when they neared duskfire's promontory the siren queen silently dictated the group to span abreast, slithering down the ice-laden fort towards the first cache they could find. "ruin it." the salt wretch commanded with a hiss, swinging her precocious muzzle towards a mound of upturned earth to then attempt to defecate on it. if their caches were ruined without detection, it would only serve to better their claim as the superior pack. the wretch then threw back her head in a desolate howl to announce their coming -- and to announce to the world duskfire's imminent ruination.
but my petals have fallen.
Leucothoë moved stealthily forward. After personally requesting the Seas blessing in her going, she kept near to Caiaphas, though was careful not to move beside her. Leucothoë had little experience in actual battle, but had been trained by the Amazons in defending herself in exhausting the opponent given her stature. In her jaws she carried something meant to curse the Glacier, something she had been taught by the spirtualists of Themiscrya.
Her eyes looked around them, and as her Queen commanded, she obeyed; she was upon it in an instant, using well-earned muscle from the Sea to dig up the earth. Initially it was difficult, given that some of it was still frozen from winter... but she continued to tear at the earth to open it to begin the true task of ruining it.
Through her fur, she had added streaks of a red dye, made from the juice of some berries she had found. The juice looked very similar to blood, but was easier to wash off then the thick blood. Task finished, the ghost carefully picked up the leaf wrap and caught up to Caiaphas, standing just a little behind her, bundle swaying precariously.
The gang walked in silence with a hurried step. Soldiers in the night, transfixed upon their goal. Ruin it, his queen hissed as they finally reached enemy territory. Several piles of meat laid before the hungry bastard. Such a shame for it all to go to waste. The starving wolf's stomach twisted and lurched as he eyed each pile. The others had already gone to start defiling the enemy's food storage as Reek watched from behind.
He quickly lurched over to one of the large piles of meat. His mouth salivated at the beautiful sight. Rabbit, ermine, venison... anything the bastard could ever want. All for him to pillage and tear apart. It was like Christmas. It had been too long since the rogue had properly been full and any chance to eat was a blessing. The ragged wolf buried his face into pile, attempting to eat everything he could before finally ruining the stash.
![[Image: yu9tuLH.png]](http://i.imgur.com/yu9tuLH.png)
Aella didn't quite feel invited to the party, but it wasn't like she cared at all, she tagged along and she would tear those bastards' faces open for whatever reason Caiaphas was mad at them. She knew it was all about Larus, the yellow faced fella Aella found in Caiaphas' grotto a couple months ago, and even though she knew Caiaphas had kidnapped the pup in the first place, she wanted him back, knowing that in the sound he would have a decent life as opposed to whatever madness reigned in Duskfire.
Caiaphas knew how to lead a harassment party -hell, she was the queen of aggravation! and although Aella though it was a bit over the top, she felt it was her duty to accompany the pack in times of war.
Aella didn't dive into the caches immediately like the rest of the party, she thought it would be best to save energy in case the Duskfire wolves noticed them before they were gone, so the flaming amazon stood between the cache and the glacier in the distance, guarding her pack mates carefully while they ruined the stored food.
While Leucothoe held a trinket intended to curse the lands, Nesaea muttered her own, asking a favour from the Mothers to bring ill upon the glacier as Caiaphas wished. She scowled slightly at the earthy-coloured siren and the rangy consort who began to tear into the meat, devouring it. Perhaps she was paranoid, but Nesaea couldn't but wonder if their enemy knew of their movements and had predicated their attack? The meat could be a trap — poisoned even. She tried to push her worries away, though, focusing on the task at hand. The girl hurried past her sister, viciously tearing into the dirt, hissing curses under her breath as her heart thudded with both fear and excitement.

@Týrr @Malachi @Sen @Manauia @Accalia @Bassilth @Starling @Maera @Njal @Echelon @Tonravik Tuwa is going for her first aggressive spar.... I'd like to do a dice roll? Aiming for Caiaphas but whoever wants to intercept Tuwa is fine!
The pungent musk of brine stung the matron's nose like acid and at once Tuwawi knew the sea-heathens had wormed their way into Duskfire's purchase. Both savagely feral and emotionally charged, the blaze immediately kicked off into a sprint -- a missile seeking to eviscerate the bold witches who held her son and wished death upon the glacier's ilk. Yet as she drew nearer, their saline odor grew more pungent. How many had slithered from the waters to decimate her hold? The Sveijarn tossed her head back, a baleful howl loosed into the night to call upon those who sought to protect this realm.
