Dawn Treader Valley Just like before, my spirit coming up
48 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
Limit Two 
Time had passed, and their guest was no happier. Andromache continued to care for her, but as the days went by her efforts at conversation dwindled. It was clear that @Silvertongue had no intention of remaining, and the princess felt, perhaps unreasonably, spurned by her reticence. What she had thought might be their empire's first great step toward making change had instead turned into a wasted effort, a familiar tragedy.

Silvertongue would return to the life that plagued her so, and thus had no place here. When Andromache went to her today she brought a meal, and words she had been waiting to say. You are languishing here, She announced as she set it down. I won't allow it. Are you ready to return to your home? Her disdain for the idea bled into her tone, but Andromache would not stop her. It was her choice. She meant to keep the promise made to @Euryalos.

No one would be kept here against their will.
Andromache's common is heavily accented. Greek is her native language.
Swiftcurrent Creek
961 Posts
Ooc — ebony

silvertongue suffered in the desert without wren. she ate little, she wept at regular intervals, and when andromache drew close with confident step and firm tongue, the riverwolf tossed up her arms in a parody of joy —! for she heard the judgement. "i will go when they try to find me again," silvertongue found herself hissing, face dropping its merry tortured look and twisting into sorrow; "and if they never do, then i will go out into the desert to die. what is the purpose of being saved," silvertongue cried, "if i have destroyed all behind me?"
48 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
Andromache found her in a state of crisis — though she supposed that was nothing new, nothing shocking. She watched her, expressionless as she veered between hysteria and desolation.

Finally, at the end of it all, she sat.

I understand, She said after a moment. It is easier to blame yourself than to accept that none of it is in your control. But this hysteria - this self-loathing, this is in your control. Nothing is destroyed, but will be if you continue this way. Her tone was gentle but firm. She felt for her, truly, but could not allow this spiral to continue in her valley. It went against all that they stood for.
Andromache's common is heavily accented. Greek is her native language.
Swiftcurrent Creek
961 Posts
Ooc — ebony

andromache was correct, but the tone of the woman's voice halted her sobs. tears trickled down her face but silently now. this pretty thing, this elegant creature to whom men bowed — how could she understand? "then i will leave. what do i owe you?" the idea of returning scandalized her; the concept of facing wren again sundered silvertongue, let alone that akavir might see her. "i will go," she said more steadily, gathering small things into a worn skin: bits of bone, a slice of cactus rich with moisture, a feather that she had found in wandering malaise. all the while, mind racing ahead to the idea that she did not have to go to riverclan at all; no; she did not even need to leave this desert. only andromache and her men, to whom she was grateful even if trembling mouth could give no more words in that regard.
48 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
Andromache reached out with a gentle paw to touch her wrist, to stop her as she began to gather up odd bits and pieces from her stay here. You owe nothing but your continued health, She said softly, aware that this may provoke Silvertongue further. I will take you home.

It had never been her intention to simply send the woman off. To depart the valley herself was nearly unthinkable in light of the newness of their claim, yet she trusted Nikolaos and Euryalos. Even Faustus was beginning to earn her trust. They would hold the valley in her absence, all of them.

What mattered now was ensuring that they did not send Silvertongue off to her death.
Andromache's common is heavily accented. Greek is her native language.
Swiftcurrent Creek
961 Posts
Ooc — ebony

riverclan was not so far away. silvertongue paused as andromache touched her, starved for wren and starved for akavir and starved for crowfeather, for those who had defined all her love until now. a cry erupted inside her; she swallowed it down and back. "i need to go back. if it does not go well, i shall return to the desert." shadowpup, stormpup; her heart hurt. "there are — amends i must make." but in the next moment she turned, changed, eyes half-lidded, mouth wet; "perhaps you will allow me to repay you in my own way, andromache."
48 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
Andromache was still a moment. Gently, she removed her paw. Your continued health, She repeated, more softly, and brushed her nose briefly against Silvertongue's cheek if the touch was allowed. Then she stood, meaning to give the woman privacy to prepare for the journey. I'll be just outside. We can leave when you're ready.

If Silvertongue had nothing more to add, she would depart, a little more melancholy than when she'd entered. She would call for Nikolaos to bring them a meal before they began their journey, but Andromache herself would not leave her post just outside the den. The woman was unstable, Andromache felt, and she would not risk her running off into the desert herself. She would see her home safely, if nothing else.
Andromache's common is heavily accented. Greek is her native language.
Swiftcurrent Creek
961 Posts
Ooc — ebony

the rejection stung more than silvertongue had thought it would. it was her punishment for trying to flee andromache as she would a man. "i would prefer to go alone. if you must come, then to the edge of the desert only." she slung the raggedly twisted small bundle over her shoulders, turning toward the woman who had saved her from herself. glassblue eyes glinted miserably. "please." she had no lack of confidence in her ability to drag herself back to the valley, but she would do it alone.
48 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
Andromache paused, wary of the request; wary of Silvertongue and her unsteady emotions. She glanced back and her eyes were soft but guarded. I'll leave when your home is in sight. You can return alone, The princess conceded, but this was all she was willing to give.

Oh, Silvertongue could try to run, she could slip away and leave Andromache behind, but could she maintain such distance? She was greatly weakened by her ordeal, that much was clear. And though Andromache wished to keep as much of her dignity intact as possible, there was nothing dignified about the situation as it stood.

And that was why the princess would not touch her. She wanted her; of that there was no question, nor even a hint of denial. But not here, not now, not like this. A body was not a currency with which to pay a debt. It was the sacred home of the soul, gifted by the Gods. There would be no slaves in this valley.

This time she did not linger to hear any argument that might come. She parted without another word, taking up her post just outside the den's mouth.
Andromache's common is heavily accented. Greek is her native language.
Swiftcurrent Creek
961 Posts
Ooc — ebony

travel threads or teleportation? good with either!

andromache would not be swayed, and despite the gnaw of anger in her gut at that, silvertongue was too tired to protest. she stepped over the threshhold and headed directly in the direction of kintla, speaking no words as she waited for the woman to accompany her. the sharpfang did not intend for a leisurely journey, steps dogged as she left their trail in the golden sand.