Dragoncrest Cliffs the sirens of titan
what do i do after all this survival?
1,834 Posts
Ooc — Kermy
Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
Pack Activity 
Response to this is mandatory. Please respond by next Monday. This shouldn't be more than a round, maybe two depending on how the information is received. Those not tagged in the post: @Ajatar @Artaax* @Shalon @Dalia @Melchior @Furi @Blixen* @Sirio @Corva @Cecil (@Portia: if you decide you want her to officially go, please send me a message and I will edit it into my post!). * A follow-up thread will be made for you two.

One the wolves from the scouting mission returned, Thuringwethil began to set everything else into motion. Later that night, she spoke with @Dio and @Eske on the next course of action. Arlo’s death hadn’t been foul play and there’d been no sign of Wildfire. The location of their find seemed a little off course, based on what information she had, but she doesn’t know what to make of it. She regrets not sending anyone right away to the caldera but at the time, they had limited resources and one wolf wolves to go on. @Eljay hadn’t been able to step up in the roll to lead them there but she can only assume—hope—he would be able to recognize the area when they got closer but she is thankful for the perfect timing of @Étoille, albeit she does feel a little worried about sending him on two expeditions so soon after joining, but his agreeance already has won points in his favor.

When the next morning approaches, she decides to bring the wolves together once more before their departure. They have little time to lose. The weather has been getting colder, the ocean winds harsher. It won’t be long before winter is heavily upon them and they have no time to waste. It is no lie that the wolves had not come home with Wildfire or Arlo but the information has yet to be freely given and the tension that her howl must cut through has only grown. Her Wocha and Wanlida already stand at her side as she begins the collection of her wolves in the northern area of the redwoods that opens up to the lake. Several yards behind her rests Kendra and the growing garden @Hux has been tending the last few days. They do not have a body to bury in light of their fallen brother but a tribute nonetheless will be rooted.

One by one, the wolves trickle in and she greets them with a single, sharp nod as they approach. Her children collect together on one side and @Tirgatao takes a stance nearer to her as budding advisor. Once the rest have taken to their spot, Thuringwethil clears her throat. There is no time for grand entrances.

“As you know, Eske and the others have returned from their scouting trip. We’ve learned a lot from the mission. There are three packs we hadn’t known about before within a few days travel each. There isn’t much we know about them except they exist,” she explains. One of which being new and she hadn’t forgotten the information they hadn’t been well received when they go. “They also found Arlo’s body in the mountain range though it appears to be an accident and there was no sign of Wildfire. Our next step is to go to the Caldera, where they were going, in hopes to get some answers. The trip will be long but there are enough of us to leave here and still have the safety in numbers as we travel. Eske will be in command in our absence with Tirgatao to give her aid, should she need it.

“Étoille will be our guide to the Caldera as the only one that knows the way and @Eljay will come along with us. @Hux and Portia will also join us,”
she finally finishes, letting loose a heavy breath. The rest of the information will be shared by those that are going on the expedition. “We will leave in the morning and move down the coast, then head east toward the Redhawks,” she tacks on should they be gone longer than a few weeks. The travel is expected to take several days to get there, if they are quick on their feet, but she must account for taking care of those on the expedition as well.
Trigedasleng · Common
all that wanting, all that aching, all that capacity for love:
it never belonged to you in the first place
i'm still here, but all is lost
718 Posts
Ooc — remus
Master Guardian
feel free to skip blix if there's a second round~

 another meeting she's crawling her way into, but this time she knows the call is meant for her as well. she's kru (though not for long, with the speed and intensity she barrels towards her mercenary trade with), no longer goufa, not a child needing to eavesdrop.

blix arrives quickly and settles by her brothers, mouth flattened into a determined line. there is nothing to do but accept the news, though she'd already known some of it. new to her: the large white wolf with the funny-masked face is taking the trip to the caldera and eljay is going with them - that's right, eljay's a .. cousin, or something, of hers. and eske's taking command which means - nomi's going too. belatedly she notices the outsider by the side of the large white wolf. not outsider, that's not fair, her name is furi - blix's feelings toward her are still..conflicting, and after a few moments she realises she's staring and looks away with a flush. there are more important things right now than the strange dark furred girl who came home instead of mother.
and there's nobody there to catch us when we fall
461 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Artaax was quicker to answer the summons for this meeting, eager to know what the next steps would be in the search for Wildfire. He and @Bobby were right in the middle of a hunt when the call came, and though it meant losing their prey (a chubby groundhog), the Hompleia was insistent. He was deeply proud of his high(er.. ish) rank in the pack and thus was more determined than ever to be obedient, loyal and essentially perfect in every way. So, he let the prey go and herded his grumbling brother to where the pack was assembling.