Like wildfire, Tuwawi broke the treeline -- a smear of vivid red against the melting snow -- and her eyes widened at the number of intruders who dared to trespass. One among the group was immediately familiar: the sharp, dominoed woman who had brought news of Larus. A deep, scathing hate bubbled in the alpha's gut as she reeled towards her enemies, jaws agape and fangs drawn to snatch the first who dared come between her and the gaunt wolf of the west. An insatiable thirst for retribution electrified the bereft Sveijarn. These curs. They would soon know death.
A howl broke out and Bassilth immediately began to sprint to the location the howl came from. She caught scent of an intruder, no, many intruders and when arriving on scene stood frozen as to how many enemy wolves were there. Bassilth had no idea she had just been accepted into a pack, that was basically starting a war. She began to question why they even accepted her. Was she just another solider for them?
She ignored her doubt for now, and searched for the alpha who sent the call. To her surprise Tuwawi was not waiting for backup, but instead charging forward. Bassilth may be a peaceful and spiritual wolf, but she knows how to fight, and started to look for her victim. A wolf with red and white fur with honey colored eyes, yes, this would be her target. She charged at the strange female aiming for her neck, and while doing so sent a small prayer to her Gods that they would provide help.
It had been far to long since she had joined in proper battle.
Even for an Amazon, her glee in battle was tremendous, and she reveled at the chance to test her skills against these intruding heathens. Allowing a wicked grin to cross her countenance, she picked up momentum as she approached, a low snarl building. When they came into sight, the grin slipped away in favor of bared teeth, and she made for the attackers immediately. Two were already there, but they were ignored. She was not fighting alongside sisters this day, so she may as well be fighting alone.

this may further serve as a reason to kick starling out per the 'around-the-world-in-11-packs' plot?
she was nearly trampled by basslith, who flew past like a rocketship. starling huffed loudly -- how rude! she flattened a stray tuft of hair that had been disturbed by basslith's coursing turbulence, muttering to herself crossly as she righted her gossamer pelt.
coming upon the scene she scented salt in the air and her eyes widened, for she had held such a spectacular vision before. those gaunt sea-witches, harrowing and foreboding, had at one point threatened her life when she incautiously came upon their harem. "shit." the songbird uttered, recalling swiftly the precocious nereides that had nearly taken her hostage several summers ago. they were a barbaric race -- starling vividly remembered lecter telling her about their atrocities and their culture. a story that had made her blood flush with icy terror. she, having only joined duskfire the day before, had not bargained risking her neck for war at her doorstep.
seized by fear, the songbird flew -- but not towards the sirens, nor her beautiful and brave leader. like a flitting bird the cowed wolf flew back towards her den, back towards safety, where no sirens could kill her that day.
Sleep would not find Týrr this night, the chocolate colored Rekkr rescued from it's fell clutches as Tuwawi's menacing howl tore through the chilled night. He had just began to doze off, head jerking up as he awoke with a violent start, blood pounding within his ears which cupped forth and slicked to lay flush with his crown as he struggled to wake up enough for realization to set in. The call was not for him specifically but all of the Glacier and there was only one reason in which he could think of. The wolves responsible for leaving the threat upon their door had came to make good upon it. With his heart hammering within the suddenly tight confines of his chest the Rekkr flew out of his den, dirt and earth flying behind him as his broad shoulders grazed the earthen ceiling of it, unconcerned about its welfare in the present. He made haste to where they were being invaded, females, all of them spanning into the night, raiding them. That was something the Vikings did but the fact that Ragnar himself was not present only made Týrr's assertion that it was not the Bay all that more concrete. Ragnar would never send a woman to raid in his stead. No, the wretched Northman would have been leading it himself, greedy for glory and victory as he was.
Crystalline eyes found Tuwawi with the most ease, appearing to truly be a flame cutting through the darkness. She was magnificent he admired with his heart in his throat, for a few seconds before he turned his attention quickly to scan those who had arrived before focusing upon those who had intruded upon their lands. The Rekkr caught sight of Manauia engaging one of the trespassers, briefly before he charged at the nearest woman, a snarl tearing free of his body, jaws agape, with the sole intent to hurt and punish for the crimes committed against the Glacier. Finally, he would get to use Ragnar's lessons and whatever skills that his body remembered from Tezcacoatl's training before he would turn them upon the Viking himself.
a crime so old as the sky and bone
As it usually went, the dark woman had been awake and out since the coming of the nightly realm. She hardly ever threw opportunities to see the night sky away, and today was no different. So when the howl sounded through the silent air, she should have been quick to take off, but she hadn't. No, Sen had stayed where she stopped, practically frozen as the seconds ticked by. The thought of running came to mind, as it always did, but deep down she knew that would accomplish nothing. It never did. She always ran when things got heated to avoid receiving injuries, but that was the old her. The raven coated woman had grown since her coming to the Wilds—or, more specifically, the Glacier. She'd made friends, as shocking as that was, and had actually started to put down roots by doing so. Though her fight-or-flight reflexes were nearly screaming for her to run in the opposite direction, she surprised even herself by heading in the direction the call had sounded from. Part of her insisted she would regret her course of action, but the more dominant side of her brain quickly silenced such words and encouraged her to keep going. For once, Sen was going to actually fight for something, rather than running away from it.
