Neverwinter Forest uummaġmiu
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Pack Formation 
Ariadne and @Kannoyak had decided to explore Neverwinter Forest again, and the pair had set off around the children's nap time to explore the forest that they'd soon call home. As they walked through the woods, she exuded a newfound confidence, a clear shift in her attitude that was impossible to overlook. She moved as if she possessed the land already, and it was a refreshing departure from the sad woman she'd been when she'd returned to Moonglow. 

This place is wonderful, she remarked to nobody in particular, though she was sure her companion would agree. The woods' shade helped to keep the temperature pleasant on the beautiful, early summer day. She felt torn between staying and leaving, but she decided it was best for the children to divide their time between territories until they were prepared to move. 

”Patience,” Moon Owl reminded her. ”They have a lot going on, and you do not need to add another thing to their plates. This move is already going to be hard enough on them!”
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The dense forest was the setting for their walk. The white hunter observed their surroundings with sharp eyes, curious and keen. The long shadows cast by the boughs overhead were perfect to keep the warmth of the summer sun at bay. The bustling of prey was a sign that they would feast and feast well. No matter the season, the forest would see protection from the elements thanks to the guardian trees that grew upon the terrain.

Ariadne commented on the beauty of it and Kannoyak nodded his head. His expression was reverent, pleasant. He enjoyed seeing her interest spark when their paws had found the woodland terrain. It was so unlike Moonglow. He had worried she would be filled with homesickness.

It will make a good village, protected from winter snows and harsh summer sun.

Kannoyak thought she had made a good choice. The conversation he had shared with Ariadne’s son still weighed heavy on his mind.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
She agreed with a nod, already envisioning the future when their village was well-established and bustling with activity. Though their exploration had been limited, with much more woodland left to uncover, she could already envision her future in this place. Not only were the conditions ideal, but it was right next door to Moonglow, which meant that she could see @Kukutux and @Vairë whenever she pleased.

We should journey further today, she suggested, pulling herself from her thoughts of the future as she took a whiff of the air. I think I can smell a body of water, and I would like to explore it.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The cotton grass man confirmed her suggestion with a firm nod. They could explore as deep into the woodland as she wished.

You are not aapa!

As the two made their way through the pines, Kannoyak glanced to Ariadne from the edges of his eyes. It felt peculiar to find bubbling nervousness within. The topic he wished to discuss did not come easily to his tongue. They walked for a while longer in silence before the white hunter turned his full attention to Ariadne and sighed.

Moongirl- he began in his rumbling voice. One of Ariadne’s puppies found Kannoyak. Destroyed the beaver fur. His spirit was filled with anger.

White ears flattened to his crown, worried what she would say to this.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne was shocked by Kannoyak's revelation about her son, even though she found it hard to believe because he had always been a well-behaved child. However, she realized that he had no justification to lie to her, and her heart broke as she thought about the situation and knew that she needed to know more. 

I am ... so sorry that happened, Kannoyak, she said, looking up with a soft, apologetic expression. Can you tell me everything that happened?
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The moongirl seemed shocked at his revelation. Kannoyak battled with internal regret. If the boy hated him already, he could see no benefit to this conversation. At least, it would not bode well with the child. The cotton grass man did not wish for her children to feel angry, to be hurt by the white hunter’s presence. He wanted only to assist the moongirl in her dreams and to provide her with the companionship she deserved.

The boy came to this man’s den. He asked why moongirl visits. Kannoyak spoke truth - said that moongirl was a friend. The boy did not like this. He grew angry, loud. He took the beaver’s fur and tore it. He shouted that Kannoyak was to stay away.

The pale figure could not meet her gaze.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Upon learning about the circumstances, she was greatly disturbed and felt terrible for him. Furthermore, she was distressed by her son's behavior, particularly because she believed that he knew better than to act out in such a way. 

”Patience,” Moon Owl reminded her in a whisper. ”Your son is going through a lot—think of the world through his eyes.” Though this wasn't an excuse for his behavior, it allowed for her to re-align her thinking and take a deep breath. 

