Stone Circle Just to see how far I'll go
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
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Arlette had been happy when she first arrived back at Easthollow, however, the last few days dread was growing in the pit of her stomach. She had still been a little sick, and while she ate less than she would have before, her sides kept expanding. Perhaps someone that wasn't familiar wouldn't notice but Arlette herself noticed things were different. Now she feared the worst. If it is what she thinks it is, then it was bad. Really bad. The female was still in denial and just brushed it off. However, she would do her best to avoid her mother. She just decided to keep herself busy with sorting through the herbs and other plants they brought from their trip. At least that would keep her mind busy enough.
~ nanuk ~
592 Posts
Ooc — Keg
He didn’t venture far from the den these days. His family the only thing on his mind. But it had been over a week since they were born. And everyone seemed healthy, Nanook seemed healthy, so Sia figured he should try to get back into some old habits. They had made a promise to Valette, to help her and Greyback with the pack. A responsibility he felt guilty for neglecting as of late.

So today he greeted his wife with his intention to be away for a couple of hours before returning with something for her to eat. Saying goodbye, Siarut headed for the border. Although he hadn’t quite made it when Arlette’s scent reaches his sensitive nose. He hadn’t even realized she had returned. Sidetracked the man followed her path easily, her scent intermingled with the forest herbs she had collected in her travels. He was sure Nanook would want to see when she had a spare moment. “Arlette?” Sia called softly so as not to frighten her.
Inuttuk, Common

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Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette had not heard the male approach, but his soft tones were pleasant enough not to startle her. She looked up and then turned around to see Siarut. She didn't feel like seeing anyone but she figured that around Sia her little secret was safe. It was mostly women she was afraid of seeing, in fear they would see something they recognized. "Hi Siarut," she greeted. Out of that fear and Nanook's honesty she had not come to see their babies yet.

The feeling flushed. "I heard you had your babies, congrats," she smiled and then looked down at her feet. "Sorry that I haven't come by yet, but mom was usually protective of her pups so I thought I wait till they would come out of the den," she excused. It was not a complete lie. She didn't want to be in their face. "How are you?"
~ nanuk ~
592 Posts
Ooc — Keg
He smiled at her greeting. It had almost been a year since he first found refuge here, and yet he was only now becoming comfortable enough to share his emotions with others aside from Nanook. He approached a little closer, completely oblivious to her growing form. But he did notice her lack of enthusiasm. The young lady he was used to was a bubbly one, always with a smile on her lips. While she was smiling, her gaze easily found her feet. Curious, and slightly worried, Siarut took a moment to think about what to say.

"We did." He confirmed his smile growing at the mention of his children, already so proud. "Three boys and a girl." With a slightly bashful glance toward his paws, he shook his own swelling delight away to focus on the friend before him. "It's been almost a week, I'm sure Nanook would welcome a visit from her niece." He had seen Valette approaching the den as he was leaving, and he knew Nanook adored Arlette. Siarut knew family visitations would be welcome.

"I am well. Tired. But well." With the newborns there was never much sleep to be had. But Siarut wouldn't change anything for the world. He got lost in thought for a moment, letting silence fall between them. But he was reminded in the silence, that Arlette was usually much more energetic then this. So he ventured out of his comfort zone, clearing his throat slightly and taking a rather awkward seat. "Are you alright Arlette?" He wasn't outwardly the most carrying, but he did care deeply, much more deeply then he could ever admit. But he was a truly empathetic soul, and he wondered if it was time to show his family that. For he realized at the moment, they were his family. Not all related by blood, but all related by soul.
Inuttuk, Common

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Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette did smile at that news. It was like her own siblings last year. Those were also three boys and a girl. She was glad to hear such good news, and that they were all healthy. That was the most important, not the gender but that they were all healthy and happy. She did feel guilty for not dropping by yet. She was just afraid that Nanook might spot something. Then again, maybe she was just worried about nothing and was she just imagining things.

"That is good to know. I will drop by soon then to see the new additions," she spoke, really meaning to do so. She wanted to see them, she liked pups. "Has Mom not taken over yet?," Arlette asked curiously since well, her mother had not looked very pregnant when she returned. She wondered if her mother would have a litter this year. Oh god, she hoped so. Instantly panic rose, because if her mother would not have pups and she would have... Oh god her mother was going to kill her. Arlette not so good at hiding things so it was probably seen, her brief look of terror.

She nodded quickly. "That is normal. I think everyone feels tired when there are pups around." She knew how much even her mother appreciated an hour of sleep when she would watch them. Arlette looked up surprised when Sia asked how she was doing. "Me? Uh.. Yeah!," she quickly returned. "Traveling was fun but also stressful and I've seen A LOT. Like I climbed mountains and survived a snowstorm. It is a lot to process." This wasn't really a lie because what happened at their journey was something she needed to process. But if Sia even noticed that something might be wrong then maybe she should pick up her game of hiding and me more... excitible. It was just so hard when you were stressed... Damn.
~ nanuk ~
592 Posts
Ooc — Keg
Siarut chuckled slightly at her tone, well aware that Valette knew he way around a brood of children. He was happy though, that the other mother had given Nanook her space. Sia had never seen the Matriarch with very young children, despite the fact that she had raised so many. But he could guess that Nanook's mothering style would differ from Valette's, he could imagine the conversations that would arise as they grew older. He found himself hoping that Valette was also pregnant, to see them raising their children together would be a blessing.

