Redtail Rise while the future is fast coming for you, it always flinches first
506 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
I dropped the ball on the previous thread you created for me, so I thought I'd make us a new one as one of my new blank slate threads, since a lot has happened since then. <3 PS feel free to have Akashingo catch Aventus' scent from his prowling around their borders in the dead of night. I hope that BTS reference is okay, if not, let me know and I'll change it!

Aventus returned to the Rise empty-handed.

He didn't need to ask at Akashingo to know his wife was not there. He had ghosted along their borders in the black of night, searching for a trace of her scent, and found naught. He was glad to avoid being pulled back into Ramesses' strange hospitality but gutted by Arielle's absence there. In the surrounding lowlands he had spoken with several passersby, receiving the same answer from all. No one had seen a red, black and grey wolf.

Wherever Arielle had gone, he could not follow her. Several times on his return trip home, he considered turning back and seeking an audience with the pharaoh to see if he knew anything of her whereabouts, but he remembered what had happened when he was last there. Shame drove him away.

He fixed his sons' faces in his mind — the only thing Aventus felt he had left to live for — and pressed on toward home.

When he crossed the borders, he was too exhausted to notice the absence of Atreus' scent among the markers. He rubbed his shoulders against the bark of two nearby trees so Avicus, Prophet, and Augur would know he was home on the next patrol, then began his weary way through the trees and up the slope. Only then did he take note that Atreus' scent was scarce and stale on the usual trails; his rebellious son must be out in the wilds again.

Perhaps @Ancelin would know where his brother could be found so Aventus could look for him later. Pitching his voice low, he called out for his mottled son to join him.
Bearclaw Valley
453 Posts
Ooc — ebony
no worries! and that sounds good!

dad came back and atreus was gone. ancelin had become morose and withdrawn, and when his father called he stared in that direction before at last standing. he walked reluctantly, not because he disliked his dad's company, but because he wasn't sure what to say.
the months had trimmed ancelin into a lean hunter. his pelt was rich and variegated, and he blended with the different terrain of the rise as he traveled how masque had taught him.
when the boy arrived to where aventus waited, he flexed his paws against the ground. "he's gone. he went into the plains. i lost his trail."
his voice felt rougher. deeper. he looked somberly at his father. their mother had not come back and ancelin no longer expected her to do so. but atreus — that was different. he forced himself to be strong, at least in the moment.
506 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Aventus dropped his haunches to the ground while his voice wound away on the breeze, seizing the opportunity to rest his bones. He had come a long way, and spent as little time resting as possible in between. It showed in the gaunt curve of his stomach and the hungry light in his eyes. Nothing a meal or three and a good night's rest couldn't fix.

These hopes, Ancelin dashed almost immediately upon arrival. Aventus would have praised the boy's silent approach, but he was given no opportunity to so much as appraise his son before Ancelin was spilling the beans.

Atreus was gone.

Aventus felt his emotions drain through him like iced water, with fear chief among them. It was a conscious effort to keep his tongue still, for his first impulse was to demand to know why Atreus had gone. He knew Ancelin would have told him if he knew the answer to that, and he didn't have to ask. He knew Atreus was unsettled and he suspected the reason already. In failing to find their mother, Aventus yearned to be a better father, and Atreus' disappearance showed him plainly that he must be. Losing his temper with his remaining son was not the way to show that. He was angry, yes, that in his life nothing could ever be simple — to lose his mother, his father, his mate, and now this?! But he could not take it out on his sons. He had given Atreus no reason to want to stay, and Ancelin had done nothing wrong.

Aves dragged himself to his feet and stepped closer to his son, reaching out, hesitating, balking, and finally smoothing his muzzle across Ancelin's brow in a halting and uncertain motion. We will find him, he promised, glad that words themselves did not betray him where affection almost always did. Did he say anything before he left that might suggest why, or where he might have gone?
Bearclaw Valley
453 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ancelin crept closer in apology. "no, dad. we hunted together. he —" and then his brow furrowed. he whirled to look east. "he said someone that way had offered him to come live with their pack."
the boy swallowed. "then we hunted. and then he was just g-gone." it had been a good day and then atreus had disappeared. but now hope, no matter how desperate, flooded his spirit.
"so we go that way?" he asked aventus, his voice fighting not to break. "'cause, maybe he is just lost. uhum, when auntie called for all of us, she didn't call for him." he fidgeted, nervous under the allusion he had made.
506 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Aventus unconsciously curled his lip when Ancelin mentioned some other pack offering Atreus a place among them. It was impossible to forget he had once been Ursus — had once been instrumental in taking not one, but two children from their homes — but that was different.

That was a blood feud.

Did Atreus say anything to suggest he would go with them? Impossible, too, was it to ignore the niggling worry that this was his fault. Atreus had never been settled here, and Aventus did not know how to reach his headstrong son. Had his efforts proven only to drive Atreus away from his home into the arms of unknown wolves? Was family worth so little to him that he would abandon them for strangers?

He grounded himself. He was not alone in failing to reach Atreus and he could not place the blame on the boy alone. The entire pack had failed in that regard, reinforced only when Ancelin revealed that Avicus had called for all the children. All except for Atreus.

His temper flared. Why would she exclude him? he wondered aloud before he could get a handle on it. His nostrils widened with a deep inhale while he steadied himself. I will search the lands around the Rise for signs of him. I want you to stay here, continue learning, where there is shelter and food. If I do not find him...