Upon arrival, the boys took their place beside Blixen. Artaax stood tall and proud, listening attentively as Thur explained what had happened and what was to come to the pack.
build me up from bones
138 Posts
Ooc — Siro
News that the scouting party returned was not a well-kept secret amongst the clan. In fact, Tirgatao had caught a glimpse of them herself while settling down for the previous night, but hadn't felt it was her place to pursue them. She was close with Heda—her future advisor, but that didn't give her express permission to intrude on conversations meant for Heda and her council alone. But she'd rested a little easier knowing Eske et all were back, and safe, beneath the protective boughs of the redwoods.

The morning came early, but Tirgatao was anxious to hear what had transpired. It didn't take her long to arrive—she knew the woods around the lake well, as it provided the scene for her usual haunting grounds. Copper-cast eyes found Heda first; she stood fast and firm between Dio and Eske. She bowed her own head as she made her approach, ears settled comfortably against her ruff, as she took up a place near the Commander, but not so close as distract from the leadership.

She watched as the clan filtered in, expression serene as ever, but there was something unmistakably tense about the usually soft skin around her eyes. Once they were gathered, Heda began, and it took everything Tirgatao had to not visibily flinch at the mention of the kindhearted warrior. The boy. She'd watched him grow from afar and now... she exhaled, reserving any grief she felt for later when it was dark, and she was alone. Wildfire was still missing (as if that wasn't evident from her absence in the meeting) and she stole a furitive glance towards Artaax, Blixen, and Bobby. A large part of her wanted to console them, but she was unsure if, at this age, they would even be accepting of her approach.

It didn't come as a shock that Heda was to join the next party, but she didn't like it. Not so soon after her illness. They couldn't afford to lose her. Not now (not ever). The only thing she could think about was what happened the last time, and how her own inattention had nearly proven fatal. The cliff, the fall... Tirgatao sucked in a breath, steeled herself, and nodded when her name was spoke in connection to Eske. She turned to look upon their Walinda and hoped to convey, in the marked silence of her passive submission, that she would do her best to provide. 

She thought of possibly making mention to take care, considering what happened last time, but she knew better than to assume Heda wouldn't be taking the necessary precautions.
"There are no guarantees in the future. That's why today, the time we have now, is important."
Trigedasleng is denoted in bold/italic if not already written out. Hover for translations. 
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay didn't want to go, but when he was asked to he didn't want to say no. He knew he'd already made a piss-poor impression on the Heda and the pack because he didn't know the way back to the Caldera, so he shouldn't make a big scene out of this. Maybe it'd be okay as long as he just stayed near the back of the group and pretended not to be Eljay, but he knew deep down that he wouldn't be able to. What if they found out he hadn't just left the Caldera, but had left it without telling anyone? Would they cast him out? Worse: Would he be tempted to return to the Caldera, only to find out that he had already been replaced for good and that he was no longer welcome?

As the Heda spoke he shifted his weight uncomfortably, afraid for what was to come, and he swallowed thickly as he mentally prepared for another journey while every fibre of his body screamed: Stay home!
280 Posts
Ooc — e

For the first time in his life, the beast feels something that can only be described as 'nervousness'. Though the first leg of the scouting mission had gone ... as well as it could have, given the circumstances, he has inadvertently placed a large burden of responsibility at his own feet. It is one thing to follow his Commander's orders. It is another to have to chart the course.

