Redhawk Caldera goldpearl
382 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
one day, chickadee opened her eyes to a morning drizzle and felt for the first time since becoming a mother that she had come to sort of understand some things. like the differences in how @Crane whined to be fed versus how @Eagle demanded a meal, or how @Cardinal's little baby sighing could indicate a dream.
surrounded by family, the blurring of days was warm. @Kivaluk brought her meals, @Eljay stayed with her, and @Maia was never far.
life was very good, and while chickadee thought fondly of the moon packs, she was content to be home in the place she had always known, and deeply thankful to her mate for his choice that they should come back to brecheliant.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,160 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
To see Chickadee and Kivaluk return here had made Eljay's heart swell with joy. Over the last months, he had grown accepting of the idea that he should never see his grandchildren grow up here in Brecheliant — in Redhawk Caldera — in his own birthplace. He had never been much of a traveller, but these days, his stiff body prohibited him from even trying. His mind had confined him to his pack for most his life; now, it was his body's turn.

Stiff limbs carried him towards Chickadee that day. He was never far from her these days — watching the pups when she and Kivaluk needed a break, doting on his grandchildren, enjoying the presence of his daughter. In his mouth he carried a rabbit. He was no longer able to hunt so well himself, and felt guilty for taking from the pack, but he had no choice. He tried his best to make up for it by taking care of the pack and keeping everyone healthy and happy.

Eljay dropped the rabbit by Chickadee's feet and stiffly lowered his body to the ground beside her. He looked at the tiny pups and smiled. How are you — and they? he asked — a question he asked every day, at least once a day.
the mythical lore of bishopwood
8 Posts
Ooc — wen

eagle brimmed with all the vibrancy a newborn could bring a put-on mother of three: the staccato of backed-up snores in his constant state of rest and relaxation with pickyness for only one type of food.
besides his occassional squawks, he was otherwise a cooperative child, who raised his head in a gentle lull to the vibrations of honeyed voices of his adoring family.
11 Posts
Ooc — KT
she was held tightly by dream states. during the first days of her life, she seemed to stir only when her body required that she do so, and within that, she only provided the bare minimum.

yet today, she turned her head towards the mouth of the den at her grandfather's approach.
382 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"oh, hi, daddy," chickadee greeted, too tired to exult in her usual twittering way. "everyone is doing so well! i just didn't realize they ate quite so much!" the girl exclaimed gently, wondering how to ask her skilled midwife father if he had any remedies for her sore nipples.
"they're so sweet, though, and still so tiny," she murmured, encouraging crane and eagle to inch toward eljay while she cleaned cardinal's bedding.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,160 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay chuckled as Chickadee expressed wearily that they were doing well, but ate quite a lot. That they do, he agreed, and nudged the rabbit he had brought with him slightly closer to Dee. That's why you need to keep up, too. Eating enough was one of the biggest challenges of being a fresh mother, he found — as well as, of course, sitting still, for some of them.

Once he had lain down beside Chickadee, he watched the children with a fond smile on his face. Then he turned to his daughter and asked gently, Is there anything you need help with, other than watching the pups? Do you have any pain, or trouble sleeping? He did not want to phrase it too pressuring, as he could imagine it might be awkward to discuss with one's father — but he also wanted her to know that he could help with whatever she needed, because he, himself, did not share the same sentiment of awkwardness.

He was altogether too old to feel awkward, to be honest, and when it did hit him these days, he tended to greet it like an old friend rather than be held back by it.
11 Posts
Ooc — KT
totally skippable!

encouraged by her mother’s urging, she used her wobbly legs to the best of their ability to make her way towards eljay, continuing to reach for him as the vibrations of his voice echoed through her tiny body.
382 Posts
Ooc — ebony
eljay seemed to know that chickadee was in discomfort; her ears flattened in embarrassment and for a moment she only plucked at the bedding, then glanced up at her father. "they eat a lot. all the time! all the time — well, you know. anyway, i'm — there's —" her lips pursed in resolution.
"i need something to put on my chest," she finally said frankly. why was this so hard! her dad knew everything there was to know about all of this, tons and tons more than she or kivaluk! "otherwise, i think it's just a learning curve."
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,160 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Chickadee fumbled over the words, and Eljay simply waited, patiently, for her to find them. He didn't want to pressure her, but he did want her to know that he was there for her, no matter what, and that she could ask for anything. He'd never felt embarrassment about these matters, himself; Eljay had assisted in enough births for that, even those of his own mother.

Finally she shared that she needed something for her chest. Eljay frowned thoughtfully, not immediately understanding, until he realised with a sharp intake of breath what she meant. He nodded, and said, Ah, yes — I'll bring something over for it tomorrow. He had imagined maybe she wanted something for pain, but this made sense, too. He would bring some herbs that he could chew up and put on the sore spots.

Eljay glanced at the children, just small blobs at this point, with so much growing ahead of them. He smiled down at Crane, as she wobbled her way towards him, leaned down, and touched his nose to her head. Hello, sweetie, he murmured softly, gently, in much the same way he had once to his daughter.
the mythical lore of bishopwood
8 Posts
Ooc — wen
phone post!

he grumbled, suddenly feeling uneasy (aka attention seeking baby syndrome). this new body, sniffing the air with needy whines for a guiding hand to his grandfather!
382 Posts
Ooc — ebony
her dad definitely understood, and chickadee thumped her tail in sheepish thanks for his understanding. her eyes glistened at the tenderness of the next moment as crane and her father exchanged a warm moment. and then eagle was seeking him too.
chickadee tried not to cry, feeling a little foolish, but so touched by the happiness in the den now.
"i'm so glad i came home, daddy."
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,160 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay knew all about attention seeking baby syndrome, but he had never been very good at not indulging it. So when Eagle cried out, Eljay reached out his nose to touch Eagle, while he murmured softly, Don't worry, we're right here.

When he looked up to see Dee's eyes shimmer with happiness, it made him feel a bit of an emotional fool, himself. He could barely express in words just how happy it made him to have Chickadee and her children here, home, in Redhawk Caldera. If anything, how much it meant to him was mirrored in Dee's own response, as the emotion was visible on her face. Touched, Eljay smiled softly at Chickadee. I'm really glad, too. It felt like such an unexpected gift to get to see his grandchildren grow up, and right here in Redhawk Caldera, where he himself had grown up. He opened his mouth to say more, but could not find the words — and hoped that, like he had seen on her face, his own expression spoke enough volumes to convey how happy it made him.
382 Posts
Ooc — ebony
it did. she felt so secure here with her dad and the little ones, her mother close, her husband out protecting all of them. it was right. it was the way things were supposed to be.
slowly she yawned, collecting eagle and crane and cardinal, setting them back to her sore chest.
but her body was calmer now; she smiled at eljay and shut her eyes, overcome with tiredness just from their brief conversation and the intensity of feeling.
beneath her father's eye, within the same den where she had been born, and with her own babies against her side now, chickadee slid into a deep sleep.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,160 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
As his daughter fell asleep, Eljay watched a moment, guarding the family against what may come. But soon he felt his own eyes growing weary. Where he could easily keep his eyes open when he was young, now it was not so easy anymore. It was not long before Eljay drifted off to sleep, too, head leaning gently against his daughter's.