The conversation turned toward Arlette, which Siarut welcomed. He hadn't missed the flash of terror that skittered across her features, peaking his interest and worry even further. But he didn't mention it right away. Normally he was a straightforward man, spoke what he meant and voiced what he wanted to know when he wanted to know it. But this was Arlette. He didn't know her as well as he realized he should. He had learned from his sisters, from Nanook, from all the women in his life, that sometimes asking about specific feelings and circumstances could back fire. So the northerner nodded his head, sagely, hiding his own terror at the mention of the snowstorm. His years of experience making it easy to conceal. "A snowstorm? Impressive." Sia's voice was steady, but he was reminded of the last snowstorm he had weathered and the tragic consequences that followed. "And a lot to process." He conceded with a small smile.

"Was Kaito with you?" Siarut couldn't remember seeing the young man around recently, but then again he hadn't seen much of anyone aside from Nanook and of course the children. He kept a careful eye on her, worry seeping into his stare. She still seemed off, he expression still pinched and forced.
Inuttuk, Common

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Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette flushed as she remembered what actually happened in that cave later on. The female looked to her toes again before able to look up at Siarut once more. "It was all Kaito. He found the cave, he knew there was one," she nodded, clearly very charmed by him. "Though I helped him stay... warm," she smiled, cheeks heating up again. She quickly wanted to avoid this topic though because she couldn't really think of it and not blush about it.

She nodded. "He was. He was teaching me how to transport herbs. We went to pick up the ones he gathered before he lived in Easthollow," she explained, trying to sound more bubbly and excited. "We also visited Ira and her pack that was why it took longer," she admitted. "I've never been away before from Easthollow so I was just amazed to see how much is out there." She really had a lot to process. She had never climbed mountains before or visited other packs she had always been just... here.
~ nanuk ~
592 Posts
Ooc — Keg
He was happy to here that the young man was having a good influence on Arlette. Being a scout Siarut knew that most wolves came into their own by venturing from home. Just as he had, and his sisters, and most of those he encountered. Although Sia was a little worried about the keeping warm aspect of their journey. He tried to keep his mind out of the gutter, but he did quirk a brow and hummed along as she continue to speak of her journey.

"I'm surprised you're mother hasn't mentioned any of this since you've been back. Have you seen her?" While Val had been good about keeping a distance, she had still come by. Of course she had. She was worried about her sister, and the pups. Sia know Nanook appreciated the company as well, he wasn't afraid to admit he could be a bore sometimes. In face Valette hadn't even mentioned that Arlette and Kaito had returned at all. Normally the woman was bouncing of the walls with news about her children.
Inuttuk, Common

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Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette saw the raised eyebrow and she instantly felt extreme embarrassment go over her. She looked away which probably made her look more guilty than she actually intended to look. She couldn't bare to eye at the male for a moment. She didn't want to go against it in fear it would be a discussion. Better to let it rest. The female was glad when the topic switched. Arlette dipped her head. "Yes. She was there when I returned. Maybe she didn't think it was that interesting to know, because you were just focussed on your own pups?," she wondered. She couldn't look into her mother's mind but maybe that was the case.

Or worse, Valette was already suspecting something like she was herself, and then.. oh no. What if her mother was mad at her? Arlette was worried for a moment. But she also didn't want to go see her mother. "How is Nanook doing? Does she like being a mother? She is a great aunt so I am pretty sure she will be a good mom too," she chatted. "What are the puppies names?," she asked curiously.
~ nanuk ~
592 Posts
Ooc — Keg
Siarut looked skeptical, he wasn't doubting the fact that Valette knew, he just wondered were Arlette's strange energy was coming from. Had Valette noticed something was going on with her daughter? Or maybe it had just been that long since he had seen her, that he forgot her mannerisms? He doubted it, but left the topic for now. He'd find out if it was important, if it wasn't then it probably wasn't any of his business.

"Nanook is doing well. She's amazing. A natural mother." He spoke around a broad smile, proud as every,"The eldest, his names Selamuit. Then there's Kallik, our second boy. Taktuq was third, the only girl. And last, Ikiaq, our third and final boy." Siarut's smile carried through his words. Life was good right now... Siarut realized it in that moment. Life was good right now. He was the happiest he had ever been. His life was perfect, just the way it was.
Inuttuk, Common

[Image: nsUn6t6.png?1]
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Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette could feel Sia's eyes on her and wondered if he had been seeing anything. Arlette just pushed that thought away, she wasn't even certain she was right. She hoped not. The pale female had to smile when the male spoke about his children. Arlette melted a bit because it was very cute. "You sound like a proud mate and father," she smiled. She was amazed at the names. "Very traditional names, too! I know I have Inuit heritage but mom never really taught me. She isn't that into it expect her own stone religion," she joked lightly.

"I must visit you and your family soon, I hear you," she then smiled, though that she wouldn't do yet. She would first need to find out what to do from there. Especially discuss things with Kaito. She smiled at Sia, kind of running out of things to say while she never really ran out of things to say. She looked to her toes and then away. "I should continue with sorting my herbs though. And, I don't want to keep you away from your family."
~ nanuk ~
592 Posts
Ooc — Keg
Siarut had been suitably distracted, her odd behavior not forgotten but set aside for the moment. He was still so knew to being a father, when others brought up his family he couldn't help be devote his attention to them. "Very traditional. Considering my family history, and Nanook's love for the north, it was bound happen." He still remember the conversation he had with Nanook when they decided on their names, it seemed like so long ago now. But it was a very fond memory, and his smile continued as he looked to his paws for a moment. Reminiscing.

Lifting his head, he nodded casting an eye on her herbs. "Of course. You carry on. I know I'll see you soon anyway. Nanook and I want to hear all about your latest adventure. We will have to live vicariously through you for a little while." It was no secret that Nanook had always been a wandering spirit, a trait that he too shared. Now with their family, however, they wouldn't be venturing from the territory for a long while. "Arlette. He dipped his head in farewell and continued onto his chosen task.With a final smile he headed in the direction of the stones, intent on checking on the herds.

feel free to archive!
Inuttuk, Common

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