But he has not been with Drageda long enough that his original journey has washed from his memory. Selfishly Étoille wishes Eske were accompanying them. At the very least he feels somewhat more comfortable with her than with Heda. He does not know the other wolves that will be joining him but he studies each of their faces from his position near the Wanlida (though not so near as to encroach on the hierarchal structure they stand in). His gaze drops down to Furi - right. It is for the best that Eske does stay behind. The kru can only hope their trip is brief and successful, that he may return to the dark-furred child quickly.
454 Posts
Ooc — romanova

They gather when called to Thuringwethil. Eske turns sea blue-green gaze to the Commander as she speaks, though bulk of her words is a re-telling of what happened on the first scouting trip. Things that she knows, already. The Wanlida gives a nod of her head in acknowledgement when it is stated that she will temporarily be in command when the party is gone as Dio will accompany Heda and the others named. There is some surprise from Eske when Étoille is the first to be named upon the second scouting trip but it only proves how little Eske knows about the pale titan. Evidently, he is quite knowledgable on the layout of the Teekons. Eske catches Tirgatao’s look and turns her head to let her gaze touch upon the older woman, silently acknowledging her named role. The air feels heavy to Eske, the weight of the seemingly innocent burden she is once more given. There is always a possibility that it may go south. She does not wish to think it but …Arlo’s body and Wildfire’s continued disappearance is proof that anything can happen to anyone. Eske knows her duty and she will ensure that the instructions she’s given are followed explicitly. She will not fail her Commander and she will not fail Drageda.

She holds onto the hope though that this trip will not leave them as heavy-hearted as the first.
roangeda · green-lit

— your hands are wet with the blood
of an empire. you lick it off.
[time & tide]
479 Posts
Ooc — -
The morning carried with it the distinct chill, both in the air and in the minds of so many in their pack. He knew what was coming as he sat stalwart beside their commander, opposite Eske, and with his mismatched gaze roving over those who joined them as well as beyond. He was tense with anticipation for what was to come, of course, but readying himself to face it head-on. Already so much time had passed, and Arlo's death did not bode well, so they had to act before it grew any colder if they were going to hold onto any hope for Wildfire's well-being.

As their group assembled and word spread, he felt the weight of it all so keenly.. and not only upon himself. Eske, with Tirgatao to support her, would do well here on the homelands he trusted, and he believed those like Étoille and Hux on the trip should be quite fine. The meek Eljay concerned his outlook some, and leaving a sometimes-sketchy Sirio to the others at home did not settle well with him either--plus he knew he would miss Dalia sorely. But he could not be in both places at once. This time, he had to ensure those that went were protected and that their travels went on undisturbed. Then maybe, if all went well, they could find something out at the Redhawk pack and return to the cliffs sooner rather than later.

He was as ready as he could be, anyway.
we don't need another ruler
all my friends are kings
956 Posts
Ooc —
The call fills her with anxiety the moment she ears it buy she isn't stubborn enough to ignore it. This isn't home anymore, she quickly reminds herself. She doesn't have her parents ire (to be honest, who can be mad at this face?) to deal with if she doesn't answer. She isn't important her.

It takes her a few minutes to orient herself to figure out where to go and she feels small as she approaches, as if all eyes are in here when in reality they are glued to Heda. Eske is near the front with the dark leader and her ears sweep back, searching the other wolves for someone she may know. Étoille grabs her attention and she slinks over near him, coming up behind him and gently brushing his rump until she sits down and stays close. It feels if all eyes are on her (outsider, outsider) when in reality it is only one, and briefly. Furi turns to catch her gaze just as Blixen is turning away but her own eyes drop to the ground and remain there when the leader speaks.

Furi remains silent, despite her objection to her companion leaving but Eske is staying, and that is enough to keep her grounded. The two wolves she's connected most with are split, she's noticed since their return, and in reality not as close as she suspected on the scouting mission. Furi swallows a lump, daring to look up and to her guardian briefly before she lets herself shrink back against the large wolf again.
i'd give anything to hear you say it one more time
that the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes
Did someone say plants?
526 Posts
Ooc —
portia had not intended to come... she was not a woman of force and though she understood the desire and sometimes necessity to solve problems with violence-- she did not agree with it. though, she was not certain that this would result in any violence-- her own assumption was that this was merely an intimidation factor, that could potentially end poorly. 

either way, she worried.

