Ocean's Breath Plateau red inside
Captain *
112 Posts
Ooc — orion
All Welcome 
set just beyond the borders on the sentinel's side. he's not tresspassing!

Rarely did Nox venture beyond the gloom of Ravensblood, but the call of the rugged cliffs drew him to explore. Behind him, the twin peaks faded to a snow-capped backdrop as he skirted a beach and entered a forest not unlike his own. These trees were missing the familiar streak of red sap, however, and already the captain found himself yearning for their shadowy embrace.

As he neared the further treeline, the enticing scent of seal meat was clouded by the reek of other sea-dwelling wolves. They were not alone on the coast, it seemed. But while this discovery may have served as a warning for most, it only excited Nox who emerged from the woods to look down upon an expansive plateau that stretched all the way to the sea. 

Who lived here? While Meredith would certainly have teased him for not being subtle, Nox preferred to dive right into trouble, and let his youthful howl carry across the flatlands in search of an answer.
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn worked the borders. He moved through the pack. ALl that he could do to keep moontide afloat he did. He hunted until his paws were tired and his jaws hurt. But he made sure there was food and pelts and things for his pack. They would thrive he would do his best. However, his hunts were interrupted by the sound of another calling out. So with wariness he headed not towards the front of their pack lands but the back.

That alone made him uncomfortable in a large way. He shifted and met the youthful gaze of a brown streaked young male. But he was not trespassing. Though he was too close for Rodyn's comfort.

A dip of his head. You approach Moontide. I'm Rodyn Alpha. What brings you to our borders?
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
Captain *
112 Posts
Ooc — orion
It did not take long before his call summoned the presence of a figure: a large and ruddy tree-trunk of a man. Though his posture remained calm, Noxir noticed the subtle awkwardness to his stance and his mouth split in an unsettling grin. 

"Rodyn of Moontide," the words were drawled lazily in return, "a pleasure to meet ye." And what a pleasure it was to finally see their neighbours in the flesh. The scent of others clung to his pelt, though Nox could not discern how many. "I'll be on my way quick - promise," a half-truth slipped easily from his lips as the captain dipped his own head in feigned respect. "Just lookin' for somethin' to eat. Winter's a hard season for lone wolves, y'know?"

A flash of pink as his tongue rounded his muzzle, carefully observing the other's reaction.
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn narrowed his eyes. his wariness growing every second with this wolf. But perhaps he was merely being overreactive. After all. They had much going on at the moment.

This one wanted a hand out. Well Rodyn was normally one to share. But some sixth sense told him not good idea. But he could offer his skills.

I can hunt with you if you'd like. For a meal. We can probably fell a deer between the two of us.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
Captain *
112 Posts
Ooc — orion
The man was courteous, but not a do-gooder. Disappointment cloaked in the curious urge to see what Rodyn was capable of, he nodded genuinely this time: "Aye, sounds good." Nor was he opposed to showing off either.

"Where's the best place to find 'em round 'ere?" Peering round the man's figure, he let his eyes scan the plateau from the dark smudges of dotted huts to the forests beyond where their prey might be lurking.
Join Murkwood or adopt a pirate
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn normally was a do gooder. He could not even explain his current stance about not wanting to do so. What he could say though was that he was fast losing his good will towards others. And it was because he was tired of the constant wolves that felt it was their right or they did not needt o have manners and just waltzed across ihs borders like they belonged to them. Frankly, a man who was slow to anger, was angry.

Rodyn nodded towards a small copse of trees. I have been lucky to find bedding does and fawns in there. We can go there.

Then a dip of his head and he moved forward. Glancing to make sure the other was following.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.