Bearclaw Valley Just the way you are
Bearclaw Valley
919 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Pack Activity 
Creating this to be a little log for the Bearclaw family- sort of like a journal to be used if you just need a place to make a one-post update whenever you’d like with your character that we can all reference. Just stick the date in your post and that’ll give us a timeline :)

Date: June 5, evening.

@Avalita, @Adalynn, @Andrelia and @Athella. A prize clutch of children, exactly what Ameline Bearclaw had hoped for. She had secretly hoped for at least one daughter, having grown up in the shadow of a strong woman- four was a bounty. Surely one among them, at least, might rise one day to become the new Regina of Bearclaw Valley; the possibilities were endless, now that there were four of them.

They were both family and pack now- the birth of the girls was insurance that they had a future. She nursed them, bathed them, doted over each and learned the timbre of their voices. She could hardly bring herself to stop touching them, so addictive was the downy-soft fur of their coats. 

@Ancelin and @Athalia had witnessed their arrival, and she knew they would continue to watch over the newest Bearclaws. 

By the end of the day, she finally fell asleep- dreaming pretty dreams of what her daughters might one day become.
Bearclaw Valley
522 Posts
Ooc — ebony
great idea! June 6, midmorning <3

one day became the next before ancelin knew it. he had taken his naps and his sleeping just outside the den, on a bit of mingled moss and leaves which broke up the cold ground and its hardness.
he was too afraid he might step on one or all of them; he stayed as close as possible, entering when ameline called for him, or when he brought her meals, or just because he had heard one of the tiny new girls squeak.
then their father would enter their hallowed little home, made awkward by his joy; by now they had all felt the vibrations of his happy voice saying their names more than once.
this morning he counted their impossibly miniscule toes and backed out from the den with a full heart. hunts to be done, a patrol to be had, and ancelin gave himself fully over to the fierce protectiveness of instinct that came over him when he visited the site or left it behind.
8 Posts
Ooc — twin
june 7th, 2024

in only two days upon this earth, avalita had learned so much. she began to recognize the blobs of warm fat which were known as her sisters, the drumming vibrations in the ground that came from ancelin's voice when he spoke to her, and the sweet taste of mother's milk which warmed her and lulled her into a state of dream-like bliss.
she quite liked her life, thus far, spending her days curled in a crescent-moon shape at her mom's bosom. her only problems were the occasional bouts of hiccups and not understanding how loud her own voice was.
she snores soundly with her little face scrunched up and her paws tucked under her chin. dried milk is stuck to the downy fur of her cheek, almost reaching her ear. one day, daughter and parent alike will yearn to have these days back again.
Bearclaw Valley
14 Posts
Ooc — bon
june 9th, 2024

it has been only four days, and adalynn has had enough — she realizes this as someone rocks into her side, knocking her away from food. these bastards for sisters want her dead! she hasn't even done anything yet!
she couldn't count so she didn't know how many times this has happened, but its more than enough for her to ramp up her whining. silvery fur bristles but what does it matter to rivals as blind and deaf as she is. her rivals were fat and rambunctious, but so was she. still, somehow, she is above them. this disrespect cannot go unchecked.
her wails as she navigates through the boulders serve more of a call to those who could see, those who could hear, to understand her plight that are her sisters.
Bearclaw Valley
919 Posts
Ooc — Jess
August 7.

While she watched, the girls grew; each intelligent, confident, and fierce in their own ways. She thought she saw in them the sort of devotion she hoped to nurture- and every day, she found herself loving them more and more.

The summer was coming to an end- and while there seemed to be little respite from the heat, she knew that it would only last so long before the cool night air began to sweep into the light hours. 

The time was coming for the girls to learn to use their fangs, how to maneuver their growing limbs, sharpen their senses.
Bearclaw Valley
522 Posts
Ooc — ebony
aug 29

he took them tracking, hunting, marking. he taught them the shadows and the raw ways in which they could be used to pounce. he named out the colors of darkness, the different shades of black and purple and undertones of blue which created the night.
by day they took to wapun and to the glen of foxes. one day, ancelin promised, they'd visit the mountains. one day. until then, they needed to grow strong. hunting among rock spires could be hard.
Bearclaw Valley
14 Posts
Ooc — bon
september 2nd, 2024

summer fizzles, and ada starts to note how the days have gotten windier. hunting for frogs has gotten much harder when her tufts of fur insist on hogging her vision.

days are quieter, too. far too quiet. sometimes, when the young princess stirs at night, she could feel something else lumbering through camp. she is never alone, and she's yet to find out whether that is a good or bad thing.