Northstar Vale between the jaws of fate
5 Posts
Ooc — killi
The mist thinned as she descended the mountain. The small, white wolf moved close to the cleft that formed between the pair of mountains, this one and the one adjacent. She stopped just short of the border that had been marked as the pack's boundary. It would be dangerous to cross, despite her desire to join the pack. She was weaker than usual; not only did she want to make the best impression possible, but she also could not have lasted long in an attack.

River tilted her muzzle toward the morning sky and released a beckoning howl. When the last note melted into silence she lowered her head and kept her gaze fixed ahead of her. She did not sit down.
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,121 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Tiny thing. Small and unassuming was met by the scarred veteran. Large golden paws quickened the space between them and seen he was in front of her, with blue eyes on her. Ears forward and a small dip of his muzzle.

Hello you've wandered near Epoch. How can I help you?
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
5 Posts
Ooc — killi
Moments passed, but it was not long before her summons was answered. A more intimidating canine could not have been the one to greet her. He towered over her, and it was reflex that caused her to shrink where she stood, ears lowering, shoulders and tail slouching. If he wished, he could have knocked her down with the swipe of one paw.

But the voice that spoke to her held no malice. He was businesslike, but he was not rude. River looked warily up at him and noticed the scars crossing his face, continuing along his entire frame it seemed. She felt a deep jolt of sadness for him. A shock of sudden pity.

“Epoch..” she repeated softly, to herself rather than to him. “Hello,” she continued, raising her voice to ensure that the giant could hear her. “I-I have been tracking your pack for many days. I    need… er, I wish to join you. If there is a space for me, I would be grateful…” many wolves could survive long periods of time on their own. River was not one of these wolves, however. She was too small, too weak, and too frightful.

“My name is River.”
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,121 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She cowered in place and he took a small step back. Forgetting sometimes his sheer size was a shock to many. She was tiny enough he could have hurt her if he really wanted, but that wasn't his way.

I'm Reyson Ebonywood at your service. Unfortunately I can't invite you in, but i can call one that can.

He lifted his muzzle letting lose a low howl for @Arsenio or @Tamar . He could've called for Towhee but she was looking for Maxim.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the stresses of the work made her milk thin.

to help this, she spent several days in her den, only eating and resting as she nursed her sons.

but the call rose all the same. at just over a month old, she was not so worried. she called for another and went out.

the woman was tiny and pale. tamar stepped forward with concern. "you are hurt?"
5 Posts
Ooc — killi
"Thank you, sir," spoke River, her eyes growing large with gratitude as she gazed up at him. They waited in silence until the arrival of Tamar, a beautiful golden she-wolf. Though this was a canine closer in size to herself, River shrank once again in submission, this time her motions to lower her stature more purposeful. The golden woman was, after all, likely in a position of power within Epoch and this role demanded respect.

"I am not hurt, no. Thank you for asking," she replied. Her voice was sweetened with a sense of surprise. River hadn't expected such concern, not from a woman of status, to be shown a lowly loner such as herself. "I am a bit weak," she admitted, "I have not eaten in a while, you see. B-but it will not take me long to regain my strength. I promise to make myself useful right away." Her words were spoken in almost childlike earnestness.
Sun Mote Copse
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,121 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson shifted to give Tamar the deference due her station. The small girl spoke, her voice tiny and innocent. He said nothing at first merely listened. He did look to Tamar though and spoke quietly.

I'll do some extra hunting to fill the caches more.

He thought of the goat on the mountain. They were hardy, but he could usually dispatch them on his own. They would make a fine meal to fill their larders with.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
tamar nodded.

"i will not turn you away. this is epoch. i am tamar. his name is reyson." her eyes were soft. "what is your name?"

already she laid plans for a den near to her own. when this one had recovered, she might speak then of what role she wanted and what she wished to one day teach. for now, only peace.