Haunted Wood Tried to tell ya I was crazy
-Peace in your Violence-
378 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Long lumbering steps took him to the haunted woods. The shadows bending down towards him while the starlight glimmered and shimmered above him, coloring his pelt in silvery hues. Saliva dripped from his maw, as red eyes rolled from one corner of the wood to the other.

Softly crunched frost under his paws, leaving deep grooves in the ground. He wrinkled his nose and continued forward. It was beautiful here, it was. But there was a sadness to it, it colored it in darkened hues. He brushed against a nearby tree, fur falling from his pelt to litter the ground. His fur growing in long and luxurious thanks to good genes, and winter time.

He lifted a nose towards the moon, and traced from one to the next the constellations.
Dreven is a mature character. He is often filled to the brim with suggestive words, comments and the like. He also swears a lot. If you cannot hand this, or if it makes you uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to send me a pm and I will try and tone it down for our thread.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia hadn't really come to this forest, especially not alone, since being attacked in it. It had been a long time but she still shivered involuntarily as she stepped beneath the thicker boughs, her tail tucking uncomfortably as she began to try and creep more softly through the woods. As if she might wake up the trees themselves.

She'd never been entirely sure if she believed in ghosts, but she wouldn't be surprised if this place actually was haunted. It was so creepy.

Its okay. There's nothing here. Just have to be here for a bit.. The trail she'd been tracking led here, unfortunately, and she didn't want to let it slip away just because she was a scaredy cat.

That was probably exactly what would happen, though, as soon as she spotted Dreven. She'd been expecting to be alone, but as soon as she spotted him, her heart leapt into her throat. Oh- she started, then froze like a deer in the headlights, panicked. He looked similar, but it wasn't him. While her mind tried to convince itself of that, she was caught staring, unable to move. Did she run? Would he chase her?
-Peace in your Violence-
378 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She was dressed in colors of gossamer and silk. Tan and white face stared out and around. He had heard her approach, but hadn't thought much on it. No fear as it were. Red eyes traced her form, rounded, probably a mother he'd wager. Your body tended to change after children.

She froze at first sight and he gave a low chuckle. She was scared to death, but holding herself in check. She stared though. He looked over his form with careful eyes.

DO i have a spot on my fur? or a bug in my teeth? I know i'm handsome, but damn.

He winked at her, and then shifted. HE wasn't in the mood for a fight, and he didn't really want to take her to bed, though it shifted through his head. As it always did. She was pretty certainly, but he had a little snow ball at home.
Dreven is a mature character. He is often filled to the brim with suggestive words, comments and the like. He also swears a lot. If you cannot hand this, or if it makes you uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to send me a pm and I will try and tone it down for our thread.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She was being rude. Her cheeks heated up, but it didn't help the fear much. The other stranger had been kind too, though he hadn't spoken much. Her panic warred with her need to be polite, the latter winning out only slightly. She stayed back, and her tail didn't rise, though she did smile weakly.

Sorry. You just... reminded me of someone. Maia glanced around, the fur at her neck prickling. Was he the only one out here, or were there others? This forest is just.... She trailed off, at a loss for words, and then laughed a little uncomfortably. I just really don't like it. Even without the history it had for her, it was creepy in a way that the Fen never had been. Something about it felt ominous.
-Peace in your Violence-
378 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Dreven didn't move to close to her, he didn't wish to cause her more unrest. He briefly thought about pressing the perogative, about pushing the boundary that he always had before, but something told him, that would be unfair. That this she wolf was innocent in much the same way, that Atka had been. Except Atka liked forbidden things, this she wolf seemed one who would like the safe.

Dreven quirked a wolfish brow. You know many handsome rovers with scars and demon eyes. Eh? Well that makes you know more than me. I just know myself.

HE gave her a cheeky smile. He listened to her words and looked around, tattered ears swinging to and fro as he thought of a way to answer her. he knew what she meant.

It's heavy, dark, ominous. My father would have told you this is a place for the living to meet the dead and dark magic.
Dreven is a mature character. He is often filled to the brim with suggestive words, comments and the like. He also swears a lot. If you cannot hand this, or if it makes you uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to send me a pm and I will try and tone it down for our thread.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
He joked about it, but the comparison wasn’t a kind one like that. She felt guilty for thinking it as he laughed, and forced herself to untuck somewhat. The wolf he’d reminded her of had been terrible but that didn’t mean that this man was. She was an Auspex now - she couldn’t be afraid to go places like this. She didn’t want to be afraid.

