Horizon Ridge And I know that you miss him, the way he used to listen
Gentle doesn't mean weak
903 Posts
Ooc — Danni
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Gloves of darkened brown against backdrop of sand. Masked like the large trees that borders his families borders way back in the furthest reaches of the cliffs. Golden eyes glinted and moved along the many landmarks that lead him home, and away again.

Etienne had not planned to go far. Just a small foray into the nearby territories. Something to break up the monotony of every day life and hopefully jar him from whatever mind terror he was experiencing. Where he thought coming home would fix him and in a way it had.

He was more relaxed than he had been in months. And yet. There was a part of him that called out for sunset eyes and cold broad shoulders. Also for the warmth of the two sisters, even one he sort of hated. And the children. Gods he missed the children.

But Etienne also knew that he was not ready to go back. he didn't know if he would ever be able to return. Atop the mountains of heartache, now beaten upon his furrowed brow was glaciers of shame. He had done the one thing he had promised he wouldn't do. He could try all he wanted to excuse this behavior. Yes Anselm had told him to leave. Yes he was heartbroken and it hurt ot be there. However, that did not excuse his refusing to speak to Heda and Anselm.

Part of him knew though if he were to speak to Anselm, one questioning plea from the broken mountain man. And he would have stayed. Set aside his own misgivings, his own heart. And gave it still beating to the man that meant more to him than most anyone else.

He sucked in a deep breath and walked along the ridge. Nose finding small crevices where once upon a time, a land slide had slid. He wondered briefly if everyone had survived, and if they hadn't. Had the survivors been okay. It reeked of bear here. At the edges of the forest glades. It made his fur stand on end.

But he continued forward. Anxious. Curious. Heartbroken.
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And I know that you miss him, the way he used to listen - by Etienne - May 30, 2024, 07:48 PM