Broken Antler Fen they say he's changed
8 Posts
Ooc — Winter

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: suggestive themes / mature content

It had been too many days of harsh travel, and so when the land finally gave away to a dense, timbered wetland, Zeal was inclined to explore the area and see what it held in store for him. The air was warm and sweet with the scent of sedges and cedar, frogs and insects hummed against a backdrop of whispering breeze. The pewter man paced along, unheeding of the underbrush that scraped at his thick pelt or the scent he left behind here. It felt good to have soft earth underfoot again.

There was a gentle, rolling downward slope to the land that gave way to spongy, almost wet earth the further he went, the grasses growing ever thicker and more lush. If there was a good supply of water here, then perhaps he had found somewhere worth hunting, maybe even sticking around for a while. Pacing out into a more open area, he scanned the verdant wood for signs of life, enjoying the feel of the sun on his shoulders. Though a meal would not go amiss, he found that was not against the idea of a little company today, either. He wondered if there were any packs or loners about this area, as quiet as it seemed he did not think such a place worthy of emptiness.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she had come here to talk to wraen and ibis and tambourine.
but what she found was an appreciative shadow darkening the fen. she'd sworn to reyes that she would stay close to home. for a year she would feign what she needed to, for their daughter.
it did not change the way her pulse increased when she saw the man, and when she saw the scar deliberate across his face. teya was still, watching him from across the brilliant wetlands.
this had been brecheliant's true place. for what reason was he here?
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
8 Posts
Ooc — Winter
The apparent emptiness seemed very unbefitting of such a place, and so he let out only a gently surprised huff when he spotted a bright copper form watching him closely across the fen, still as the landscape around them. Zeal gave a nod of his head in her direction, letting her know she had been spotted in return.

"Oh, Hello,"  the greeting was unceremonious, tossed across the empty space. He stepped toward the other, intending that they would not have to keep trading words at a distance. He wondered vaguely if she might try to run him off, but he wasn't ready to call the encounter a wash before they'd even begun.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya had become accustomed to satisfying what she wished.
the man greeted her. "hello," she said back, almost numbly. he was larger than her with a coat cast of jetstone and moonsilver. he was magnificent.
the raven wanted to quail.
but this had been her land.
"this was brecheliant. it enchanted land," she told him, a little tease of her mouth forming as she carefully approached. his eyes were soft gold to compliment the coloration of his coat. 
teya was quiet.
8 Posts
Ooc — Winter
Her voice echoed his own, and he came closer, noticing with a small jolt how hers mingled on the breeze. Instinct pulled him closer. She allowed his approach, her coat glinting like the sun until his shadow fell across it. He gave a soft, questioning exhalation. He wanted to be close to her, but not if she did not will it so. 

And so, they danced, a word and a step at a time.

The words she spoke were unfamiliar to his ears. "This place?" he questioned. "Seems empty now. Except for us," His tone was low and relaxed.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
soo sorry for the wait on this! <3

except for us
her stomach turned over with a fishlike flip. teya knew that the resistance she had promised would weaken, would wane, for pledge or not it was nothing she desired.
she knew nothing about this man. there was then, nothing to ruin things. no baggage. not even a name, hardly.
"except for us," teya repeated, her coolwater gaze deepening with awareness.
the lines of her body softened; she waited for the man to reach toward her.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
8 Posts
Ooc — Winter

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: suggestive themes / mature content
adding to first post as well

She seemed to be waiting for him, and so he let himself be drawn in, raising his head to watch her response and subtle movements as he approached. Signals passed unspoken between two creatures, sun and shadow dappled and danced together.
Close enough to properly catch her scent, the night-hued man came to a stop there. There were other scents subtly mingled with hers, inconsequential against the instinct hers stirred in him. Closer, closer, instinct insisted at him now.

"of course 's enchanted," he smiled, inviting her to share in it with him, "you're here," his tone was playful but already drunk with her scent, the undertones rumbling from his chest. Zeal wanted her, what did she want? Would she lead him on a chase or let him reach her?
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
was this really happening here?
ibis was here. wasn't that why she had come? it hadn't been for this man — it had been for her. but he was closer now, the masculine scent of him reminding teya that there were other options for distraction.
why should she keep a promise when it didn't change the outcome?
she had become selfish; wanting; when he moved to touch her she would arch feline and intrigued against the strength of his body. they both wanted one another. she saw no reason to wait, and boldly urged him forward with a fall of her lashes.
the fen was hers for a while.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]