Do you have many stories about dark magic? That actually helped. Her interest in stories could overcome about anything, and there was more volume and genuine feeling to that question than the previous ones. I haven’t heard many. Usually magic is just magic, and the heroes either can’t die or… stay that way. She smiled apologetically. Maybe this wasn’t the place to talk about those kinds of things, but she really was curious.
-Peace in your Violence-
378 Posts
Ooc — Danni
So totally gonna wing it, stealing the plot line of The Sorcerer's apprentice with Nicholas Cage. <3

Dreven didn't mind her comparison and thoughts. His laughter was genuine. If he couldn't make fun of himself, then what was the point. Live life buttoned up and stingy. No thank you. Though if he had known her thoughts, he'd have told her she was wrong. He was probably as terrible as the wolf she was thinking of, possibly worse.

He made a noise in his throat a deep Hmmm.

Sort of. Many centuries ago, there was an all powerful sorcerer. He could see all things that would come to pass within the constraints of time, he could summon creatures to do his bidding, bind fire and water from his footpaws. He served a benevolent King.

Dreven cleared his throat, trying to remember it all. But as is with all good things, there must be something dark to balance it out. This sorcerer had three apprentices, two men, and one woman. All gifted with their own abilities, all powerful in their own right. A sorceress rose to power, killing their benevolent king and attacked the head sorcerer. She was able to turn one of the male apprentices to her side, by offering him what he couldn't have and that was the female who was in love with the other male apprentice.

Dreven's red eyes burned into Maia's as he continued the story. But as with all things involving love and darkness, there must be a sacrifice. So when the Sorceress was set to strike down the young, good male apprentice. The female sacrificed herself, using a piece of chaotic magic, that allowed her to pull the life force of the Sorceress into her own body, leaving the good apprentice to trap her in a rock, where she would spend eternity, fighting the same beast over and over again.

Dreven looked around and lowly whispered. To this day, they say he searches for a way to free his beloved and get revenge on the dark arts that sundered his life apart.
Dreven is a mature character. He is often filled to the brim with suggestive words, comments and the like. He also swears a lot. If you cannot hand this, or if it makes you uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to send me a pm and I will try and tone it down for our thread.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Ooooh. It was hard for Maia to hold onto her fear when she was being drawn into a good story. She listened with captivated attention as he told about a sorcerer and the way the magic used him until he had nothing left but regrets. Though…

Isn’t the evil in that story the way the sorceress used her magic? Maia smiled at him, extremely grateful. All of her distrust had faded away with the telling of the story. It’s a beautiful story, and you are amazing at telling them. But I still think it shows magic is part of nature, and what really matters is how they used it. She hoped he wouldn’t be offended!!! Or think she didn’t like it!! It was the total opposite - she’d never thought of a story without names, and she actually really enjoyed the idea of it.

Are you a storyteller? He had to be, right?
-Peace in your Violence-
378 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She was a rapt audience. He wasn't normally a story teller. Hadn't tried his hand at it in some time. It was a story with darker center than most, but Dreven himself was a dark wolf.

Perhaps that's what it is, but that's the fun of stories, innit. It's all up to interpretation. Everyone takes something different from stories. He always had, usually the dark parts of them, but he had heard a fair few when he wanted good to triumph, but he was living testament to that didn't happen often.

He shook his head. No. I just now how to spin one, is all. Don't make it a trade or a habit.

He shifted and shook his pelt free of the small droplets of frost that had settled on him in the cool night air.
Dreven is a mature character. He is often filled to the brim with suggestive words, comments and the like. He also swears a lot. If you cannot hand this, or if it makes you uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to send me a pm and I will try and tone it down for our thread.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
My mom used to say that a lot. Maia nodded in agreement, touched by the words in a way she couldn’t really explain. Talking about stories like this was an unexpected reminder of so many wolves who were dear to her heart; her mom, Wraen, and her older daughters.

I wouldn’t sell yourself too short. All the trade is is knowing how to spin one. Maia said, laughing a little sheepishly. I used to travel more, and collect stories from the places I went. But now I have a family and that kind of thing is a little harder. I really appreciate you sharing one with me today. For the first time since she’d entered the forest, the feelings of discomfort were almost entirely gone. She’d forgotten it all when she was drawn into the story.

