Ouroboros Spine lo-fi girl
116 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
All Welcome 
Uggungak Repose

Tulukiri moved west from where @Callyope had treated her ear. She did not think much about the argument now, hours later, as she came to the repose and began to explore it.

She felt wronged, not culpable for the fight or the fallout. The girl put it from her mind as she investigated the area. She put her body to work; finding a spot that would make a good resting place, which she began to scrape out.

It wouldn't be covered like the dens of mothers, nor made in the manner of the Moonglow ulax she had seen during her tour of the village. Tartok wolves did not put themselves in to the earth unless they were issumatar, which she was not.

Sleeping beneath the stars was what she prefered, anyway.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn wasn't often this way ever. However, he was more than willing to take paw steps in different directions. And a small sense of wander lust threatened him. So with that thought he wanted to travel places he wasn't often at, but also stick close to home.

A strange wolf was near him and he froze at first, until he caught her scent. It wasn't quite Moonglow, but she smelled of Natigvik. So he chuffed to gather attention. Then he stood and waited.

Ears forward. Head upwards. Wandering. Waiting.
116 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
She had finished scraping out a sleeping place as a sound came from behind her, among the trees and off from the patrol path (one Tulukiri had not scouted before making her bed).

The girl sleepily raised her head and saw a tall man standing there, which at first had her bristling. What? The last thing she wanted was a peeping Tom.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn bristled in return. I could ask you the same thing, being in my pack's land, you're lucky you smell of natigvik.

He shrugged. I'm patrolling, just because it's not a border doesn't mean it shouldn't be watched over every once in a while.

He shifted and continued on the way he was going. Though he did stop and offer a small smile. I'm Rodyn Ardeth by the way.
116 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Tulukiri gave a drawn sigh, loud enough to make it obvious she was being disturbed. The guy began to berate her as if he hadn't been the one to invade her space. She was tired, sore, and getting cranky as a result; why couldn't everyone be kind and understanding like Callyope? Why did it feel like Tulukiri had to justify her every breath to everyone?

The man said something about Natigvik and then introduced himself. In typical arrogant-preteen fashion (and feeling fully justified about it) Tulukiri put her head back down upon the earth, wriggled to tuck herself back to bed in a ball, and dismissively announced: Don't care. Bye now.

Really. How rude was this guy? Showing up to harass some girl trying to rest after a long day of emotional and physical labour.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,394 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn made note of her coloring and her attitude, so he could speak to Kukutux and then he turned and left. He wasn't about to waste his breath. But he would definitely be approaching Kukutux about it. Perhaps she could talk to the girl. he doubted it, but perhaps.
116 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
When he turned to leave without another comment, Tulukiri felt vindicated. She tucked herself in to a tighter bundle and allowed herself to relax somewhat.

Whether her attitude was well received or not, she didn't really care. The man looked older, like Kigipigak level older, and should have known better than to try a stop-and-frisk with her.

So far, aside from Callyope, the wolves of Moonglow were as pushy and irritating as those of Natigvik (but, she thought as she drifted, after the merger was there any difference?).

Evidently Tulukiri wasn't good enough to be counted among these moonpeople; she would drift, and dream first of the riverside left behind, then begin to kick the dirt and unfurl as her dreaming took her far north to people and places far removed from this village.