit quicker.

She heard a wet thud ahead and hastened her step a little, coming across an agitated Etienne. Druid’s eyes flew wide. He was back! She was glad to see him, though something was clearly amiss. Her expression quickly shifted into one of mild alarm.

Etienne, what’s the matter? Druid asked.
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RE: He's the one give his life to protect you - by Druid - May 15, 2024, 02:55 PM