Lost Creek Hollow gosling
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All Welcome 
@Crowfeather @Silvertongue he's just outside the borders, not trespassing<3

Light mist clung like a blanket to the sleepy valley floor as the storm-grey boy approached the Hollow. Eshe's scent hung heavy in the air, faint but present. It seemed like here was as good a place as any to begin the search for his sister. He had brought with him the carcass of a rabbit still warm to the touch as a gesture of goodwill to those who lived here. The left hind foot he had kept for himself - an old habit meant to bring good fortune.

Unfortunately, the ritual had done little to calm the butterflies in his stomach which fluttered as they often did. He took a deep, shuddering breath. Careful not to stray across the scent markers, Vartry placed the gift at his paws and sang for an audience.
Swiftcurrent Creek
961 Posts
Ooc — ebony

every possible moment of silvertongue's time was spent with wren, coaxing food or drink or rest, simply sitting in silence with her love. for that was what she was. the songbird boy brought her to the borders, the sharpfang melting from shadow to shadow until she fairly appeared along the boundaryline with a pointed look to her sterling features. "can i help you?" the riverwoman said, not unkindly. her glassblue eyes toiled along his lupine offering, noting the odd missing nature of a single foot.
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She emerged as an extension of the fog itself. For what she lacked in size she made up for in presence, holding herself in such a way as if to command his undivided attention. He felt himself stiffen on instinct as she spoke, following her gaze to the rabbit at his paws.

He nudged it forward. "For your t-t-troubles," he replied. Though he knew nothing of this pack's situation, he hoped they could appreciate a little extra food especially with the scent of young hanging heavy in the air. If nothing, it might make her more inclined to share any information.

"I'm looking for a w-woman named Eshe. Have you s-seen her? About this high, g-grey, freckles." Motioning with a paw like a parent would when describing their lost child.
Swiftcurrent Creek
961 Posts
Ooc — ebony

eshe. yes; "i know eshe. she lives in swiftcurrent creek, just northwest of us." she took in this man, shy with a trembling voice, and extended her paw to roll the rabbit closer. both she and this one were cloaked in stormshades of varied grey. "she is well — there's a bit going on over there. i could walk with you as far as its outer boundary, if you'd like?" she did not want to panic him, but eshe could be quite busied with all the occurrences, and she would not let a stranger walk into that.
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Swiftcurrent Creek. The words meant nothing to him apart from indicating the possible name of the pack Eshe now called home. What concerned him though was the mention of something happening there. This woman said she was well, but was he truly to believe that? "A b-bit going on?" he decided to press her further, though this was probably a matter to personally ask his sister if the time came.

At her offer, Vartry nodded gratefully. "We can walk a little of the w-way, though I wouldn't want to make you t-travel too far." For he knew close to nothing about the valley and it would be nice to have a guide. From the hollow he would follow her lead. "W-what's this place called, anyway?" 
Swiftcurrent Creek
961 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"this is riverclan, home of healers and peace. your sister is all right." silvertongue put the man's rabbit beneath a shrubbery and fell into step alongside him. "strangers, attacking others outside the border. eshe has been helping to heal. those trouble-makers are gone, but there is still work to be done. she can give you all the story," silvertongue assured, flashing the other a brilliant grin. "it is no bother to travel, but i did not get your name, and who you are to eshe," the sharpfang pressed gently, lightly. "i am silvertongue."
8 Posts
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Slowly, pieces of the valley were beginning to fall into place as the woman spoke of her home, Riverclan. It explained how she'd met him with curiosity instead of teeth and claws and for that Vartry was quite grateful he had decided to stop off here first instead of meeting his maker somewhere else. "S-sounds like she could use some backup," he met her grin with a small smile of his own, glad his sister was doing okay though some part of him ached for those that were injured. He was sure Eshe had it all under control, as she always did, but he wanted to be there for her should she need it.

"It's lovely to meet you, Silvertongue." It was quite the unusual name though beautiful nonetheless. "I'm Vartry, Vartry Frostfur. Eshe is my b-big sister."
Swiftcurrent Creek
961 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"the pleasure is mine." eshe's brother? "oh? she seems such a sweet soul. she will be happy you have come." silvertongue spoke in a friendly manner, assuming this of eshe. there was no mental note on how relieved she was to be touting a relative to the creek's borders, and not a rival man. tensions were high enough. "i hope you will not be a stranger, vartry," silvertongue encouraged with a glimmering grin. "riverclan, swiftcurrent, and kvarsheim have become sister packs to one another, after a fashion. if you know one of us, you know all."