but portia knew that if the worst came, they would need a healer. she was by far the best healer drageda had, and it only made sense that she went along. nerves tingling in her paws, the fisa went straight for her mate as she approached the gathering, pressing her nose beneath his jaw and murmuring a soft something into his fur. at her paws, she had dropped two bundles of herbs, first aid kits. they carried basic things, emergency things, because portia knew that if something happened they could not afford to be so thorough and wasteful. she would probably make someone else carry the second bundle-- but she hadn't thought that far ahead just yet.
green text signifies trigedasleng.
62 Posts
Ooc —
Hux approached the source of the call with intermingled emotions. Eager as he was to help in the search for the missing Wildfire, he feared the difficulties that they would face. He hadn't known the fallen Arlo well, aside from helping him learn to fish, but the boy's passing easily brought to mind the reality that no one was ever safe from death. And he feared, though he would never speak it aloud, that Wildfire had gone too. But that did not make the search party unnecessary, not at all.

The snowy wolf approached the gathering, finding most of the party already assembled. Being a mere Kru, he lowered his posture to express respect and silently seated himself towards the rear of the crowd while Heda gave a briefing on their course of action. He, like some of the others, did not like to see her accompany them so soon after her illness, yet he respected her decision to do so. The fiery-coated woman was her mate, after all... The mother of their children.

It was only after the dark Commander's speach that Hux noticed Portia, and the bundles that lay at her paws. Quietly, he moved around the others to stand beside her, speaking softly and gesturing to one of the bundles with his snout. "I can carry one, " he offered, showing a little grin. His skill in healing did not even come close to hers, but he wanted to help in whatever manner he could, even if it made him a pack mule.
68 Posts
Ooc — Cruz
Sirio was one of the least interested in all that drama that was occurring. Though they made for great stories, he couldn't say that he particularly liked these kinds. But, with the summoning howl of their leader ringing through the air, piercing his thick skull, he could not ignore the wanting of his feet to go to the place of meeting. He was one of the last to join in, he had noticed, for he saw nearly everyone he had known throughout his short life. He was only half paying attention to what was being said, vaguely recognizing the names and subject that were spoken about.

What he really didn't like was his mother being asked to join them. He could nearly not bear the thought of his mother's beauty being absent from their pack. He slowly nodded at the end of the speech, wondering if now was as good a time as any to take his leave.
i want i want i want i want i want;
am i repulsive in my wanting
to know your enemy, you must become your enemy
47 Posts
Ooc —
Cecil was quick to respond. He hadn't been extremely inthralled with the drama that had erupted within the pack in the last few weeks. His mind having been distracted. He greeted Thuringwethil, and Dio, quickly followed by Eske. He wasn't surprised by the news, but it was still unsettling to hear. His ears fell against his head, ashamed of his mental absence.

He was however ashamed that he had yet to make a name for himself that Heda might ask his to join as well. However, he wouldn't let it show. This was not a time for his egotistical thoughts. Besides, he was sure that he could aid Eske as she once again took up a leadership position.

so sorry for the lack of response on my part, I have been in school. I am only now jsut starting to find time for hobbies once more.
civilize the mind
make savage the body

Cecil's Pawprints
Mecenary {I II III IV V/5} + Scout { I II III IV V/5}
86 Posts
Ooc —
She is not far when the call is made and she sticks to the back, off on he own, while listening to Heda speak. She glances to Eske and Tirgatao whom she has left in charge while they are gone—foolish to leave them at all—but she does not voice opinion. She licks her lips and looks away, settling her gaze on someone else for a few seconds, and then another, while steeping in her silence. No wolves seem to object to the plans, or have anything to add, and one brow rises in curiosity. They all do as asked, despite some tension in the air. Their trust is strong or it is a fear of speaking.
what do i do after all this survival?
1,834 Posts
Ooc — Kermy
Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
I'll leave this up for a few days if anyone wants to reply again but will archive soon!

No one has any objections, comments, or anything else to add and Thuringwethil nods her head thankfully. Her eyes trail off to her children as they stand with purpose, trying a little too hard to be seen. When enough time has passed to give anyone an equal opportunity to speak, she clears her throat. Very well. “Do what you need to do to prepare for tonight,” she says and then dismisses them before lingering back with a small handful of the wolves.
Trigedasleng · Common
all that wanting, all that aching, all that capacity for love:
it never belonged to you in the first place