The scent of the sea started to grow thicker as she grew closer, and the sight she laid her eyes upon almost sent her running with her tail between her legs. She ignored that part of her, however, and swallowed the nerves that had started to make themselves known. Sen was as nervous as ever. About what would happen to her, to the others, to the pack she resided in. The thoughts drove her forward, though, rather than sending her away. She pushed herself to join the battle, her legs carrying her quickly towards one of the enemy women, whose eyes just so happened to match her own. There was no telling what would happen, who would win and who would be left scarred, but that didn't phase her anymore. She continued on route towards the other woman, jaws parting as she lunged towards the form of the other. She aimed for no specific place upon her body, she just threw herself forward and hoped for the best.
the spitfire tuwawi that caiaphas fought was precocious, slavering and sick with vehemence -- caiaphas found her stamina waning quickly as the firefiend parried each blow with a mother's vengeance. between the flash of teeth and scythe of claw she saw her members fairing no better -- bloodied and battered she pulled away from tuwawi best she could to let loose a rallying call: "retreat!" the salt queen shrieked, her throat raw and blood spattered across her muzzle.
they were not ready, and it was evident now that caiaphas had led her people into slaughter. with a whine of pain caiaphas stumbled forward on wounded limbs with tuwawi thick on her tail, beating towards her members to fend off their aggressors and pave their hopeful escape. back at the shore they would do a head-count. for now, caiaphas focused only on escaping with her brethren's lives in tow.
but my petals have fallen.
She managed to push him away just long enough to get away from him and heard her queen call retreat. She began to run and prayed that the wolf wouldn't give chase.She was running out of strength.
She had a few deep wounds on her shoulders but right now she was too focused on running than how much pain she was in. She took on glance back then ran. Ran for the place she called home.
Tyrr definitely had the bastard in size. He absolutely dwarfed Reek by about, well, fifty pounds. In no way, shape, or form would this end well for the ragged wolf, but he still exploded into a fit of tooth and claw as he aimed his bloody muzzle at the brown wolf's soft neck. But, shit went south fast. This was a bloodbath. A mistake. Tooth and claw ripped into the ragged wolf's side. Crimson blood, Reek's blood, stained the white snow a deep Scarlett. With an audible pop, and a twist and pull from Reek's adversary, he could feel the ball of his front left shoulder coming loose of the joint... only to lay limp and immobile in front of him. The was no way the bastard would live if this slaughter continued.
Reek bolted awkwardly away as his soot crowned queen called for a retreat. He ran with fervor and as fast as one could with three working legs as he tried to rendezvous with the rest of his pack. Hopefully, the brown fighter would accept his victory and choose not to pursue the injured wolf and give him enough time to reach relative safety.
![[Image: yu9tuLH.png]](http://i.imgur.com/yu9tuLH.png)
Aella was the first to see the Duskfire defense approaching. She howled to alert her pack, but it was of little use, they would all soon be defeated by the evidently more prepared Glacier wolves.
The flaming amazon confronted a platinum-furred female, one that she thought would be easy to take down in battle with her ferocious abilities in combat. But how wrong she was. She did fight, and for a moment she felt confident, but the voice of her Alpha, commanding a retreat made things quickly spiral down for the fiery warrior. It was clear to her now that Caiaphas was but a weak dog, lacking every aspect needed to be a strong leader, and it made her blood boil inside.
Bassilth was quick to overcome the Amazon, striking over and over again, until Aella decided she had taken too much pain for Caiaphas when she didn't even deserve it. She retreated, reluctantly following her defeated troop back to the coast.
It was the howl of Aella that caused Nesaea to look up from the earth, her green eyes glancing from the fiery amazon to the incoming band of wolves. They fervently tore into the scene as if they had been ready for them, that they somehow knew the Ankyra Sound wolves would be here. Chaos erupted as they quickly were plunged into war, wolves tearing into each other at once. The Siren Queen fought off a female who rivalled Aella in colour and ferocity, while the amazon herself battled a white-furred assailant. Nesaea spun as she quickly looked for Leucothoe — protective of her most of all. She scarcely had time to call her name, though, before she felt someone barrel into her side, knocking her to the ground.
