Lost Creek Hollow ≡ Get Stoned
97 Posts
Ooc — Impala
All Welcome 
He had been following the river for quite some time now. Of course, it wasn't with intention to come so far outside of Legion. Still, when he had come to the borders the decision to usurp them didn't take long to argue with. Within the borders of his home he could only find so much. A true medicine man would venture beyond his comfort zone to try and utilize the world for all that it held. Secrets longed to be uncovered! 

 The benefit to travelling so near the water was having a clear path--additionally when he began to thirst it wasn't a task to find a drink. He happened to be in luck as he neared the water and something caught his eyes. Atop a long green stem a brown cylindrical mass formed. His head turned in curiosity and he braved his feet into the water to grasp the plants firmly in his mouth and  acquire them. 

 Most broke half down the stem, one came up root and all. He dropped them on the bank and stared down at them, nosing them. What on earth? They were certainly something he hadn't seen before. They smelled...quite plain if he were being honest. He chose one and pulled it to the side before he decided to bite into the brown top. He immediately began spitting as fluff filled his mouth. Gross!
Soleon is discovering Cattails.
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325 Posts
Ooc — Van
Evien had actually been out to gather cattails that day. They'd been used by his mother for wounds - both as something to soak up blood and as an antiseptic. So he wandered eastward a bit, eager to get free of the tension resting both in and outside of Ursus right now. A nice walk to the marsh would do him some good.

And that proved to be just the case. Another boy - perhaps his age, but much bigger than him - was fiddling around with some of the cattails by the bank. Brightly colored, with a strange marking on his face. Evien stopped and watched as he pulled some of the plants up and... proceeded to try and eat one.

Laughter pealed from his chest as he watched the other boy spit out the fluff within. "They're not for eating," he advised, padding up and nudging one of the plants with his nose. "That fluffy stuff inside is good for stopping the bleeding of small wounds, though."
97 Posts
Ooc — Impala
If it hadn't have been for his spitting and borderline fit-throwing he might have been alarmed that he had been snuck up on. However, he caught the words and they were just enough for him. As if he didn't know already that he had made an error. He moved back to the water and hurriedly drank. 

 Upon his return he watched the stranger come to his stash. So he knew what they were? His head turned in curiosity at the male, "What are they?" Soleon hadn't been in the healing game as long as some. Honestly, he was winging most of his knowledge. "Most" translating to the one or two things he actually knew. "Are you a medic?" 

 If he was then Soleon had a golden opportunity to get some notes. He could further the asset to Legion that he was and make great use of himself should the occasion arise. When the occasion arose. Bad things always happened. He leaned down and idly paws at the strange fluffy trees.
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325 Posts
Ooc — Van
Evien watched the other boy in amusement and let him have his time to recover from the incident. It must have been a traumatic event - Evien remembered when he'd tried to eat one, too, the first time. His dad had scolded him through laughter and helped him wash the fuzz out of his mouth. 

"Cattails," he said, pawing at one of the brown bulbs at the end of the stems. "We had a lot of them, where I grew up." Back in the marshes around the rivers. He missed it, sometimes. "The fluffy stuff in these bulbs is good for soaking up blood and helping pack wounds."

His gaze flicked up toward the boy and he nodded his head. "Yeah, I am. For a pack down southwest of here," he told him, ears angling forward. "Are you?" Maybe in training, at least.
97 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Soleon used his paws and dug apart one of the cattails to examine the fluffy particicles that it came apart as. How unique. He had used moss given how readily available it seemed to be. However, it would appear this may prove more useful. The fibers seemed to swell in his mouth as they absorbed his saliva. Perhaps they would easily absorb blood and promote clotting. Of course, he supposed they would be a bit of a pain to clean out afterwards. Still--for a heavy bleed they would be much preferred to his present ways. 

 Cattails. He marked the name away and decided he would take some back to Legion. He could study them--see how long they withstood the elements. How long they maintained their validity outside of the water. If they lasted for long periods of time and continued to be of use they would be a perfect tool to utilize. 

 "Yeah," He looked a bit sheepish about his answer. Could he make such a bold claim after making such a spectable of himself? "I, uh, I mean I want to be. I belong to Legion. I'm trying to make use of something I'm interested in," And that so happened to be saving lives. He wanted to be needed when the time came, "I haven't...had much practice, admittedly,"
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Swiftcurrent Creek
1,296 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Hope you two don't mind me butting in! :D Let me know and I will remove!

