Ouroboros Spine tuttuvak
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
All Welcome 
While Racharra met the Moonwoman, the hunter from Moontide followed directions and wandered among the ulax until he found a cache beyond. He began to break ground there, seeking whatever might satisfy his belly - but not too much, he was not greedy.

After his meal maybe he would go hunting, if Racharra was to take a day or so with her duties. He wasn't sure what the plan consisted of; but as Raiyuk delved in to the earth he found dried and aged meats, and began to eat.

He watched the sky for a few moments, and the observed the many paths leading back to the ulax, as if he might see someone he knew - and maybe he hoped to.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne was at work gathering playthings for Little Fox's ceremony. She was cleaning a bird skull outside her ulaq, enjoying the sunny day and pulling meat off the bone.

Movement from down the path that led to Moonglow's ulax caught her attention, and she put down her work to see a wolf she didn't recognize from a distance. Curious, she sniffed the air and noted the salty brine of Moontide in the distance—a member of her sea-sister's pack, and a welcomed guest of Moonglow.

She stood and barked, hoping to catch his attention, her tail waving in greeting as she watched him.
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
He heard something behind him, from among the ulax that he had passed, and saw Ariadne there. This was the woman who once gave him work which he was happy to complete. That had been before his seal hunt and before he had become a man; before his scars, and his own lodge being built.

Raiyuk smiled and moved to greet her, noticing that she was not far from the mouth of her own sleeping place, and that she smelled much like his mothers — of milk and children.

Cloud woman, he remembered his father speaking of her with this title, once. If you are looking for your Morningsong, they are near — in the Weald. He had heard as much through the grapevine of Moonglow.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ah! Raiyuk! She quickly recognized him once he was closer and smiled in greeting. I am sorry—I did not recognize you at first! He'd grown! It is good to see your face! You look well! His scars suited him.

The excitement ceased at the mention of Morningsong, and she grew serious as she considered the information. It is ... no longer mine, she said evenly; she couldn't even dream of trying to reclaim what she'd abandoned. But, you have seen them? How do they fare?
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
His head raised a little bit as she noticed his scars, and he subtly moved so she could get a better look; although Raiyuk was not one for vanity, he was immensely proud to bear the scarification of his people. It was a goal recently realized but long dreamt about.

The man Dutch is very good friends with my father, and is welcome in our lodge. He visits often to dote upon my father's wives and to see my brothers and sisters. He did not realize the full depth of why, in that Dutch had also lain with these women, and if he had known he would not be offended by the thought, as this was how he was raised. Neither did he consider how nefarious it might sound to someone born of the Sunshine people.

He lives in the woodland with his wife, now. She is pretty, and quiet, and—I do not know her very well. I have heard talk from my father that they are expecting. It was all good news according to Raiyuk.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
While he'd provided some insight into what had happened to Moonglow, she felt there was still more to learn. It sounds like he is doing well, she acknowledged—he had love and children on the way! That is good. I am happy for him, she said, smiling.

Do you ... know what happened after I vanished? she asked. What happened to the pack, and why did he move away from the glacier?
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Raiyuk smiled back, unaware of the deeper history between the woman and her old village.

From what Dutch has said, their numbers were too few. Some women arrived—due to the season, he was bashful as he mentioned this and then sped on; but then left, and some of the men went along. They are here now though, Dutch and his wife, and one my father calls shadow girl.

Maybe she would go and visit them?

If you stop by my father's lodge you might see them, if you were to visit. His tail sways in a friendly arc.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Their numbers had been too few. She felt her stomach drop at this information and felt immense guilt. She knew that she owed them a visit and would need to collect furs and meats to offer them along with an explanation and an apology. It was the least that she could do, given everything that her abandonment had put them through.

He mentioned his father's lodge and meeting Dutch there, and her tail swept at her heels. I was already thinking of visiting, she revealed. I already told your father I must meet your new siblings.

Where in Moontide is your lodge? she asked.
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The way she phrased her question, Raiyuk thought she was asking after Chakliux and the children, and their sleeping place. I can show you if I am home by the time you visit. It was an easy offer to make; his stay here in Moonglow wasn't meant to be a long one, and he presumed he would be following the desert princess when she made her way again.

Then, remembering his own, he offered as an aside: My own lodge is not far. I am close enough to be helpful to my father and far enough to be independent. He gave a shrug at this, but smiled thinly also.

If you would like to visit your friend Dutch, I can show you the way to his camp in the forest—that was where I last saw sign of his people.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne admired Raiyuk's generosity and strong work ethic, appreciating how Chakliux had raised him well. I'll take you up on both of those offers, she said with a smile. Thank you, Raiyuk. 

When would you be able to take me to Dutch? she asked.
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
He was glad to be of use. Having filled his belly by now, Raiyuk had no more use of the cache at his feet. He quickly covered it with the loose soil and when he was finished, he looked to Ariadne.

We could go now, if you would like. But if not, I will be here in the village for a few days. He did not know what Racharra planned; and as he was otherwise not occupied with work to do (not knowing yet he would be conscripted to fix the Cen problem), he had all the time in the world.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne wasn't ready to go and meet Dutch, as tempting as it was, and she explained with a sigh, I wish I could go now, but I have my children to watch. If it is fine with you, I'll come find you soon? She hoped this'd suffice.
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
He smiled and nodded. Of course. You are aaka now, your children need you.

Whenever she was ready, he would be available. It made his heart feel full when he thought of having a mother as present and attentive as Ariadne. He was fortunate now to have many—but he also wondered about his birth-mother suddenly, and set her image aside in his mind. Now was not the time to think of Nasamik or try to compare her faded memory with yet another woman in his life.

Raiyuk looked up the path again, wondering if he should return to the sleeping place of Kukutux.

I will be staying in that ulaq over there, he motioned up the hill some ways, where he knew the princess was staying, and focused on an adjacent space. It wasn't his duty to guard her but he felt compelled—as that seemed to be the right thing for a man to do for a woman.

With another bow of his head, he stepped away and began to march back.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
She appreciated his understanding, and smiled as he explained where he’d be staying during his visit. I will come and find you, she promised with a sweep of her tail. Thank you for the help, Raiyuk. 

She watched as he marched away, and once he was out of sight, she returned her attention to the skull she'd been tending to, and continued her work as her children continued to nap.