Winded, the siren stumbled upright before being gripped by a set of jaws; they pierced her neck and she cried out in pain. Twisting out of his grip, Nesaea spun to face the male, a lean but tall agouti wolf with icy eyes. He lunged again and she ducked, feeling his teeth scrape against the side of her face.
It was then Caiaphas' call rang out, sounding their retreat. It was obvious they were either outnumbered or completely unprepared. With one eye (the other closed from the bloody cut underneath it), Nesaea took stock of the situation. The sirens were fleeing, following after the Matriarch. It was a humiliating defeat. Searching once again for her sister, the girl turned and escaped with the others, ignoring the pain that seared from her cheek and neck as they withdrew back to the ocean.
Týrr's focus was singular, though he was aware of the presence of those who had risen to Tuwawi's call fighting “beside” him though in truth they were likely scattered. This battle was not as strategic as a “shield wall”, more chaotic. Charge and attack, spread out. A part of the Rekkr yearned to break his concentration, long enough to get a quick assessment on Tuwawi and Manauia — for he had not seen the Amazon upon his initial charge into the scene but he knew she was there, but for the sake of preserving his life (despite that he was ready to die for Tuwawi and the Glacier) he did not take the risk. This move was appropriate as he went head to head with an ebony coated male that had stolen his focus off of one of the women. The odds were decidedly not in the other male's favor, for he seemed unfairly small to Týrr's height, and weight; but this was not a spar. It was not as if he could attempt to even his odds up for a fair fight.
Even so, Týrr did not go easy on the other male, did not even remotely, truly, feel bad about the advantage he seemed to hold against the other man. This was war, and all was fair, this was their Glacier and the sickly appearing male he fought against had made the ultimate mistake of invading. A wrong move, and a lesson that Týrr intended to force him to learn the hard way. Despite the advantage the Rekkr held the other male did not lay over and take it, which was admirable for an opponent, something that the Rekkr recognized even in war. Underestimating an enemy was the downfall of the arrogant — something he did not think himself to be. The ebony male gave as good as he got, laying a few blows on Týrr in a fury of tooth and claw, holding speed graced to him by his lithe appearance.
A split second, sped up by the race of adrenaline in his veins, mind singing with the blood rage that consumed him, coming naturally instead of induced by the mushrooms that Ragnar and the others had always been so keen on devouring before battle. The ebony male went for his throat, an anticipated action in which the split second of breath allowed Týrr enough time to jerk his muzzle down, tucking his throat to protect it, lest the sea man get a grip upon his jugular. It was most important part of his body to protect. He could not recover from an attack there, could not really defend himself if his throat was being crushed. It would mean a death blow and Týrr had no intentions of dying this day. The Rekkr moved, but was not quick enough for his opponent had caught the Rekkr's neck, teeth sinking into his flesh, and tearing as Týrr, with a violent jerk and a high pitched noise that closely resembled a whine of pain that gurgled off to an ardent snarl wrenched himself free of the other's teeth, a second wave of adrenaline keeping him high enough that he did not bother to stop, or care about the wounds in his neck.
Not life threatening, but they were deep enough that scarring was inevitable.
This was what he had trained for and he did not falter as he rounded the male and began to tear at his side, tearing with tooth and claw viciously with intent of payback. The snow was crimson with their blood, mixing where it dripped from each male's wounds, though the rush of warm blood did nothing to inspire even slight hesitation within the Rekkr. He went for the leg, gripping onto it as he would grasp a deer's leg: to tear it from the body. He felt and heard the ball joint of the other's shoulder pop and give way, the ripping of sinew but he was not ready to tear it entirely from the other's body, yet. No, he intended to make it slow and painful. Above and beyond the realm of 'payback'.
