Redhawk Caldera The skies are always blue
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
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This year Maia didn't have nearly as many things to worry about as last, but of course she still worried.  She was more tired than usual, but it took her a week to realize that the fatigue settling in might mean she was pregnant.

@Eljay would know, she was sure!  But she didn't go find him just yet.  She hasn't slept well last night, to top it off, and was lazing in the sun near their den to try and catch up.  She managed a small nap, but woke up as a few droplets landed on her face and muzzle.  The sky had darkened a bit - looked like they were going to get a light rain.

She smiled, but didn't get up quite yet.  It was warm enough that the rain wasn't unpleasant, and it wasn't coming down hard.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,158 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay, like the previous year, just presumed that everything had gone well and Maia was pregnant. That didn't mean he didn't worry, of course, but they were different sorts of worries, such as whether Maia was eating and drinking enough and whether everything was going well. He would ask her a lot more than normally how she was doing to try and monitor that, and brought her food more frequently too, even though she was still in the phase where she was totally capable of looking after herself.

Through all of this, Eljay realised that he was getting older. It just wasn't as easy or smooth as it was last year. He woke up regularly with a bit of an ache in his hips, though it wasn't anything serious. He didn't feel old, but he had to admit to himself that maybe he was.

The skies were darkening and he glanced up at them as he made his way to find Maia. He smiled as she came into view, looking content despite the raindrops that were starting to fall. Hey, he said softly and he moved towards her to softly bump his nose against her cheek. How are you doing?
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia rolled to look at Eljay as he approached in the light sprinkle, but didn't get up just yet. She'd thought he might be a while longer, but she was glad he was here now! Before she forgot and they both got distracted by something else.

I'm wonderful. I've just been tired. I thought maybe it was something I did, like maybe I'd chased that rabbit a bit too far last week. But now I feel like maybe it's something else. A few something else's. Despite what she said, she had a night glow of happiness about her. She could put up with a little low energy if it meant more siblings for Hymnal and Sylvie! She didn't want to tell them until they knew for sure, but even the chance of it had her hopes up in a tizz.

It isn't raining yet. She patted next to her, inviting him. She wasn't ready to accept that he was growing old yet, but he did look like he could use a break. She was always more than willing to oblige that!
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,158 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Maia said that she felt wonderful, but was just a little tired. An array of emotions flashed Eljay's face; first a content smile when she said she was wonderful, then worry as she mentioned being tired, then his eyes lighting up as Maia said that it might be pregnancy. That's wonderful news, Eljay said with a soft smile. It won't be long until I should be able to establish it for sure. It was always tough to tell in the early stages, so they'd have to be patient for now.

Maia patted the space next to her, and Eljay smiled as he settled down beside her. Thanks, I could use a little break from all the preparations. Thankfully they were settled well here into the Caldera, so preparations shouldn't take too much of a toll, but it was getting harder this year than the previous.

Once settled, Eljay let out a content sigh and he said, I can't wait to tell the kids. Of course, they needed to wait until they were sure. They'd agreed on that. Eljay couldn't help but feel excited about it, though. He already knew Hymnal would be over the moon about it, at least.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
As soon as Eljay had settled in, Maia let her forehead rest on his side as she listened to him talking, smiling at the way his fur rustled against her face. Perfect. She replied, the word only lightly muffled. He was always so warm!

Should we wait until we're sure? I'm pretty sure. But I guess I'm not sure sure. She wouldn't be sure sure until he was sure, or until she felt or could see the difference. Being tired was one thing, but it could always be that she just wasn't sleeping well? Once a doubt hopped in, it was hard to discredit it completely.

I'd hate to get their hopes up. How do you tell, when you can? She'd never actually asked that last year. A lot of his medic practices seemed like magic to Maia and this was definitely one of them. It seemed like, last year, he'd known before she did - probably because she'd been so freaked out about everything.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,158 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay smiled as Maia leaned her head against him, enjoying the way the pressure felt against him. He agreed with what Maia said; it was tough to know when was the right time to tell the kids. Especially if you weren't absolutely sure (even if you were pretty sure). He didn't want them to adjust to something only to find out that it might not happen, even though he of course wanted to believe that it would.

I get what you mean. It would be bad if they get used to the idea and then... He couldn't finish the sentence, because it was too terrible a thought, really. In answer to her other question, he said, Oh, stuff like the size of your belly, but also if they're moving a little, and uhm, a few other things. Next to, of course, how you feel and all that. He somehow felt awkward saying some of them out loud, such as teat size. Do you recognise anything from last year? It seemed to him that mothers had an easier time telling whether they were pregnant each year because it might be similar to the last.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I don't think so. She paused, trying to think on if there was anything she had noticed that she was forgetting. Last year I didn't notice anything. This year I definitely feel different, but I'm not sure if it's that different or a something else different. She was, like, seventy five percent sure it was that different but didn't want to risk their daughters' excitement with it. They'd be so crushed if it wasn't!

I really think it's that. I don't feel bad, just like I have a little less energy. Maybe they're trying to grow quicker for us. Maia smiled. Even she knew that was impossible - it was wayyy too early for them to be trying to do anything! But she knew sickness could be a sign, even though it was one she hadn't dealt with much last year. She'd never heard of this, but it made just as much sense. When you had something else in you, sometimes it prob made your body kind of.... freak out.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,158 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay nodded when Maia explained that she felt different, where last year, she didn't notice anything. It was possible; if you didn't know how pregnancy felt, then it could be that you felt nothing while the next year it turned out that there was something to feel. You just didn't recognise it yet. At least Eljay had heard it in other women, too, that pregnancies could differ in that way. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

He smiled when Maia said she just had less energy and that maybe the pups were trying to grow quicker. So we can meet them quicker, Eljay said softly, and he nuzzled Maia's nose gently. Have you thought of any names? Then, realising that he hadn't really pulled his own weight in the naming-thing, he added as a pre-emptive answer to his own question: I always feel like it's easier when they're there, when you can see them.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She actually had been thinking on the name question. Not as much as she would in following weeks, but she had one suggestion. Maia couldn't help giggling at the nuzzle he gave her nose, butterflies (that had nothing to do with pups) fluttering in her chest at it. She'd never get tired of these moments. Every single one was so, so special.

