Neverwinter Forest nalaurrun
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
She awoke feeling groggy, her dreams haunted by fleeting images of Neverwinter Forest and the echo of Moon Owl's voice in her ears. "There is something there for you," the totem had said. "Go—explore the place and see if you see what I see."

Ariadne decided to bring @Kannoyak along for the journey to provide an extra set of eyes. She recounted the details from her dreams, such as the tall evergreens, the vast northern lake, and the abundance of prey, but still couldn't understand their significance.

Walking through the woods, she was vigilant, scanning the environment, half-hoping to see Moon Owl appear and guide them, but nothing happened. Nothing but silence and peace surrounded this place. She sighed and carried on in silence, wondering what her companion made of it all.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Though the cotton grass hunter was keen to explore Moonglow and dedicate himself to filling their caches with fresh meat, when Ariadne had asked for his company on a small trek to the nearby woods, he had no intention of denying her. Kannoyak would act as a stalwart companion, protecting the moongirl from any dangers that might arise from their short excursion.

Once they had found the shade of the forest, the pale man had become enraptured by the territory. It was pleasant, bustling with prey scent and sound, and protected from the heat of the summer sun. Kannoyak had become spellbound by the beauty of the terrain.

Mmm, this is a good place, he spoke in a rugged whisper, as though the mere sound of his voice might disturb their peaceful stroll.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Mmm, yes, it is, she murmured softly in agreement as they walked along the wooded trail. While she knew the forest well, she now surveyed it with a different outlook, trying to uncover the secrets alluded to by Moon Owl. I am no stranger to this forest. I come here occasionally to hunt rabbit, she chuckled, shaking her head. But I do not believe Moon Owl brought us here for that purpose.

As they made their way forward, Ariadne would pause occasionally to sample the scents in the air. I know that this forest is next to Moonglow, but I am surprised that nobody has claimed it for their own, she commented softly, so as not to disturb the peace. It is a beautiful land, full of prey and resources ... it seems like a perfect place to live.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
It was surprising that there was no village in the wood. It seemed a fitting place, lush with looming trees and greenbrush that sprouted from the earth. The sounds of prey could be heard with each step they took - rabbits, squirrels, birds. The shade that was provided by the trees would likely protect the forest from the impact of the seasons. The sun would be softened by their reach. The snow would not pile underfoot with those lengthy branches holding the weight.

Moongirl could live here.

Kannoyak did not think it such a farfetched idea. She would be close to her mother’s village and the other moon wolves. The cotton grass man did not know how she would feel about striking out on her own. He could only reflect on the words she had shared with him, and the way her eyes swallowed their surroundings with bewitched interest.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
At his suggestion of living there, she came to a sudden stop, turned towards him, and held his gaze as she considered it. Moonglow and Moontide were teeming with members, and Moonspear was holding strong, and she felt there certainly was a demand for another village. I could ... she responded, trailing off as she weighed her reservations about the idea. I just ... didn't do a very good job last time, and she frowned deeply at the thought of failing another village. 

Nevertheless, she was intrigued. Would you come and live here with me? she asked, holding her breath as she waited for his answer.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Kannoyak listened as she voiced some of her concerns. She mentioned a previous attempt that had not gone well, though she did not linger on this for long. The cotton grass man did not think that former attempts would be a reflection of Ariadne. If anything, it would show that she could learn from her past and could work with others to build something new.

Of course.

The northerner would not deny her this. He knew that she was capable of great things. The wolves who grew and learned beneath Kukutux were all capable of this.

Another moon village would only strengthen this area. What would you call it?

Turning his snout toward the trees, he considered options. It would be nice to give a nod to her heritage and her mother’s roots. Kannoyak tightened his mouth, thoughtful. Moonglow, Moonspear, Moontide, so naturally this place would belong to the moon as well.

Moonwood? Sounds full in the mouth. Moontree? Ah, but there are many trees.

Kannoyak laughed and then fixed his plum gaze to hers.

writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Unable to contain her excitement, she reached up and embraced him tightly. Oh, Kannoyak! That is wonderful news! she laughed, her joy unbridled. Thank you for believing in me! And as she expressed her thanks, the flapping of wings reverberated in her ears; Moon Owl approved. 

After releasing her grip, she stepped back and shook her fur vigorously, seemingly attempting to rid herself of the excess excitement, as it was hard to concentrate otherwise. She had to focus intensely as he started listing different pack names. Among all the names, it was the last one that caught her attention, causing her to react with a wide smile. 

Village Moongrove! You are brilliant, Kannoyak! Oh, how she wanted to hug him again!
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The embrace caught him by surprise. Kannoyak felt her arms around his shoulders, his neck, and the closeness of her smaller figure. He reached up tentatively, holding her in this momentary embrace. The joy that she exuded was like sunlight breaking through clouds. The joyous glint in her eyes was mesmerizing.

When the girl pulled away, he felt the absence of her in his chest. The cotton grass man dipped his head, ears trained on her excited utterance. She called him brilliant. Kannoyak felt his cheeks burn and a smile form on his lips.

Moongrove then. And you will be Chief! Moonwoman would be proud, no?

The white hunter thought that Kukutux would likely be proud of her daughter, no matter what she did.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
As soon as her mother was brought up, her excitement vanished, and reality took over. In truth, she was unsure how she'd react, and this caused her smile to fade and a frown. That ... is actually a good question, she replied with a strained laugh. I do not know how she will respond—especially with everything that has happened recently. Having gone through a divorce, embarked on a spiritual journey, and found her totem, she seemed incapable of stopping to catch her breath amidst all the chaos. Considering the circumstances and uncertainty, she realized she had more questions than answers. 

We should talk to her and seek her advice, she suggested.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
At the mention of the Moonwoman, Ariadne grew somber. Kannoyak did not understand. His head turned, trying to find a way to make sense of this shift in energy. She had been so happy! She had been overjoyed at the premise of this place belonging to her. It did not make sense that the mention of Kukutux would cast doubt in her heart.

Moonwoman will be proud of you, no matter what.

He knew this. The pale woman had built a community with her family. It could not be the way that it was without her everloving support and care. Doubt was a vicious thing to battle. Kannoyak believed that the girl’s mother could help relieve some of what she felt.

But let us go speak to her. She will have great wisdom to share with us.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Even though he reassured her promptly, she remained unsure. She guided them out of the woods and back to Moonglow in search of Kukutux's counsel.