Lake Rodney Legends were once Alive and Breathing
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,370 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
@Agana as promised one of my charies that isn't like Dreven. Though he isn't all bad :p

Rodyn slid between the sturdy trees that towered above him. Shade and cover they provided. Small prey animals dipped and moved throughout their burrows. The forest coming alive with their voices. Russet red paws stepped carefully around the dens and foot paths of the trees. The glimmer of the lake between the trees caught his eye.

He wasn't certain of his mission today. He could fish or he could hunt. Truthfully, it just felt good to be stretching his legs. He had been staying close to the pack lands lately. There was something stirring and he wasn't certain what it was. But there was a wildness to the air lately. It put him a bit on edge.
159 Posts
Ooc — Dan
haha no worries! I’m sure there’s more to Dreven than meets the eye!

Roaming was her specialty, so the summer afternoon found the argent close to a large body of water: Lake Rodney. It had been quite a while since the last time she was this close to water, especially after her accident with the pearl. How she missed the pearl! Her warm touch, her soft lips, her petite body sleeping next to hers back when they were in Courtfall; years passed since then, probably she did not remember her anymore. Was she even alive to begin with?

As a tribute to their companionship, Agana visited for the first time this giant lake. Actually reminded her of the two giant males she met in the burnt forest some days ago. Not really friendly fellas, but they spared her so that was something. She padded along the shore, feeling the sand infiltrating her toes, golden gaze scanning her surroundings. A beautiful lake indeed, and also quiet; only the bird’s song filled her eardrums.

A sudden feeling of not being alone filled her being; Agana gazed around and spotted not far away from her another large, umber male. Why do all males have to be so large? Her ears twitched while approaching slowly while still keeping a safe distance. “Why are you all so tall?” the question might be rude at first, but she was genuinely curious and most of all confused.
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,370 Posts
Ooc — Danni
[quote="Agana" pid='534102' dateline='1659049293']
[small][ooc]Perhaps ;)/ooc]

Rodyn's tongue lolled out of his mouth as he walked. The gentle sun beating through the trees. However, the nice breeze that blew from the water was a welcome reprieve. He continued on his journey. Not really paying attention to much, his mind on Samani and Moonglow and what his responsibilities as a trader would entail.

Rodyn saw someone coming and he froze. She came nearer and nearer, her intent upon him clear. He eased into a relaxed stance and waited. His own ears forward, tail hanging gently at his knees. He moved it on occasion. Finally, she spoke. One ear foward one ear back. Her question was a surprising one.

He smiled eyes crinkling at the corners. Well I imagine my own height gain was the fact that I ate all the time growing up. I liked to hunt, still do matter of fact.

Though I'm sorry miss. I couldn't and wouldn't dare speak for anyone else. I'm Rodyn Ardeth.
159 Posts
Ooc — Dan
The argent stopped a few steps away from the young male then tilted her head to the side and with a raised eyebrow she finally spoke: “I see. Well I guess I should try it as well.” Agana related more to a child rather than a fully grown adult female. She is direct and will not shy away from the truth, with a childish curiosity for everything around her.
“Where are my manners; I apologize for my sudden question, I did not mean to startle you.” Her lips curled into a genuine smile and an awkward giggle escaped her throat. Agana shifted her weight and turned her attention to the lake for a few moments, then back to Rodyn. “I’m Agana, nice to meet you Rodyn. Are you living around here?” She glanced back to the lake, spotting a duck floating peacefully on the crystal clear surface. Of course it reminded her of her duck; how she wished she expressed her feelings right then and there, without the fear of being judged!
Agana shook her head and turned her attention back to Rodyn, pushing the nostalgia and regret into the back of her mind. It was not the time to dwell over past mistakes, but it was time to move on, for her sake.
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,370 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn wasn't quite sure what to make of this gray and white female. She seemed kind enough. Granted, he always thought the best of others until they proved him wrong. Thus far though, he hadn't met any wolves that treated him poorly, or with provocation. Even Astraios who he had a rocky meeting with at first, at his own fault. They were good now.

He chuckled. You could.

He lay an ear forward and one back as he listened. You're alright Miss. Agana. You didn't startle me. A little confusing perhaps at first, but it all worked out.

She seemed nervous around him. He wondered if perhaps she had been treated abysmally by males in the past. He hoped not. That wouldn't be fair. Her question was of his living arrangements.

I live in Moonglow. Kukutux is our moonwoman leader. He looked around and finally pointed towards him, with his nose.