I have been, a little. She didn't want to make all of the decisions, and she agreed that it was easier afterwards to name them. What if they looked nothing like the names they chose, and what if they had their heart set on one only to unexpectedly have to change it?

I was thinking that, last year, we picked names based on things my parents would have liked. What if, this year, we chose names that seem more like how your parents named you and your siblings?

It didn't have to completely go that way, of course! But she didn't want to always pick names based on her family history and she knew his had a legacy to draw from as well. She loved some of the names he and his siblings had held. "Elwood" was of course his dad's name, and she felt weird going with it again when Elfie had already worn it. But some of the others... 'Finley', 'Tiarnach', 'Fiadh', 'Tywell' and so many others she didn't exactly remember right now. They were lovely and would fit perfectly, she thought.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,158 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay hadn't really given it much thought yet himself. Maia's words surprised him, as he hadn't expected it. But of course he should have. She was always so considerate and sweet. The caretaker considered those words for a moment, and then slowly nodded with a soft smile. I think that would be amazing, he said after a beat, with a soft smile.

Oh, how he wished he could talk about Teya's situation to Maia. Teya was a bit like a daughter to Eljay, since she was Weejay's age; to see her so distraught hurt him a lot and he worried for her and her future children a lot as well. It did seem like she was pregnant. However, at this point it wasn't confirmed yet, and even if it was, Eljay didn't want to tell anyone that Teya hadn't already told herself. So for now, he kept his worries to himself and focused on the bliss of his own little family instead.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
oops! Idk why I assumed that, I edited that thread with Teya to say Maia noticed <3 ofc Eljay wouldn't share that (I spaced on the fact that it would be weirdly invasive for him to)

He seemed to like the idea and it was worth it by far just to see him smile. Maia thought again, though, about how much he did for her and all of them. It had given her a thought, once they were born, but the way she felt now she wasn't sure she should bring it up. She couldn't imagine doing double duty with how exhausting this last week had felt.

It wouldn't hurt to talk about it, though, maybe? Especially since it was an after thing. If she was pregnant, then they had plenty of time before the kids would actually be born.

I was actually thinking, too... that maybe, after they are born. I could maybe help you and Teya out again? As a Raven? She didn't want him to think he had to, or that she would be upset if he didn't. But he and Teya did so much, and she felt selfish, spending another year focusing one hundred percent on the kids while he didn't get that chance. They deserved to see more of their dad too. And he deserved a mate who could support him. Last year was a lot, but this year I think it would be good to maybe... I don't know. She smiled. I liked being a stay at home mom, but I'd rather we both have more of both, I think.

It was a kind of random segue from names, she realized, after she'd said it. She wasn't sure why her brain suddenly hopped to it, but now that it had, she was happy she'd put it out there. It definitely felt weird asking when she was the one to give it up in the first place, but she knew Eljay would never pressure her into retaking the role. If anyone did ask, it would definitely need to be her, and it would be when she was ready for it. She felt like, maybe, she was again.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,158 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
no problem <3

After he confirmed on the names, Maia said that maybe she could help out again as Raven once the children were born. It surprised Eljay, since she hadn't mentioned it before very much, but it made sense now that he thought about it. Last year had been very rough on Maia with a lot of losses, but now she was doing better again.

Eljay wasn't sure he would've ever even thought about bringing it up again himself, which made him extra grateful that Maia herself brought it up. Thanks for saying, Eljay said softly. I think it's a wonderful idea. I'll talk about it with Teya, when — He considered for a moment, picking his words carefully (he'd wait with this until Teya had a bit more headspace herself, but it wasn't relevant until after the pups were here anyway, so it was easy enough to use that as an excuse), When they're here. Eljay smiled softly at Maia and glanced at her stomach briefly. He felt an excited jitter in his stomach; he couldn't wait to meet them!
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She shouldn't have worried, and really did know that. But she still found herself watching him with a bit of apprehension as he answered. It shifted to relief as soon as he agreed to talk to Teya. She could have taken a 'no', but it definitely would have crushed her a little. Teya still might say no, and that would be fine too - she was just happy that he seemed to like it.

A bigger, fatter drop of rain hit her muzzle and she looked up, then laughed as another hit her back. Now it was getting colder! We should probably get inside before one of us melts! She stood, then waited for Eljay to join her before setting a course back for the den. They were close by it, thankfully! And could take shelter before the worst of the rain set in.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,158 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Want to wrap this here, and have a new one soon? <3

Eljay knew that it was important to Maia; being a leader. She'd been one before, and it was part of the reason why she hadn't wanted to move to Redhawk Caldera when he lived there. It was no surprise that she might want to get back to it. Eljay didn't think it'd be much of a problem; she was already basically taking up the role, anyway, being present in the pack and knowing what was going on. It wouldn't be a huge change, and she deserved this, in Eljay's opinion.

The drops of rain seemed to get bigger and wetter now, and Maia laughed as she suggested going inside. Eljay nodded in agreement and he got to his feet, then hurried back in the direction of the den with Maia.