I could return the favor, if you wanted? A story? Or a hunting partner? She probably had time for both, but the former was way more of a guarantee. It was too bad a story couldn’t literally feed you.
-Peace in your Violence-
378 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Dreven didn't care one whit if she was happy or not, but she seemed more at ease and that was good at least. This way he knew she wasn't going to like attack him for frayed nerves or something. He had wanted only a place to think and he could handle her company.

Dreven grinned. I'll have to remember that then. I only know stories from when my dad would tell me them. Which wasn't often.

Dreven smiled. Go ahead and spin your yarn. He waited with amusement on his face.
Dreven is a mature character. He is often filled to the brim with suggestive words, comments and the like. He also swears a lot. If you cannot hand this, or if it makes you uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to send me a pm and I will try and tone it down for our thread.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
another I let go! We can fade this in a couple more rounds if you like <3

A story then!! Maia smiled, then closed her eyes and thought for a bit. Something about magic, and maybe even a little darker than usual. Perhaps an old favorite hero of hers. And the villain… oh! The idea came to her, just a quick flash of inspiration, and she decided to run with it. It was always fun to see where the story ended when even she didn’t know!

There was a warrior queen who ruled in the lands far north, where the snow never melts and the rivers are always frozen. Her name was Amina Ice-Eyes. She was a dangerous enemy, but her pack had known peace for so long that she grew bored with it. “I shouldn’t complain,” she thought, “but it’s been so quiet!” She was happy for their peace but she needed to find a way to hone her skills and keep her strength. Finally she decided to ask her trusted second to keep her throne for her, and set off on a grand quest! Looking for the place where she’d been born, a land full of revered warriors who could help her to train. She hoped to convince some to return with her.

Maia paused. She was starting to get caught up in the story, and the opening was giving her more ideas even as she spoke! But she always tried to remember she had an audience, and keep an eye on their interest.

She traveled long and hard over the paths she remembered, running across ice and snow. Nothing in this place could challenge or stop her, but when she arrived, she was shocked!! It looked nothing like the home she remembered when she was small.

There were no warriors in sight! All she could see, as far as the horizon, was a tangle of icy brush. She was not even sure how to press forward. She lifted her voice to call, but suddenly, a voice hissed from the shadows nearby. “Don’t. She’ll hear you.

”Who’s there?” Amina could not see who had spoken. She looked all around, but when the voice came again, it was on the ground at her feet.

Bear-spirit, is it really you? We’d hoped you would return to help us, but could not escape to send word so far. Are you Amina? She was amazed to find a small snake speaking to her, let alone one who knew her name! She didn’t recall any from when she had been here before.

”I am. Who are you and how do you know me? What do you mean, help?” She wondered if this was a trick, and her suspicion grew. Maybe this snake was a distraction sent to keep her from her home.

”I am your aunt, Selene.” At first she did not believe it, but no strange snake would know her aunt’s name. She had never spoken of her family before. Amina had never heard of any magic like this! And was more surprised when the snake continued. ”We are all like this. One day we woke up transformed, before we even had the chance to fight the one who did this. She is an enchantress. She put up these brambles and lives at the center of them, forcing us to serve her and keeping us from leaving! We cannot fight back like this; you have to help us!

She had a few good bits sorted on the rest of the story, but decided to let him help her sort out the aspect she hadn’t pinned down.

Amina had fought spirits before, but she’d never fought a sorceress. So she needed to look for answers in how she might defeat the magic. What do you think she found? He could participate if he wanted to! She began to think of things too, something she could choose at random to bring the story to its finish.
-Peace in your Violence-
378 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Certainly <3

She closed her eyes even. How quaint. He settled in to listen. She was going to spin him one heck of a yarn he'd wager. And for a moment he thought of his father and wished he was alright. But he knew better and the man had been so twisted by the end, his ending had been a good one.

Oh she liked to bring her audience into the story, okay. He had to think for a moment. A secret.

He didn't know what he secret was, but it was secret. A secret that had been passed down from generation to generation.
Dreven is a mature character. He is often filled to the brim with suggestive words, comments and the like. He also swears a lot. If you cannot hand this, or if it makes you uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to send me a pm and I will try and tone it down for our thread.