Home is that way.
159 Posts
Ooc — Dan
“I’m too curious for my own good.” She chuckled, feeling more at ease as a cold breeze brushed her mane.  Curiosity killed the cat, she knew that very well, and learning when to end the conversation and just look after her business was something she needed to master in the near future.
Then Rodyn hit her- a name she had not heard in so long. “W-What… did you…” Agana instantly looked back at him, a shocked expression on her face. Kukutux. Is she a leader now? A moonwoman? In Moonglow?  She needed to know more. She must know more. “How is she? Is she good to you?” Is she married? Agana got ahead of herself. She again shifted her weight nervously, excited to know more. Moonglow was not that far by what Rodyin said, so she could easily go and greet her.
“It doesn’t seem that far.” Would he be willing to take her there? Most likely; first she needed to find out more.
common    romanian    valerian
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,370 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Totally didn't realize she knew Kuku. Glad i decided to go with Rodyn. :D

Rodyn scuffed a paw. Nothing wrong with curiosity as long your careful with it. I'm curious myself. just gotta think about it.

He shifted and listened closely. She seemed to be a wolf of simplicity. Liked the small things. Didn't think beyond the day. He was a planner personally, but it was what it was.

Rodyn's ears laid back fearful that he had upset her, but no it had simply shocked her. Then she threw a million questions at him at once, breathless and wondering.

She is very good too me. Teaching me the ways of her people. I am a hunter for them.

He smiled thinking of Kukutux, who had ties almost everywhere. Everyone knew her name. It made him smile, a happy glow deep in his chest. He was a part of her world, and he was so happy for her. That her reach was long. She had done well for herself and would continue to do well. And then his mind turned to Samani. Would people know her name like that. If anything came of the crush he was developing would he be good enough for her. But he shook his head, bring himself back to the present. That was not something that needed bearing on right now.

 He heard the unasked question. It isn't that far. I came down for some exploration, but I never go home empty handed. Or I try not too. You wanna help me do some fishing and I can take you to moonglow and Kukutux?
159 Posts
Ooc — Dan
I’m glad you went with him :’))

“I see…” her heart ached for the duck’s soothing voice, for her calm presence, for her everything, it ached for her, not the shadow that made her a mother, nowhere to be found. If only he knew his family had grown; last time they met, he was still grieving his two wives. He would not have made her a wife, not even after carrying his child. “I’m glad she is good to you.”
But did she want to be his in the first place? No, of course not, the argent felt physical attraction towards him, a toxic attraction to powerful men that hurt her with their infidelity or lack of empathy. Kavik would have been no different; she needed stability, loyalty and exclusivity, something the raven couldn’t provide.
The pearl, Kukutux, was different in every way: a tiny female with soft features, a beautiful sight to behold. Agana was not sure what she found so attractive about Kukutux; her appearance, or her personality.
“Oh! Yes, sure, I would love to!” a noticeable excitement in her voice. The argent glanced to the water, pushing the fear of drowning aside. She needed to it for her.
common    romanian    valerian
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,370 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn didn't find attraction to Kukutux, but she made him feel as safe as his own mother. And he could understand why many would care for her.

Rodyn had not felt attraction many time in his young life except with Samani. He could comment on the physical attributes of a wolf, but the soul and heart was where his attraction mostly lied.
Rodyn smiled. Alright, in case you never fished before. You want to go about knee high. Watch the shadows not the fish and strike. They're slippy so dont get discouraged if you miss.

He stepped into the water, he tracked the shadows and quick as he could caught a fish, crushed it beneath his jaws.

rolled 2 out of 2 dice in table top on discord. 1 would have missed 2 caught.
159 Posts
Ooc — Dan
I’m not on the wolf discord so I used :’))
Rolled 1 out of 2; sadly Agana doesn’t have beginners luck :c

The argent took a deep breath and slowly stepped into the water, shivers running down her spine. Fishing was not her specialty, an activity that required attention, patience and speed. Agana might be attentive, but she wouldn’t have the patience to sit and wait for the fish to come. Moving around in the water was out of the question as she might scare the fish. Not to mention it was her first time fishing.
Agana followed Rodyn’s advice and stopped once the surface of the water was at her knees, not like she wanted to go any further. Golden gaze observed the surface, watching for any movement, any shadow. Fish were fast and cunning, it’s like they knew she was planning on catching one of them.
Finally, after years of waiting, a moving shadow; this was her chance. She just needed to sink her head and catch it; easier said than done. Agana dived head first after the fish, but when she resurfaced it, her jaws were empty.
“No! I almost had it!” a grow escaped her throat as she continued to look for shadows.
common    romanian    valerian
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,370 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Poor Agana. There is also a tabletop on this forum under drafting table i beleive :D Rolled a 2 out of 2.

Rodyn caught her shiver, he hadn't not realized she didn't like water. However, she was hardy and continued stubbornly on. She had a good form, but it was clear she was impatient. Based on the hard lines of tension in her shoulders and back.

