Broken Antler Fen culling voices
16 Posts
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@Ibis @Maia @Teya @Wraen I hope I got leadership tags right?

Her mind eased as she approached the familiar setting. As the earth softened beneath her paws, the raucous cries of waterfowl and amphibians rose, distant yet all around. She carried herself with an air of tiredness toward the borders of Brecheliant, her physique slouched lower even than the first time she had come, a couple of months ago now. The sense of defeat she carried with her was now twofold, weighing on her visibly.

The first time, she and her brother had been separated. Only a few days passed before Livia decided she could not live comfortably in this pack knowing he might be lost, hungry and alone, while she enjoyed the spoils of communal living. 

But he was nowhere to be found. 

So she came again alone, and many times as exhausted. She couldn't think about her brother any more, not for a while. The young she-wolf sat back on bony haunches and sent a call into the damp wilderness. Her voice, if slightly ragged and unclear, was loud, to ensure that she was heard.
1,178 Posts
Ooc — ebony
protective of ibis and her little ones, teya kept herself to the strengthened borders. she took time to fish, but as of late, her kills went to be stored in the cache nearest the auspex' den. 
today, however, she carried a glistening trout, intending to bring the catch to the place where maia kept herself tucked with eljay. ibis had informed her that they had been given permission to begin a family in brecheliant, and she wondered if this had already happened.
despite her earlier jealous unsurety when it came to the subject of children, teya was pleased that this sensation had passed, and she devoted herself to hunting and patrols with a new zeal.
a girl, younger than her, haggard and pale upon the borders. teya lashed her tail and approached, dropping the fish into the loam as she looked over the stranger. soft green eyes. pretty. she felt as if the voice had been familiar, but did not know for certain. "yes?" the little raven greeted, curiosity warm in her coolwater stare.
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16 Posts
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Livia was startled by how quickly her call was answered. It was the blue eyes that caught her attention first, so stunning against the red fur of the woman. Livia reacted by instinct, standing, yet lowering her stature; she didn't cower, but she did take the measures necessary for showing respect. She was certain she had seen the red wolf before, but could not place a name.

Her olive eyes peered softly up. "I am Livia," she murmured. "I was here at the beginning of spring, but I... I did not stay long." She cast her eyes downward for a moment as a wash of shame came over her. "Would you accept me back?" The words were hard to say. She had no idea how this woman would perceive this story of hers.
1,178 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya was displeased to hear that this woman had come and gone, but if she had been given entry, it must have been for a good reason. and so the raven studied the returned she-wolf for a long moment. "why leave?" if she wanted entry into brecheliant, teya felt entitled to know what sorts of things might drag her away again.
it was for ibis she spoke now, ibis who had lost two daughters and a husband since their conception. no more chaos or change could touch the roots of the fen, and she punctuated this with a lift of her chin. the other was hale enough and could be put to work. with more children presumably to arrive, a hunter was always necessary, but loyalty ranked more highly to teya.
yet her body remained open, her air friendly enough.
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16 Posts
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"Oh... right," she said quietly, blinking. It was the right of the other to know why Livia would have come and gone so quickly when determining whether she should be permitted to return. 

"I was separated from my brother shortly before I came here in the Spring. I... I felt like I'd abandoned him. So I left to look for him again," Livia released a sharp sigh. "I couldn't find him. I don't think I will. " He's probably dead... but she could not bring himself to say the words aloud. 

"I should not have left so impulsively. It wouldn't happen again. And I can do whatever work is needed." Here, she managed a smile. The blue-eyed female, despite wanting answers, had maintained a friendly posture. Livia appreciated it.
1,178 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya tipped her head to one side as livia explained. the raven, with no ties outside of brecheliant, could not hope to know the pull that drew one away. though — she supposed it would be the same if wraen or ibis or bridget suddenly disappeared.
she would go to find them.
straightening with this new understanding, she swayed her plume once. "hunting. fishing. come," she invited, meaning to take livia to the heart of the fen, where she would show the new eun liath their finest catching-spots.
wonderingly, she watched the other, wondering if there were more secrets beneath that pretty hide. "i teya."
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
16 Posts
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The she-wolf gave her answer in a simple manner: she spoke of the work needed, and then beckoned Livia to follow her into the territory. A smile's ghost crossed her lips, and gratitude shone in her eyes should the leader seek her gaze. 

Thank you, breathed Livia, the long-lost feeling of relief having overcome her like the warmth of the sun.