Lion Head Mesa Khnum
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Ooc — Teo
All Welcome 
The pale flower hunted for @Belen with sharp eyes.

Kasmut made her way through the mesa’s corridors slowly. She greeted those she passed with a sweet smile and a flirty wave of her tail. It surprised her to see that the numbers of Akashingo had dwindled. She had once been envious of the many Fellahin, but she did not think that there were that many. At least, her trips through the territory were not met with faces that she knew.

The white figure sniffed out the newest member’s scent and followed it. She would see what Belen had learned in her first few days and how she was settling into the comforts of her home. There was still no word on the man called Neizan. Kasmut hoped he never arrived.
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Ooc — ebony

there was a man being led along the hallways. belen followed behind the doctor and the stranger, but stopped at the sight of kasmut traveling the opposite way. it was too late to hide. belen rolled her eyes and reluctantly came toward the pale fellahin. "what am i learning today?" the girl asked, voice dry to hide her curiosity.
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Ooc — Teo
The girl appeared, seeming to have caught interest in a stranger who was being led through their lands. Kasmut regarded the new doctor and the unknown man with a cool eye. She did not greet them or stop their path. Her business was with the young girl.

Hello, Belen, how lovely to see you, Kasmut greeted the glassy-eyed girl.

Let me show you how the fruits are fermented. They are a treat that is favored here.

It would be a different lesson for the young newcomer. She could see the pieces of Akashingo that made it a paradise. If she learned in all of them, she would be invaluable.
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Ooc — ebony

belen wanted to roll her eyes but did not. fermented fruit sounded like anything but a treat. still she would follow with her usual fake placidity at the other's heels. "what's an heir?" she asked suddenly, not caring that her voice echoed in the corridors. "are they going to be here?" whatever they were, she was both tired of hearing about them and desirous to know more.
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Ooc — Teo
The girl wanted to know what an heir was, and if they would be there in Akashingo.

Kasmut squinted sharply at Belen and clicked her tongue.

Do not be a fool. An heir is important, Belen. The heir to Akashingo will be Pharaoh one day, following in his father’s footsteps. Such a member has not been born yet.

The pale flower returned her sweet smile. That was not talk that concerned Belen, at least not in the moment. She still had much to learn before the thought of heirs would be important to her. Besides, Kasmut would rather tear the tender flesh of her throat than see her give the Pharaoh his true heir. The pale figure thought of Satsu with disdain before regarding Belen.

Tell me what you have learned so far.
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Ooc — ebony

belen cleared her throat. heirs. babies. one important above all the rest. now she recited. "i am fellahin. i am to serve the pharaoh. i am to do the things that he wants. to worship him as a god." she paused and frowned. "but no one has told me these things." she had an inkling. "and if he is a god, why does he call himself pharaoh?" mouthpiece. speaker. she looked curiously at kasmut. "jawahir is the jewel. what are you?"
77 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Belen spoke well on what it meant to be Fellahin. She stated that no one had told her these things directly. This brought a sharp grin to Kasmut’s features. She liked to know that the girl was watchful. It could mean she would find strength in her knowledge. This would serve their newest Fellahin well.

The girl was direct with her questions. She wished to know what Kasmut’s role was within the Pharaoh’s order. The flower regarded her sweetly.

I am a Fellahin, the same as you. But I am only for the Pharaoh. No other is allowed to have me.

It was something proud that flourished in her next. She did not need a title or a pet name. Jawahir was a jewel to the Pharaoh, but Jawahir had likely been a jewel for plenty more. Kasmut had only known the love of Ramesses. What higher honor was there?
911 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"why does jawahir worship him like that? why do you, kasmut?" belen did not understand. her frustration was beginning to grow. "i see him. i hear his voice. he is not a blessing to me." her words were sharp and barbed. belen wanted to see another reaction from kasmut. "when will i know these things? are you going to show me, florita?"
77 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Do you know him, Belen?

Kasmut looked directly at the girl then. She understood that their ways did not make sense to her. She was still fresh to the ranks of the Fellahin. She had known the love of Pharaoh, even one time. Yet she stood and she judged, and she grew impatient with the answers she was given. The pale flower did not want to scold her, but her patience wore. How did Pharaoh expect her to make Belen want to be there?

You certainly do not know him the way that I do, the way that Jawahir knows him. You are so quick to judge and know so little. How has your head grown?

The pale Fellahin laughed and waved her tail dismissively, a sweeping motion that said it was all talk.

Tell me what you do not like here.

The girl's questions were not answered.
911 Posts
Ooc — ebony

belen was growing irate, restless. kasmut chastised her. the girl did not answer, did not react. not this time. not more than the set of her mouth and the pinning back of her ears. "i only want to understand." she inhaled. "am i allowed to go with you when you see him again?" maybe then she might comprehend. she was taught. coiffed. fed. but the swelling wanderlust in belen was not easily tempered. there was something coming, and she had no idea what truly to expect.
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Ooc — Teo
Understanding does not come with haste.

Belen wished to know if she could go with Kasmut the next time she went to see the Pharaoh. The pale flower smiled and nodded her head.

Of course, you may. He will be pleased to see you. Belen, I want you only to be patient… to learn and wait. You are here and you are waiting for your father. Kasmut regarded the girl with an empathetic, almost doe-eyed expression. His name has been given to those who frequent the border. The flower did not like to speak of Belen’s father as though he would appear, for she did not believe that he would. Nevertheless, it allowed her to appear more invested in Belen than she was.

