Shadowwyn Moor Where Oh Where, Art Thou
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
The sensation was familiar as his teeth grasped hold of the smaller male, though he didn’t keep hold for long. His wriggling loosened the albino’s grip, granting him enough room to get free. Seconds barely passed before he felt teeth against his own flesh, piercing the skin and staining his fur with blood; the jaws had latched on low enough to avoid his jugular, though a blow to the neck was still exactly that, making him all the more aware of his actions. Had it not been for the intrusion of another, he would have let himself collapse onto the small individual, but their unwelcome guest was not to be ignored—so, rather than working to get free, he dragged the boy right along with him.

A snapping of jaws lured him forward, his own mouth agape as he proceeded towards their third wheel; the weight around his neck made it difficult to move, but not impossible. Weighed down, Alexander was not as quick as before, but he made due with what mobility he had as he shoved his shoulder forward whilst advancing. Essentially, he intended to use Lennon’s momentum against him by bodychecking the younger male in the same way as a hockey player would a member of the opposite team.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

the definition of home was a foriegn thing to her and perhaps it always would be just out of reach, but her first days in bearclaw valley were shrouded in an intense curtain of mixed emotions. packland had always been a coveted mystery to her.  nobody ever had the patience to open their metaphorical doors but the white man had been so eager to get her to follow, going so far as to bribe her with precious resource.

but she was not as naïve and unsophisticated as many assumed because of her lack of speech and understanding of the common tongue, so the second she understood his goal she was on board, following without hesitation.  maybe she should have given more opposition, and the thought had come to her that he wanted her for something.  he had claimed her.

so in turn, she had claimed him.

she followed her boy-she-had-no-name-for as he pushed past the borders of his land, keeping her distance, undetected.  on occasion she would stop to gnaw on the bones of the discarded and long-deceased carcasses that lay here and there under the snow.  he came close to the borders of another but careened around, so she veered around him, keeping him in earshot while remaining downwind.

she could smell his agitation when the breze carried it past and when she'd occasionally stray close enough she could see it, and as a warbling cry cut its way through the trees it festered inside her as well, ugly and black.

she ghosted close, staying crouched and low as she listened to the screaming thing.  an intrusive urge cuts through her focus —

your teeth are closing in around the tender, precious flesh of throat, meat breaking between your teeth as blood trickles down your jaws, your chest

— and her hackles raise as the fear-scent turns to anger in a subtle but distinguishable wash. 

though she does not understand the words being thrown, she can see the tension rising, too focused on each other to notice the crouching shadow, the nemesis.  she sees it before they do, and then it is white-on-red-on-white as the white-cloaked man rips into the smaller creature, stippling the snow with shining drops of blood.

the smell of iron fills her nostrils and she begins to salivate, her heart pumping warmth into her cheeks, tips of her ears burning against the winter air.  but he's got this handled so she waits, agitated as the lowly creature begins once more to let out that curdling wail.  the ugly, mean thing swells up in her again.

he was winning until he wasn't, and something in her brain goes pop!; unable to contain herself as her claim becomes outnumbered.

while the fourth soon embodied the persona of instinct, reigi was always a feral creature of instinct; every action she took, every decision she made was because of the id brain.  she reacted in turn, barreling towards him with her teeth bared, aiming towards his injured leg to fully incapacitate it at the hock.  

cripple, maim, kill!  her blood was singing as fangs met sweet tender flesh and she shook her head violently to and fro. dismember! disarm! destroy!

Daisies, daisies perched upon her forehead
798 Posts
Ooc — Cody
Korei continued to cry out as the fighting continued, covering her paws. She peeked once, only to see someone else coming. Lennon had arrived, and she felt hopeful, until he took a hit. Then she spotted another coming. No. No, she couldn't let another come. But she did nothing except watch as they tore at Lennon. 

Then, something she never expected happened. She snapped. The lessons she had been taught by Hydra, and Terance kicked in, and she got up, charging at the female, shouting at the top of her lungs, "NOOO!" She ducked her head down, going to ram right into them to get them away from Lennon.
1,293 Posts
Ooc —
Minor PP here on Xan and Reigi with consent from both
Alarian was all too aware of Lennon's arrival when it happened, and he gripped tighter to his opponent in an effort to stop or at least slow the body slam. It didn't work, though-- and as he was about to get to work ripping further into the other wolf's neck, yet another arrived.
He couldn't see them with his teeth still embedded in the white stranger, so he pulled away (trying unsuccessfully to take flesh with him, though he did manage to tear off a small amount of skin and fur) to get a better look. Ali instantly recognized the girl as the one he had met and played with, the one he had found attractive. The boy only hesitated for a moment; it didn't take him long to figure out she wasn't here to help as she charged at Lennon, aiming for his wounded leg.
Ali was about to jump in when Korei darted past him, knocking into the female and loosening her grip. Without thinking, he slipped between the fighting wolves toward Reigi's hindquarters and lunged for the back of her thigh, sinking his teeth in deep and pulling hard to get her off Lennon.
actually john lennon
207 Posts
Ooc — hannah
Lennon was struck forcefully, tumbling on to the ground. An instant pain festered from the bruising, but the adrenaline pumping through his blood allowed him to ignore any initial agony. He lurched forward, hoping to attack his combatant once again until a flash of shooting white pain forced his muscles to halt in their tracks. The dark wolfess had sunk her teeth into his young wound. The tearing of his muscle as she shook her head vigorously. The anguish became deafening, his hearing diminished to a subtle ringing. 

