Silverlight Terrace You are you and i'm me
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn found a new secret on the mountainside. He slid down the rock face, his yellow eyes tracing over the green lands that lay beneath it. The hills that rolled and roiled along the area, a welcome sight to the youth's eyes.

It was beautiful here. A little meadow of goodness on a harsh mountainside. He loved the new little secrets he was finding. Little pockets of heaven in the mountain. That he had decided to make his home. He thought he would miss forests, but he was fast growing used to the mountains around him.
16 Posts
Ooc — Harvest
Darcy had returned to the Teekon Wilds, after leaving almost immediately the last time. There had been no rhyme or reason for her leaving, and none for her return. She'd been wandering the place for days now, ranging across mountains and valleys, and mostly avoiding anywhere that smelled like pack territory--who wanted to deal with angry, territorial wolves?

But just one wolf seemed like it might be okay. And in a place as beautiful as this, with its green rolling hills, what could possibly go wrong? With an easy gait, Darcy approached the dark wolf, yet still kept a bit of distance just in case this guy was racist. "Hey," she said, sweeping her tail in casual friendliness.
I write short (shit) posts because otherwise I won't write at all. If you want long and/or quality posts, don't thread with me.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gonna set this vague before his acceptance into Moonglow, thread isn't finished

Rodyn hummed quietly to himself, enjoying the solitude and the day. He was fast learning to like his own company. Oh it was nice now and again to have others to talk to, and he missed someone to curl next to when it was cold, but it wasn't too bad.

Rodyn's shoulders stiffened, but only because he wasn't expecting another. He studied the femme in front of him. She was small, and well built, a runner he'd wager. And not a wolf, the closer she came the  more he realized she was coyote. Most wolves would have run her off, but he didn't see any reason for that. 

Hi there. Was his gentle chuff, and he thumped his tail once, twice on the ground.
16 Posts
Ooc — Harvest
Darcy grinned and swayed a little as the wolf said hello in a friendly manner. It was nice to know that not all wolves were dicks. "I'm Darcy," she said, coming closer to him, and feeling a little emboldened as she did so. She allowed a swagger into her walk. "Whatcha doin' out here?"

short post because intros between characters are always hard
I write short (shit) posts because otherwise I won't write at all. If you want long and/or quality posts, don't thread with me.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
They really are aren't they lol

The swagger in her step, made Ro chuckle to himself. He leaned forward to smile at her. Rodyn Ardeth at your service.

Rodyn looked around and shifted. Enjoying the day and the space. What about you Miss. Darcy?
He took a breath of her scent, to memorize it for later.  His eyes cast along the greenery, and then back to her. 

I just recently came to these woods. Just sort of feeling my way around. Never been to a mountain. First time.
16 Posts
Ooc — Harvest
Darcy raised an eyebrow (or whatever the anatomically correct version of that is for a wolf lmao) at Rodyn's lean-forward-and-grin. Was he flirting with her? To be fair, Darcy always hoped everyone was flirting with her because she loved to flirt. Her tail wagged several times, hard, and she gave him her best smoldering eyes.

She allowed some amount of sultry smokiness to enter her voice as she next spoke. "I'm not doing much out here, myself. It is a good day for exploring though, isn't it?" She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, one corner of her mouth lifted in a smirk.

At his confession that he'd never been to a mountain before, she chuckled. "I grew up on a tundra. The first time I even saw a mountain, I thought there was something wrong with the world. Climbing my first one was... an experience."
I write short (shit) posts because otherwise I won't write at all. If you want long and/or quality posts, don't thread with me.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was not a promiscuous wolf, or an unkind one. He had some flirt in his genes, after all he was a male and he was young. But he always knew when to toe the line. Besides he thought it more as being kind than being flirty, but each could read their own into everything everyone did, he knew this.

Rodyn returned the tail wag, though the eyes, he kept just warm and kind. He didn't want her to get the wrong idea after all, though she was a pretty thing.

It is, you want to go for a walk or explore something? Or hunt? I'm always down to hunt. It was true, a bit boring for some, but he was always willing to hunt.