Unsure how to make it better, Ariadne paused, turned towards Kannoyak, and pulled him into an embrace, hoping to comfort him. I am so sorry that he did that to you, Kannoyak—and thank you for bringing it to my attention. I will have a conversation with him when we get home and make you a new beaver fur. He knows better, I know he does, but this behavior is inexcusable.

I think he must be going through something, and I will work with him.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Moongirl does not need to make a new fur.

Kannoyak had gathered the remains of the beaver pelt and tidied it to the best of his ability. He had tucked it away in a corner of his home where the elements would not tatter it further. If he was careful, the pelt would still last. He would make it last.

Kannoyak is worried…

The strength of his white arm returned her embrace. He lingered in the smell of her, until she had filled his mind and overwhelmed his senses.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
A multitude of thoughts raced through Ariadne's mind, with worry at the forefront and guilt trailing just behind it. She wondered if they should be exploring out here, but she pushed that idea away, reminding herself they had made the effort to come and could discuss it later. The time away would provide her with additional time to reflect on it, allowing her to deal with it in a more rational and less emotional manner. 

Inhaling deeply, she took in his scent through a sigh, finding comfort and calmness in it. I am, too, with a croak, she buried her head into his neck. I will make it right, I just ... don't know how to yet.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The white hunter did not want to speak on it any longer. She admitted that she did not know how she might handle the situation. Kannoyak did not believe there was a way.

The child had watched his family fracture. He had seen his father leave and his mother befriend a stranger, close enough that she would visit the cotton grass man in his home, bring him gifts. What could she say that would remedy the hurt her boy felt? Words did not seem enough. The young pup had wanted Kannoyak to stay away and the white hunter did not believe it would be wise to ignore him.


Plum eyes shifted to Moonglow. He worried that returning had been a mistake.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
He appeared unsure when he answered, and she released him, took a step back, shook her coat, and watched him with a frown. Everything will work out, she assured him. I will do everything I can to make everybody comfortable. But even as she said the words, a sinking feeling in her stomach—was it dread?

What if everything didn't work out? Quickly, she pushed the thought from her mind, and redirected their conversation to the reason why they were in the forest in the first place. Did ... you still want to explore? she asked, her voice wavering as she struggled to stay optimistic.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
She spoke as though taking action would fix it. Kannoyak looked at her with an unreadable expression. How might she feel if she tried with all her might and still her son carried anger and hurt in his heart? She could expend every ounce of her energy trying to repair the hurt that had been caused. There was no guarantee that things would get better.

The cotton grass man was not in the mood to disturb her optimism. If it came to it, he would bow away from the Moongirl and leave her to tend to her growing young ones. He had always been a man who was married to the unclaimed earth - a pathmaker first.

Yes, let us explore.

Kannoyak waited for her to take the lead.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
After examining his face for a moment longer, she moved away from him and assumed the lead.

Although she was unable to identify her exact emotions, she was certain they were negative. Feeling disheartened, she proceeded at a slower pace, guiding the path ahead. Despite her efforts, she couldn't shake off the negative thoughts and suddenly stopped to address him again not long after they’d started walking. I do not know if I can explore anymore—I think that this needs to be taken care of sooner than later, she explained, her face twisted in emotion and tears brimming in her eyes. I think I need to go and talk to my son. Can we go back? she asked.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The cotton grass man remained silent while Ariadne pushed them further into the woodland. His eyes followed the swaying branches while winds carried the scent of numerous prey animals. The hunting in the forest would spoil them, of that he was certain.

When the moongirl stopped, Kannoyak froze in place. She turned to him, features wrought with emotion. Her words cracked slightly, slicing against his heart. In that moment, he wished he had remained silent. He could have kept a respectful distance without disturbing her or her children. Now, she was troubled with facing her son’s anger.

Yes, we can go back.

A small sigh fell from his nose.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Thank you, she breathed in tandem with his sigh. 

She swiftly guided them back to Moonglow in silence, her mind buzzing with potential outcomes of their discussion, trying to sort through them before reaching home.