This grew into a numbness, all his sense stolen except for his sight, which was growing more and more blurry. At this point, there was no reason to continue fighting - he only wished to remove the burly figure from atop Alarian and then leave. Violence was senseless and only resulted in everyone wallowing around in trauma from affliction. In a spurt of panic, the wolf bolted. Forcing a chunk of flesh to be ripped out of his leg (again), left in the bloody jaws of his attacker. Sprinting away from the brawl, until his mind returned.

He couldn't abandon Korei and Alarian, no matter how injured he was. Making a sharp turn, his fuzzy vision gave the male hope - neither of them were being attacked. "Run!" Lennon shouted, watching impatiently to see if they would be able to escape without any more injuries. With great fortune, they headed his demand and saw their chance to flee without any further damage.

PP with permission from players
living is easy with eyes
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
A blur of shaded colours was all he could make out as the girl rushed into battle, her target showing him immediately that she was on his side—and when he saw who it was, he understood why. He watched her for a moment, only for a burning sensation where the male once held him to flare up and bring his attention back to the matter at hand; a low growl grew within his throat, only to be released with a roar-like snarl. He felt his neck and chest wet with blood, the liquid seeping into his fur and staining it a deep maroon. His first instinct was to retaliate—attack and tear into the male’s flesh—but he didn’t.

There were far more pressing matters at hand as he witnessed his pack mate under attack, teeth sinking into her. Alexander charged forward towards her attacker, only for the trio to take off, fleeing the scene altogether. As they ran off he pursued them for several steps, snapping at their heels to make sure they didn’t turn back, but that was all. He broke off from the chase shortly after, turning and loping back towards Reigi, who he approached with concern in his eyes—are you okay?

Another growl slipped passed his lips, frustrating and still wanting to attack—but he ignored the urge, forcing his focus back on the girl. He nudged her cheek with his nose before looking towards the wound on her thigh, inspecting it though he knew not how to treat it, only to clean it. His own wounds were ignored for the time being—he could have Poet look at them later—as he drew his tongue over hers, intent on cleaning it. Should he see any of those wolves again, he would attack without mercy for hurting one of his.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

re·di·rec·tion  — noun
the action of assigning or directing something to a new or different place or purpose. 

redirected aggression occurs when a dog is aroused by or displays aggression toward a person or animal, and someone else interferes. The dog redirects her aggression from the source that triggered it to the person or animal who has interfered.

she feels the small, squealing creature barrel into her side with a dull thump and her teeth sink in deep into her friend's hock.  from observation one might call the action mechanical, but with the nemesis there is no such thing: every action is instinctual but deliberate.  her glistening fangs meet each other with a solid, resounding cla-akk! as her prey escapes her clamped jaws.

she feels tongues of heat radiate from her hindquarters, tugging against the flesh and muscle that is taut as she stands firm.  but it does not matter.

she turns towards the crying one, hot breath and black soul, snapping her teeth shut around the thin flesh of an ear.  with a start the rabbit hearted girl flees, and with a sounding pop leaves the flesh dangling in her ear.

instinct tells her that this isn't over, because it isn't over until someone is dead but as her packmate slows to a stop she stays close behind.  bristling, tense, she accepts victory.

the white cloaked man, now red-and-white, turns towards her with soft, expressive eyes.  the stinging in her thigh is coming to the surface, and she whines as his tongue grazes over her wounds.  she was fine.  but him?  she works meticulously at his red-soaked fur, gently separating and working her tongue through her friend's dense pelt.

they needed to leave, rather than being exposed out in the open.  they needed to go back to the place-we-return-to.  anxiously, she cocked her head back towards the valley.  come.

970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Every fiber of his body screamed attack! as he thought of how the trio had vanished into the distance. He still wanted to chase after them, to tear into their flesh and paint the snow red with their blood—they deserved that much, having been the ones to throw the first punch. Had he been the only one to feel the wrath of their teeth then perhaps he may have considered letting it go, but they had attacked one of his own—they had wounded her to the point that blood was drawn. He could not forget them for this reason, or let go of what had happened and moved on. No, they would not be forgotten, not until he killed them and left the bodies for the birds. From this point onward, they were each to be killed on sight, and this he would make known when the time called for it—and it presently did not as they stood there bloodied and still bleeding.

Alexander was deathly still as she worked through his coat, letting her clean whilst he continued to throw glances in the direction their attackers had gone. At one point, his body lurched forward as if he might take off after them again, but the realisation that they were long gone and he was already wounded kept him grounded. So he instead followed the girl’s cues, turning back towards home and then leading the way there; the trek back was sure to be a slow one, filled with plenty of stops for her to rest as he remained fully aware of her thigh.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”