Northstar Vale I'm All Good Already
lift me higher, let me look at the sun
893 Posts
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Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
let @Winterbourne post first! @Evergreen is also welcome if he wants to "catch up" to them. forward dated to the 17th

About a month had passed since Reiko left the safety of Kaistleoki's borders. Ira had made an agreement to visit after they had finished setting up, and the timing couldn't have been more perfect. According to Speedy, she would likely be showing in another week or so...and there was still a lot to be done before then. When the Constable announced her departure, Winterbourne was quick to offer himself as an escort. Under normal circumstances, she likely would have insisted she was fine for the short distance, but there was still the matter of crossing the mountains to inform Easthollow of...a few changes. The roan woman still wasn't sure what her father would think and for once she actually worried about his opinion. Those fears had been kept to herself though, there was no need to burden Evergreen and Winterbourne with her family's traditions.

Ira glanced up from the mountainous terrain to see the vale closing in. It was a relief to her, not that she was exhausted, but between the climb and slight nausea that lingered from the morning, she was happy for the chance to rest. It wouldn't be much longer until the duo neared the borders where Ira would take a seat to rest and hopefully ease some of the spinning in her head. She was suddenly grateful for Winterbourne's presence. Dealing with these annoying pregnancy symptoms alone through all the traveling would have been a huge pain. Settled in her spot along the Vale, Ira tipped her head back to call for @Reiko.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
220 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Being around Ira makes him nervous in a different way than it had before, now. He worries about her too much, he thinks, and he doesn't know how he's supposed to act around her now; whenever he sees her, all he can think about is trying to avoid messing anything up. He'd spent days mentally kicking himself for volunteering for this trip, knowing it would be a daunting task for him — but he's not entirely comfortable with the idea of Ira being away from the territory without himself or Evergreen around. So here he is. Trying not to mess up. And slowly dying inside.
You okay? Need anything? He asks for probably the half-dozenth time since their departure after her call ends. He tries not to be annoying, but whenever he senses the slightest discomfort from Ira, it frays his nerves completely and he forgets that he's trying not to nag.
Winterbourne's voice is low and raspy due to a throat injury during his childhood, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand him.
taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Pregnancy not visible during this thread! She is still suffering from a concussion

Burying the evidence of her current morning routine of vomiting - Reiko was on the search for some herbs to help with the dizzying feeling she felt as well as the low ringing in her ears. It was much fainter than it was before, but the lingering ringing was enough to agitate the usually pretty preppy young leader. Before she could find what she was looking for, a familiar call rang out in the vale, summoning her to the borders where Ira would be waiting.

Her pace was slower than usual, but she made as much haste as she possibly could to greet Ira. Her visit was long anticipated, and Reiko was feeling pretty excited about it all. Even with the headache, she approached with a swinging tail and a smile on her lips, dreading to dip her head shoulds he fall over and so she doesn't this time. You have finally made it~
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.

lift me higher, let me look at the sun
893 Posts
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Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
The Constable shook her head with a mere hum in response, I'm fine, the rest is nice though. Even without eyes, it was plain to see the shift in her companion's demeanor. What once was a silent man now checked with her what seemed like hourly. The fretting did not really bother Ira, but it had occurred enough between Winterbourne and Evergreen that she couldn't help but take notice.

Their wait was short, but at least Ira had no real reason to move yet. Reiko, good to see you. I assume settling has gone well based on your border strength? The roan woman had hoped to hear good news all around while they rested in the Empire. Gods knew she'd need it once she was done at Easthollow if things went even a fraction of how she expected they might.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Briefly she was curious to see why Winterbourne had accompanied Ira to come and visit the Empire, it was possible Ira only wanted companionship for the travel and so she didn't put much more thought into it from there. Likewise! With a quick dip of her head, she was pleased that everything seemed to be falling into place finally.

Very well, we have grown with a few new members already. I assume that is a good sign of its own, yes? Looking up to the roan woman, Reiko hoped to hear some praise or at least some praise in what they had managed to create here. An extended family where both packs could mingle happily, freely, without prejudice. Not only would it make Reiko happy, but she was certain Ibis would be too.
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.

lift me higher, let me look at the sun
893 Posts
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Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
A smile graced her features at the girl's words. Their sister pack was already growing and with good timing too, That's wonderful, I'm glad to hear there have been no issues. There have been some changes to Kaistleoki lately, but my word from before still stands. Those who are considered dedicated members may now visit freely.

Golden eyes shifted to the male beside her. He hadn't been addressed yet, but she knew that he could fall quiet easily in the company of others. This is Winterbourne, a Noble amongst Kaistleoki and Evergreen's mate. Evergreen returned to his position of Count so he has come in his place for our travels.She didn't dare say more to give him the chance to speak for himself if he desired and she wasn't exactly eager to jump straight to the news of her pregnancy. Perhaps the Empire would have some other news as well.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
That's wonderful! She sings out happily, swaying as her tail does the same in an exaggerated motion. Likewise with any Kaistleoki members, they will be treated like family. Hopeful that both packs will co-exist and the strangeness of open borders would melt away soon enough as the members test the waters between each other.