Aventus let his eyes close. He didn't like the possibility. Atreus could be far, far away. Or he could be dead. He tried not to think of that. Then you and I will go and search further.
Bearclaw Valley
453 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ancelin shook his head quickly. he was unsure how to unsnarl his father's mood or what he could say to lighten the choking atmosphere beneath which he felt like he had failed. it didn't help that aventus looked rough, gone searching for mama so long and then back to find that atreus had run off too.
"he said the opposite actually. said he'd stay. and — i'm not sure about what happened. but he left the hunt, dad. and i don't think she liked it."
aventus spoke of leaving again. this made ancelin nervous; he licked his jaws. "you know, dad, i — i've been learning to track and move quiet. masque is teaching me. so i could, go with you, you know, um."
the idea of leaving daunted him. the idea that atreus was really gone hurt even more. he hoped so much that aventus would relent. the boy no longer felt like a child.
506 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Of course Avicus had not liked it. Aventus hadn't, either. But Atreus was a petulant boy whose mother had recently departed then. He could be excused for his emotional outbursts. He was a young man now, and Aventus had thought better of him than to run out on his family, no matter how surly he was. Yet he could not blame the boy seeking another way if his own pack had made him feel he was an outcast. A good leader does not hold grudges for such things.

But was Avicus a good leader, or merely a strong one?

Perhaps none of this was relevant. From what Ancelin said, Atreus had meant to stay, and now he was gone. What that suggested made Aventus' belly clench with brackish fear.

He eyed Ancelin when the boy appealed to come with. Pride glinted in his silver eyes. He had always believed that cunning and being observant were more valuable traits than any amount of strength or fearlessness — this was what separated him from the Bearclaw side of his own heritage — and he was glad his son had come to possess some of those skills. But the set of his jaw was firm.

It is possible Atreus did not go away on purpose, he said baldly. The words tasted sour in his mouth. There may be danger. I do not doubt your abilities, but I need to know you are safe. Unbidden, the scarred face of Nyra drifted across his mind. He had not thought of her in some time, but he knew he had enemies in the world, even if it was incredibly unlikely that they would find him or his kin here.

Arielle. Atreus. Their disappearances suddenly felt all too convenient to be coincidence.

If I do not find him nearby, I promise to bring you with me then.
Bearclaw Valley
453 Posts
Ooc — ebony
shot down. aventus' explanation was well and good enough, but ancelin couldn't help but feel a little rebuffed. still he swallowed this down and pumped his head in jerky nods.
"all right, dad." what point was there in arguing. "i'll keep an eye out here."
ancelin mustered an encouraging smile for his dad. "i know you'll find him. or we will." he didn't want to be left behind, but the idea of leaving the rise on such a specific hunt made him hum with anticipation.
he wondered what his dad meant about being a good leader. did he mean avicus wasn't? the boy would puzzle over that for a while. but for now he only crept closer to his dad, settling at the dark shoulder thinned by travel and hunger.
506 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Satisfied with his son's compliance for now, Aventus nodded, doing his best not to look as worn down and hopeless as he felt on the inside. He mustered up a small, encouraging smile when the boy flanked him.

Join me for a hunt? he offered, turning toward the trees where prey was more abundant. He would need to leave sooner than he wanted if he hoped to catch Atreus' trail out there, but even Aventus, who knew nothing about being a good father, knew it would be good to spend some time with Ancelin first. I am eager to see what you have learned so far.

The boy had shown greater interest in other pursuits, but hunting was not so different from stalking or sparring.
Bearclaw Valley
453 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ancelin nodded. he moved in a resolute, ground-eating trot. the terrain of their world was made for it. out in the distance he spotted a small herd of sheep, moving down from the mountains to graze. he glanced at his father. would two of them be enough?
wordlessly he sought a second option. he found the dried droppings of hares and sniffed over them for freshness. today's spoor.
this all came easily to him now, and the second time he did not look for aventus' approval, only moved in confidence.
506 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
How easy it was to forget his son was no longer a small child, but a juvenile coming into his own. When the boy cast indigo eyes back to him, it was tempting to seize the chance for a lesson, but Ancelin moved on again before Aventus formulated the words.

The man followed in silence, and when Ancelin’s stride became more purposeful and Aventus detected the scent of hares instead, a wordless smile lifted the corners of his lips. Good. The boy did not need his direction after all. He swept along in his son's wake, ears pricked and muscles tensed.

It was bittersweet to know Ancelin had grown so much without him.
Bearclaw Valley
453 Posts
Ooc — ebony
his father followed. ancelin led him along the deepening track, pausing to look at scattered fur and more droppings. at length the trail became darker, wending through trees before opening ahead into a clearing.
there, many hares gamboled and frolicked. ancelin's body tensed with hunger. there were so many! he waited for his father now, glancing toward the darkfurred man as the space between them thinned.
no whispers, only the question in his eyes as he sought the silver of aventus' gaze.
506 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Aventus trailed behind, ears pricked for sounds Ancelin might not pick up in his inexperience. It was natural for the Clawan to doubt the abilities of the young a little, but when his son stopped at the edge of a clearing, he found there was no reason for him to doubt at all.

There were so many hares, he couldn't count them all. Aventus sank into a lower crouch, hiding himself there where the foliage thinned and adjusting his balance on his toes. When he felt prepared, his silver eyes sought Ancelin's and with the same wordless understanding, he dipped his muzzle forward in a nod.

His son would have the honour of breaking cover first.
Bearclaw Valley
453 Posts
Ooc — ebony
aventus respected him with this and ancelin would remember this moment in his life to come. he looked into the moonsilver of his father's eyes and saw the recognition every boy needed to become a man.
with that, ancelin burst from the foliage. he did not choose a target as the hares scattered; that was his inexpertise. but he snapped doggedly for one, a second, a third; his indigo eyes burning with excitement.