His eyes grew curious. "What's a tundra? I don't know if I've ever been on one, myself? Yea the  mountain was a task, but it was a fun one. I felt high enough to fly, but small too. It was weird.::
16 Posts
Ooc — Harvest
Darcy thought about his suggestion to explore or hunt, and found herself bored by either option. "Nah," she said, and flopped down on the ground, gazing up at him. "It's a nice day for a nap, as much as it for exploration." She rolled over onto her back, snuffling in the grass, and wiggled about. She stopped in her movements as he asked what a tundra was, and grinned at him, upside-down.

"A tundra's really flat and barren and cold. The only plants are little shrubs, and in the winter, the whole world there looks exactly the same, covered in white snow, with nothing to look at on the horizon." She paused, trying to think. "There are hills, I guess, but that's not the same as a big rock-y mountain. The only time it's pretty is when the grass turns red... and the lights are beautiful at night, when they show up. You know, in the sky." 

She rolled about in the grass some more before asking, "So, where did you grow up?"
I write short (shit) posts because otherwise I won't write at all. If you want long and/or quality posts, don't thread with me.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Clearly she didn't like his suggestions, a choked laugh came from his maw as she settled to her back and rolled around. I could go for exploration or napping too. She stared up at him, with an upside down grin. It was cute.

He didn't like the sound of a tundra. He liked plants and trees, and life underneath the loam. He liked mountains now sure, where they were teeming with life and had plants and trees and other such things. I don't think I'd like that much. Maybe the pretty lights. They'd be nice to see, but not the cold. Or dry ice.

Her next question pulled a smile to his face and he flopped down beside her, a gentle hum in his throat. Forest and loam. I was born under a large maple tree, between the roots and the soil. Most of my family are autumn colors like me. I was born just as spring was making it's new way. When it was first coming alive. There were plants and trees. It made you feel small and large all at once. The sky touched the tips of the trees.
16 Posts
Ooc — Harvest
Darcy listened to Rodyn's description of where he had been born, and she closed her eyes and smiled a little, imagining such a place. She hummed with satisfaction when he finished speaking, her tail brushing the grass beneath her. "It sounds amazing," she murmured, speaking quietly, as if to speak to loud would shatter the image in her head. She paused. "I will say that sunsets and sunrises on the tundra are amazing, because the horizon stretches forever, and there's nothing to block out the light. But... seeing the sun through trees is always pretty too, when everything is dappled green, and shadowy underneath."
I write short (shit) posts because otherwise I won't write at all. If you want long and/or quality posts, don't thread with me.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn leaned his head a little closer to hear her. She was speaking in hushed whispers, stirring the silence only barely. It was amazing, and I miss it, but it's not a sad missing. 

He hummed in his throat unsure how to put into words, what he was trying to say. He missed home, but he didn't miss home as much as he missed his mother, his siblings, his father. The familiar things.

I used to play a game with the shadows in the forest. Try and catch them before they were too small to catch, and dance along them. Childhood games really, but fun.

He closed his eyes as she talked of her own home, a smile on his face. It sounds lovely.
16 Posts
Ooc — Harvest
"Games, huh?" Darcy murmured, staring up at the sky. She took a deep breath, held it in her chest, and released it, then rolled over and stood up. With a grin at Rodyn, she very slowly crawled toward him, her belly to the ground, then reached out her nose and booped his leg. Quickly, she leapt away, tail wagging ferociously. "Tag, you're it!" she cried, and waited expectantly, bowed down low to the ground, her butt in the air.

I have no idea how he'll respond to this and I'm so excited lmao.
I write short (shit) posts because otherwise I won't write at all. If you want long and/or quality posts, don't thread with me.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I have no idea how he'll respond to this and I'm so excited lmao.

Rodyn saw her coming, and raised his brow (or the equivalent of what a wolf would do) a grin on his face. She was tricky and fun. He enjoyed her. She stalked him belly down, and then with a booop of her nose, she was gone, and her tail stirred up the air.

Rodyn quickly jumped to his feet, and mimicked her stance a playbow, down low, legs ready. He leapt forward to touch her with his nose, but wasn't sure how fast she could be. It was always fun in the chase.

Haha I love her.