Týrr had made to lunge once more directly before their soot crowned leader's call for retreat rang out, causing his target to move out of his way as his jaws snapped shut, closing around air, his body skidding as his enemy ran ...or rather hobbled away on his remaining limbs. If not for their retreat, Týrr would not have stopped he would have kept going until he had taken the other's life. The desire to give chase was strong but he was beginning to feel the damage, particularity upon his neck, the other had inflicted. Still, he ignored it. Desperately, he swung his head, cringing against the pull of the fresh wounds, seeking Tuwawi in the chaos of the aftermath, immediately concerned for his Queen's welfare.
a crime so old as the sky and bone
Tuwawi's rage burned like wildfire as she clashed with the rangy sea-wolf, the monarch keen on eviscerating her target and ejecting their foes who dared to be so bold. However, her attack was premature. Duskfire's manic leader waited for no wolf -- a choice that could have quickly undone their offensive strike -- but luck was with the ember. Soon, her comrades were quick on the heels of their enemies and assailed them with as much aggression and vehemence as the Sveijarn, herself. Blow after blow, Tuwawi could feel their traction gaining until their wretched leader screeched a bitter retreat, utterly crushed by Duskfire's stronger hand. Blood salted Tuwawi's palate, her thirst for their death not yet satisfied, and she was quick launch after the curs to ensure their expulsion... all the while looking for another body to take down to further cripple the siren's numbers.
The sirens and the new consort left to assault Duskfire Glacier, leaving Kevlyn, Minthe, and Spyridon to guard the Sound. For a short while, that was enough for Kevlyn; he was happy to serve his queen. But not more than thirty minutes later, the boy was casting a last fleeting glance at the pack's borders before taking off after the scents of his pack mates, determined to do his duty and protect them as he was meant to. He wasn't a guard dog, not for land, anyway.
He came upon them as the battle was beginning, and for a moment hung back, enraptured. As soon as he caught sight of Caiaphas fighting a larger, fiercer fire-kissed woman, Kevlyn spurred himself into action, intent on protecting his siren queen.
Tuwawi's legs were bunched to lunge, and the Ostrega knew Caiaphas would take that hit heavily if it made contact. Any wolf worth their merit could see a slip-up. Kevlyn, however, didn't see his own as he placed himself squarely between Tuwawi and his leader; he didn't notice just how exposed his own jugular was. He meant to take the hit and redirect Tuwawi's rage, but he was barely a distraction. The fire-branded Alpha of the Glacier cut through his life vein like his throat was paper and within seconds he crumpled. His last breath whooshed out before his head even hit the ground.
Ankyra Sound retreated, leaving behind the body of their youngest consort; and in their haste, it was likely they wouldn't even realize he had been there and was gone until they got back to the shore.
Soon another female was in front of her, and they fought hard and fast. Gradually, Phantom could feel the other female tiring, she was no match for her. She still inflicted wounds on the white fae, however, and Phantom had to admit that she was not a bad fighter. This only made her fight all the harder.
Suddenly, the Siren Queen screeched a feral call for surrender, and Phantom, distracted, stumbled and ceased her fighting for a moment. The other took the opportunity to strike, and opened up a large gash on Phantom's chest. Eerie it was, for no sound of pain came from the bleeding female, only her maw open in a soundless wail of pain. She turned tail and ran from the female, each step bring her closer to her queen and increasing the pain in her chest.
She caught a glimpse, just a fleeting glimpse, of a grey youth, laying dead and torn on the ground. Her heart lurched, but she naught of the wolves details, caught no identifying scent.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
Luckily for Sen, though, the message of a retreat had sent her opponent running off with the others, and she did not give chase. At times, the female could be quite the fool when she antagonized others, but with the threat of a true fight she seemed to be brought to her senses entirely. Her amber eyes followed after the shrinking forms of the sea wolves, but that was it. Long legs stayed in place, until she finally turned to see the conditions of her pack mates. The movement was met with a burning sensation, something she'd successfully avoided for a decent portion of her life. Turning her head about, she scanned her form to locate her wounds for cleaning purposes. On her right shoulder there was a long and deep cut, as well as a slightly shorter one along her side, and numerous nicks and gashes in other places. She mentally took note of their locations before slowly making her way towards the others, not wishing to pull too much and worsen her injuries. Today, they had won, she knew, and that made the cocky woman happy—even if admitting such a thing would burn in her throat like flames.
In no time she heard Caiaphas call, and she turned tail quick and fast. She saw a silver wolf fall and let out a shriek, her eyes specifically looking for Nesaea—and she saw the fire-wolf, and nearly went for the woman herself, but what use would that do, how would her death avenge her sisters...?—and ran home... only then noting that Nesaea was alive, was well, was there. But then, who of them had fallen? She could not think, she was so tired.
Her own wounds were minor and few when the girl pulled away, retreating with her fellows. The silver wolf had landed some blows, but her defense had been more intent. Ignoring these slight stings, Manauia sent up an angry call to follow, victorious in their triumph but also angry that they would flee before the battle had even properly joined. Blood racing, she watched as they disappeared, her disgust now tenfold for these coastal wolves who were such cowards.