Rodyn was of the opinion that fish were not that smart. At least not all of them. He had seen some fish that had lived long and had a glint of something in their gaze. It was disconcerting and a little frightening knowing how big some got in the middle. He had seen them jump.

Not many get one their first time.

He waited and struck again. Grasping a second fish in his jaws. If she didn't catch one this time, he would just have her carry one of his quarry's.
159 Posts
Ooc — Dan
rolled 2 out of 2 on the tabletop!

Her cheeks turned a reddish hue of embarrassment as Rodyn crushed the second fish in his jaws. Yes, it was her first time fishing therefore chances of catching a fish the first time were low. Still, Agana was blessed with beginners luck, yet it did not always work. The argent was hit by a sudden wave of jealousy, why he could do it and she could not?; toxic thoughts ruled her mind as she went further on into the like while still respecting the knee rule.
Not long after she spotted another shadow, a little smaller than the previous one. The argent stalked the fish for a while and then… strike! She did it! The fish struggled between her jaws, almost made her feel pity for the poor little soul. Agana crushed it and proudly turned to Rodyn.
“I bib it!” she called out to him, careful not to drop it back into the water (not like it could run anywhere).
As she stepped out of the lake, the lioness dropped the fish to her paws and gently shook her mane.
“I’ve had enough fishing for today, thank you very much.”
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,370 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Rodyn was oblivious to her thoughts, and he hoped for the best for her. He wanted her to succeed. Everyone deserved to succeed at things. But especially hunting and fishing in his mind.

Rodyn lifted one front paw and then another in a dance of delight. Good Job. I knew you could.

He smiled happily, tongue lolling out of his mouth for a moment. It was good to see other's reach their goals. He preferred that, building others up rather than tearing them down. One of the many reasons, he preferred Moonglow to most other packs.

 Rodyn gave a soft chuckle. That is more than enough. We have what we need. Do you have any other questions before we head to moonglow and I call for Kukutux?
159 Posts
Ooc — Dan
Of course she could, yet hearing someone else acknowledging her success was an entire level of itself. Her heart filled with pride, the jealousy she felt for Rodyn was gone as quickly as it appeared. “Thank you.” This is how it was; jealousy rising whenever someone was better than her, falling back into the blackness of the mind when she ended up outdoing them. Such a child she was.
“Yes,” silence, for a while, “Is she ruling Moonglow alone?” a metaphor for the true question that tormented her mind. She needed to know, at least that. If the answer was affirmative, did it mean that she would be happy to see her? Certainly not; the pearl probably hated her for leaving. She most likely heard she not only left her, but her child aswell. “Do you think she will recognize me?” After so long?
common    romanian    valerian
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,370 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn smiled at her. You're welcome.. Rodyn didn't usually feel jealousy. He had grown up in a way that he had always been sort of behind everyone else. You either learned how to do something or you didn't. And you didn't treat others poorly because you couldn't do something, or you met his father's teeth.

He grasped a stick and with quick precision. Stabbed it into the two fish, so he could carry them easier. He smiled at her question.

She rules with her mate Aiolos, but her sister wife has her own pack too. That she helps out with and they return the favor. There are many allies of moonglow. We are a good pack.

He had pride in his voice for his leader and their pack. Moonwoman was by far one fo the greatest femmes he had ever met.
Moonwoman has a good memory and if you were a good memory, she will remember you and greet you with open arms and paws.
159 Posts
Ooc — Dan
last from me!

Kukutux has a what now? A mate, that was expected. She was led to Moonspear by Aurewen to secure an alliance right before Aurewen became Andraste. But Aiolos wasn't part of Courtfall at the time she left? She met Aiolos, long ago; he offered to show her the sea after she asked about the taste of a seal. How tiny this world is… Not only that, Kukutux has a sister-wife aswell; that was somewhat reassuring, knowing she did come to terms with her feelings.
Agana sighed, watched her fish for a while then turned her gaze to Rodyn.
“Thank you, Rodyn, for the reassuring words.” The argent gave him a sad smile; good memory. She was far from a good memory, rather a bitter-sweet one. This reunion will be interesting, not in a good way. She was both excited and afraid; what if, what if, what if. Enough with the ‘what if’s’. “May we go now?”
common    romanian    valerian
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,370 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn did not undestand fully the entire story. Agana obviously knew Kukutux, but other than that he wasn't certain what to expect. He hoped he was not leading an enemy into the territory. If he was, well he'd take care of it, but she seemed kind enough.

Rodyn saw her trembling smile and he sighed. We can go now. He grasped the stick with the fish and began to lead her towards Moongow. And he hoped he wasn't making a mistake.

I"ll get a new post up in moonglow for her and him to see Kukutux.