Cerulean eyes met the man Ira had introduced and the Empress smiled. I remember Winterbourne. Dipping her head in greeting to the man she had barely known before the attack, a familiar face was a familiar face regardless of how brief it was! He was friendly and that was all that mattered. I see - so things seem to be going back to normal now hm? Back to the same image she had left so abruptly back last summer.

I have taken the role of the leader here, as Empress since I'm familiar with it. Ibis is my Queen, second in command. It was only natural that she would give Ira the news from the vale as well. I also took a mate who will be my Emperor eventually, his name is Takeshi and I hope you two will meet soon. Smiling sweetly, she only hoped that @Takeshi will do his best to keep in good relations with the now Constable and her pack.
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.

lift me higher, let me look at the sun
893 Posts
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Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
The Constable simply nodded to Reiko's confirmations. Most of the information she provided was natural, even the ranking fit the name. How strange to see the girl that once begged her for warrior training to take on the title of Empress. Another name caught her attention, one she hadn't heard in quite a while. Ibis, the girl from Easthollow's neighbors. Ira recalled her declaration to travel oh so long ago, funny how small a world it could be. Even more to her surprise, the snowy girl declared that she had mated since they last saw each other. Is that so? I'll have to visit again soon, time given.

Golden eyes flicked to the male next to her, it seemed now was as good as ever to mention her pregnancy. I'm expecting. Speedy said I should be showing soon so I'm traveling to Easthollow while I still can to visit my family. She returned her attention to the Empress, eyes now drifting to her stomach, What of you? Do you hope to carry a litter now that you have a mate?
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Please come by whenever possible! Perhaps a little too excited, it was hard to hide the thrill in thinking of sleepovers, or massive gatherings between the packs to encourage both packs to familiarize themselves with one another. it was just a dream but maybe one day she would bring up the idea to Ira and Evergreen should the possibility ever come around. The two women would be busy of course, but whenever there is a break in their duties, she hoped both of them would take the opportunities brought by the open borders. 

That's so exciting! Swiftly she shut her mouth, not wanting to blurt out the questions on who the father was and if Ira had also found a mate. It was none of Reiko's business and if Ira wanted to share such details, it would come eventually. I hope your travels will go well.

Her excitement faded slightly, still trying to keep face by smiling and letting the metronome of her tail continue to bounce naturally behind her. Yes, I'm not certain yet, but it might be possible. A lot of us went into heat once the pack was settled, I suspect not having the stress of a disbanded pack, or no home to call their own, had delayed all our heats. So we might have more than mine.
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.

lift me higher, let me look at the sun
893 Posts
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Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
As always, Reiko seemed to be more excited than she, even when it came to her own kids. In response was the very familiar raise of her brows followed by a light smile. Somehow the Empress had always been infectious, even with Ira. Yes, it will be quite a different pace, but I have always loved kids. Again the roan woman could only hope they loved her too. She was certain there would be many hurdles in the future for her and her kids after all their upbringing wouldn't be a normal one. That's exciting news for you as well. Pups will keep you strong and ensure the future of the Empire.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Happy to see Ira cracking a smile, Reiko felt a small victory in this moment and found herself gazing at Ira's calm grin before snapping back to the conversation at hand. You will be a fine mother. She said with absolute belief. Reiko herself was worried she would be too soft on hers should they come - while Ira, seemed like the stern, loving mother who would raise any child properly. The Constable was quite the woman to look up to and Reiko could only hope she too would someday exude such power and grace.

For both the Empire and Kaistleoki. She corrected, making sure Ira knew that she was in with this whole sister pack thing with all four of her feet. Reiko, as Empress, would do all in her power to make sure she did the right decisions for both packs. It seemed tough, but not impossible.
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.

lift me higher, let me look at the sun
893 Posts
Ooc —
Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
kind of a gross closer sorry lol

Of course. Ira thought it would not be needed to specify the benefits Kaistleoki would receive in turn, but she supposed it was good to solidify. As long as there were numbers between the two packs and strong bonds they both had nothing to fear. Well, that's all of our news. I assume you do not mind if Winterbourne and I rest here until tomorrow? It would be nice to ensure a secure place to rest for the night now. Ira was certain Reiko had offered the Vale as a resting point before, but even with open borders, it was better to ask than assume. They wouldn't be here long anyway, just to ensure a night of good rest before continuing to Easthollow. As long as Reiko agreed to their stay, Ira would travel further inland with the Empress to catch up on the smaller details and find a suitable place to rest.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
With the borders between the packs officially open, it felt fitting that the news would end between the leaders and Ira, naturally, requested a place to rest before they moved on to travel to Eashowllow. I wouldn't have it any other way. She reassured with a bright smile while encouraging the roan woman and her companion to follow her to a proper resting place. From now on, she was hopeful that moments like these would happen more often in time and looked forward to it all.

end! :)
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.