AI Art: adobe firefly watermark question
11 Posts
Ooc — Creggan
Hi there!

I have some artwork I’ve prompted Adobe Firefly to create using the text-to-image generator, and I have also not supplied any artwork for reference so that it will use only the stock images that are free for it to use. 

Quote:There is one exception. Because it is ethically trained on open source and Adobe licensed images only, we will permit AI art generated by Adobe Firefly. For this artwork to pass muster, the Adobe Firefly watermark must be intact and visible.

^^The only thing is that Adobe Firefly is not putting watermarks on the art anymore. I do pay for the software so maybe that’s why, but I can’t even put “make sure the Adobe Firefly watermark is on the image” in the prompts to make it show up. 

Will Adobe Firefly art be allowed on the site if there is no way to put a watermark on it? 

(Or does anybody know a way to make it put the watermark on? That’d be handy too!)
671 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
Just wanted to let you know we are discussing this and haven’t forgotten you. The rule was written at a time when Adobe Firefly put watermarks on everything. We will respond with an update soon.
11 Posts
Ooc — Creggan

Any chance you've made a decision on this? I wish that there was a way to get the watermark put on so that we could be sure that all AI art made with Firefly is genuinely made using it, but it really doesn't seem to be an option. It would be great to still be able to use Adobe Firefly, especially for text-to-image, stylized images. I could provide a link to a screenshot of the page where the image was generated, if that could act as proof that it was created using Firefly?
50 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
We've discussed this and due to the removal of the mandatory watermark from Adobe Firefly, we will no longer be permitting AI art on Wolf because we can no longer verify that the source is ethical to artists. There will be an announcement posted and changes made to the Guidebook shortly.

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11 Posts
Ooc — Creggan
I had such pretty things cued up to spiff up her profile. But I suspected this’d be the decision.

Adobe Firefly is still ethically created AI art, and is approved for use here if there is a watermark. That is no longer an option. The problem with AF is proving that it was created using that program. If a screenshot taken of the program with the artwork was provided as proof that it was indeed created using AF, would that suffice as proof? This is something that could probably be photoshopped if someone wanted to go that far and had the ability to do so- but so could the Adobe Firefly watermark. 