Arlette was looking for Oryx, she had not been in the territory and she had been missing her friend. She decided that she could always multitask and see what kind of plants were still growing for her medicinal stash. The girl had been going in a different direction than what she would do normally, hence why she moved into Lost Creek Hollow. She remembered when her friend Nunataq lived here, she had not seen her for a long time either. It seemed she was not allowed to have friends that would stay. Perhaps it was her...

Arlette knew it was not a kind thought. She rarely had nice thoughts about herself lately, not since the cougar attack. The girl stiffened when she heard voices, she crouched down in silence. Were they friendly? She was about to leave when she heard the brown male talk about the reeds. She didn't know about the fluffy parts, she knew about the sap of the reeds inside the stalk. The female then heard the male with the unusual face marking say he was from Legion. They were allies! Good! The girl stepped closer and chuffed, wanting to let the others know she was there.

The pale girl carried her head low, submissively. Trying to shield the scarred side of her face away from the strangers. Not that it would help since the deep scars went down her neck to her shoulder. "Hello, I couldn't help but overhear," she admitted. "Such a nice insight about the bulbs. I just wanted to share that I've been taught about the sap inside the stems. They can help against tooth aches." She spoke, not sure if her words were wanted. Now she felt a bit unsure, and usually when that happened she tended to blab out more words. "The reeds can also be used as a splint when dried. To help with bones when broken," she spoke, her red eyes glanced away from the two for a moment. She could use some friends and, well these two seemed to have interest in medicine which was always a nice bonus.
325 Posts
Ooc — Van
Not at all <3

The colorful boy seemed sheepish - not enough confidence, Evien thought to himself. That'd have to be fixed if he was going to be a good medic. You couldn't second-guess yourself. It just led to doubts and stress down the line, and Evien had enough of those to deal with without wondering if he was good enough to take care of his pack.

But the budding medic offered the name of his pack, and Evien was immediately transported back to one of his first encounters in the wilds. "Legion?" he questioned, eyes brightening a bit. He couldn't call himself her friend, but perhaps the large woman he'd met many months ago was doing well for herself now. "Then you know Arbiter?" His tail wagged slowly, rather hopeful. He'd liked the surly wolf when he'd met her. 

Another wolf joined them - a girl this time - and he unfortunately recognized the scent. The neighbors to the east. They were at war... or, well, most of them were. But Evien, and this girl it seemed, were more medicinally inclined. And he wasn't going to tear into her here, especially, so far from either of their homes. 

"I never thought about that with the stems, but I did know about the toothache part. The sap is also a really good antiseptic and fights infection." He marveled at the plants surrounding the water and turned back to the other two. "My name is Evien Kastner. It's nice to meet you both."
97 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Apparently throwing around the fact he was from legion proved useful.The brown one asked about Arbiter and he wondered...how was she? She wasn't exactly an open book of booming excitement. The girl seemed a bit jaded, detached. That wasn't to say he didn't like her...she was just very business, "Oh she's great," That seemed a little too enthusiastic. Oh well. 

Another appeared and it wouldn't take long for the scents to all identify as different. She was from yet another pack (that he did not presently recognize) and he watched and listened as she gave her advice and shared her knowledge. He supposed it was nice that wolves of varying packs could manage to share knowledge with one another. It seemed important. If he had known better than either of them...he might have made the effort. 

 Still, there was data to be collected and they both seemed well practiced within their trade. Some day, he hoped he would be in the same position. Teaching some cluless other that needed the assistance. 

  It didn't take long for the darker one to introduce himself. Soleon's eyes fell on him and then moved back to the girl, "I'm Soleon Mathias," He offered a warm, and yet somehow awkward, smile and nodded to them, "I was telling him I'm trying to learn about....well everything, but cattails for now," Smooth. 

 He supposed he could have been curious about the cause of the lacerations that deorated the young woman...but it equally seemed rude.
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Swiftcurrent Creek
1,296 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette dipped her head in greeting to the two males. The female turned her face towards the darker male and nodded. "That is useful information. Thanks for sharing," she commented. Since she didn't know that it could work as an antiseptic for wounds. She could have used that when she was suffering from her own wounds. Now they were fresh scars. She was glad that she had been able to battle any infections. Though, they didn't have a lot if any cattails at Easthollow, they only had streams and not really ponds were they were usually growing.

Since everyone introduced themselves Arlette also told them their name. "Likewise, I am Arlette," she added to the conversation. Arlette gently wagged her tail. "You have to start somewhere Soleon. It is a good start since they are so multifunctional. If you ever want to learn more you can come and find me at Easthollow," she returned to him. "For you as well, Evien." She was unaware of their packs being in a clash, as she had not been at the confrontation. For now the dark male seemed just as friendly as Soleon.