Moonspear great-aunt
First Warrior
988 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
the man sat up in the entrance of the healing ulaq.
it had been nine days since he had last hunted. his body felt as if it were strained by restlessness.
the wind rose around his pale hackles. chakliux sat just outside, fiddling with several charms he had made from uneven twigs and tufts of wolf-fur.
a thought came to him. "come and trade with me!" the hunter shouted. perhaps they all believed in spirits. chakliux meant to trade them for things toward his lodge. if he could not hunt, he would gather items for nasamik all the same.
601 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric heard the call and he moved through the pack lands. Around his shoulders he carried things he had traded in other areas. Bones with feathers attached by willow branches, or with them in the racks, pretty rocks, there were furs, mostly small, but he did have one deer pelt. Branches with strange twists and turns, Pouches he had made like the one he carried around his throat and herbs.

This was something he was used too. Trades. It was always a good time as long as everyone was fair.

Totally stealing this because it has so much to do with Alaric's back story <3 if you'd like someone else to take it let me know and i'll delete.
First Warrior
988 Posts
Ooc — ebony
no ur great! thanks for joining! <3

alaric arrived first. "brother," chakliux greeted, sending an eye over the items carried and encircled. 
he gestured to the small spread of charms made from twigs and wolf-fur. "little talismans, for easier holding." he lifted his chin to show alaric one of the holy things, twisted into his fur alongside the dried flower given to him by sialuk.
601 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric eyed it with interest, green eyes taking shape. He carefully moved what he had to trade. 

Deer hide for sleeping place, smaller animal furs to decorate, to carry, to sleep upon. Bones and feathers for decoration. And these.

He pressed a pouch into the ground and unrolled it with a movement of his paw. It was just rabbit fur and the like that he had pressed and chewed a bit to soften. He pressed smaller strips of fur inbetween it and spoke softly. 

I use these to carry my herbs and the like. I use other smaller chunks of pelt to separate everything.

he undid the one he always had around his throat and placed it down, unrolling to show him.

Small tears to hold it together with bone or stick so it stays fastened. It needs replaced every few months with heavy travel, every couple years if not.

Do these talismans mean many things? I am not familiar with your culture, but would like to learn. He hoped his question was not met with derision or offense, because he had not meant it so.
First Warrior
988 Posts
Ooc — ebony
chakliux watched all this. he tried to imagine the new lodge and where each of these items might be set. alaric had much wealth, he decided, and again the man could not understand why the word-carrier had not taken at least one wife.
ah well.
he would not question!
"a charm for hunting." he lifted a grey object and set it down. "one for good sleep. another to guard the bones from the winter-rot." his eyes were determined. "each of these things are great luck and i have blessed them with my words."
601 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric knew the important thing in trade was not to get greedy. He also knew that even if something didn't make sense to the other, it held great importance in the other's life or culture. he eyed each piece with interest. Though the one for good sleep, called to him. He was not a wolf that could sleep well. Very light sleeper.

What would you take in trade for your sleep talisman?

Alaric had not been raised the same way as his hunter pack mate and he didn't fully fathom the idea of wealth for wives.
First Warrior
988 Posts
Ooc — ebony
flowers, herbs, pelts. chakliux pointed toward the bones with feathers around them. "i trade for nasamik. she has asked for lovely things." and he would keep her in pelts once he had returned to hunting. his teeth glowed.
"will you trade, brother?"
he was curious to see what these charms would do for him.
601 Posts
Ooc — Danni
So it was for his wife. Alaric softened further and nodded. He would trade. He pressed forward the items he was willing to trade.  Bones with feathers wound in crack sand willow branches around them, the empty pouch and pieces of animal skin to separate and three herbs. 

Peppermint, Ginger, and Chamomile. All help with ailings for sneezes, colds, stomach aches and tummy bugs. These will help you with the little ones as sometimes little children get sick as weather changes.

Pouch made of animal skin, with tears and bones to carry about her neck or hold things she wishes when she does anything she likes to do.

Pretty baubles to brighten up your Ulaq.
First Warrior
988 Posts
Ooc — ebony
his eyes widened, became somehow brighter. "you are a trader indeed, alaric," chakliux said with true feeling. this was a wealth of things. he wished he had more to offer, more to barter for the fine things he wished to offer nasamik for their lodge.
"three talismans, then. one for sleep. one for hunting. and one for love," he jested, though this one had been carved from rabbit-bone and had a small glistening stone daubed to one end with pitch and saliva.
he had worked with that close to him. he crouched, wondering if alaric would agree.
601 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A grin of knowing lit up his face and brightened his eyes. As he bowed his head respectfully. Thank you. What Chakliux offered would be enough. Alaric, had other things to make and he could. He would. 

Alaric eyed the talismans and nodded.
Then let it be done. Thank you hunter Chakliux.:: He pressed his items forward for the other male and he would swap with him the items he had offered and clean up the rest. IT was nice to do what he had done again. It made him feel as if perhaps he wasn't in the wrong place after all.
First Warrior
988 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the seal hunter grinned. "maybe we will trade again soon, brother trader." there was a newfound respect in his eyes.
in the next moment chakliux fell to looking over the items he had received, sorting them for easier carrying.
moonspear was fast becoming rooted in his mind.