Now, tell me this. Is it not easier for a man to find a target that is not moving about? You are cared for here and you have food, comfort, adoration from Pharaoh. What am I missing, Belen?
911 Posts
Ooc — ebony

it looked like they had finally come to an accord. belen bowed her head and kicked at nothing upon the sandy floor. kasmut was correct, and the thought of seeing pharaoh again soothed her. maybe it was only her. perhaps kasmut was right. "i do not know. i am — i do not know what i want." but she did. she had heard them. she had seen the fellahin join ramesses in the chamber she had never entered. she wanted to see these things before they were asked of her. but she could hardly say this aloud. "jawahir says i will go to serve the queen after pharaoh has been pleased. will i serve her in the same way?" she had become more collected under the assuming care of kasmut, and now blinked almost placidly at her warden.
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Ooc — Teo
Kasmut felt pleasure spread throughout her as Belen softened, less quick to snap with her tongue. She appeared to have been calmed by the promise to see Pharaoh. The pale flower was not certain it would be best, but it would need to happen eventually. If the girl could be taught to be pleasant and good, she would be rewarded by Ramesses.

I do not believe you will be asked to do the same kind of things with the queen. Then again, I am unsure. I do not know her tastes well enough to determine this. Kasmut didn’t care to know the tastes of the queen. She was in Akashingo only for the Pharaoh. The rest did not matter. If Belen would be shared between the royal couple, Kasmut wondered what that would mean for her.
911 Posts
Ooc — ebony

another confusing answer. belen chose to be well-behaved. "you wanted to show me fermentation?" she asked sweetly, using the same slightly saccharine tone she took with neizan when she wanted something. the secret to earning more favour was to be easier. belen did not know why she did not do this before. "will i serve the mazoi too? like tamar did?"
77 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Yes, of course, come, come.

Kasmut was placated by the girl’s shift in tone. She turned and began making their way to where the fermented fruits were kept. The smell upon the air was sharp, sickly sweet. The pale flower crinkled her nose and drew her sights to Belen with a little laugh.

I do not know if you will serve the Mazoi, she did not like the thought of Belen being special to Pharaoh, though. That is a question you should ask Pharaoh when we go to see him. It will give you something to say to him. Kasmut thought this would be for the best. He would be able to tell the young girl where her place would be in their ranks, who she would serve. If she was intended for only the royal couple, that would be something special, indeed.

Try one, so you know its power. She motioned to the fruit.
911 Posts
Ooc — ebony

belen put this aside for later, nodding to show she had heard kasmut. she liked the way that the pale woman had finally softened when she had started to be good. the girl sniffed gingerly at each of the collected fruits, taking one onto her tongue at the fellahin's bidding. her eyes widened. it was slightly bitter, but the sweetness overrode this. and it was the most delicious thing she had tasted since coming to akashingo. "could i have another, kasmut?" she did not think about how their preparation might affect her shortly thereafter.
77 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The girl seemed delighted by the fruits. The pale flower smiled at her and laughed softly at her request for another. Kasmut would not deny her, she nodded her head. 

You may have one or two more but you should stop then. You will understand after they have sat in your belly. They bring a feeling to your head that can be challenging to control. 

Belen also did not need to gorge herself on the Pharaoh’s good fruits. Kasmut would teach her that they were not meant to be eaten all the time. They were made all the more special by the opportunities that came with them. 

For the first time, Kasmut found she was enjoying herself with Belen.
911 Posts
Ooc — ebony

belen eagerly took what kasmut said she might have. the girl beamed at her caretaker, at last feeling spoiled for once inside the mesa. "are you going to eat some?" belen asked. a light buzzing had started at the base of her skull. "what sorts of things does the pharaoh say to you? are you allowed to tell me?" belen teased, looking for kasmut's weakness.
77 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The girl took the fruits and Kasmut watched with a pleased smile. She was glad that their newcomer was warming to the place, or at least finding that it had pleasures. The pale flower did not doubt that time would grant more understanding to Belen. She would learn what it meant to worship and be worshipped in return.

These are usually for special treats, but I thought you might like to try them. I will not have any, at least not today. Kasmut nodded her head to signal that this was fine, she did not mind. She wasn’t fond of losing her senses, but she couldn’t say this without Belen knowing what she meant.

The girl wished to know what the Pharaoh said to Kasmut.

He says I am adored, she answered, almost breathless in her response. And I know it to be true. Kasmut’s heart fluttered inside of her. She thought of him lovingly.
911 Posts
Ooc — ebony

belen was beginning to spin. she laughed, stumbling, and then leaned on kasmut for a moment. "what does being adored feel like?" she asked her mentor. wasn't that who the pale woman was? there was a blade in her. belen much preferred the softness. special treats. this made her simper again with pleasure. "does he adore the queen in the same way?"
77 Posts
Ooc — Teo
It is the greatest feeling in all the world, she answered softly, holding the young girl up with her shoulder and making sure she did not get hurt on the fruits she had eaten. She had to have been feeling them at that point. Kasmut knew that she would be light and prone to accident for a time, then she would need water.

When Belen asked if the Pharaoh adored the queen in the same way, Kasmut scoffed.

Perhaps you should ask him that question, as well, the pale flower answered. Mischief played in her gaze, and she nudged beneath Belen’s chin. How do you feel?
911 Posts
Ooc — ebony

belen saw something tendriling in kasmut's eyes. belen grinned. "do you kiss him?" the fruits were making her bold. beneath the veneer she tried to wear was only a girl's curiosity. she smiled, laying her head back against the wall. "i feel floaty, kasmut. like if i tried to walk i would trip. and tired." she frowned. "is this normal?" neizan's accent was beginning to thicken the words of zaira's daughter. she tried to pull their faces into her mind.
77 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Yes, Belen. It is normal. This is why we only have the fruits on special occasions, you understand?

Kasmut was pleased that she had enjoyed them, that she felt lighter than she had before. The pale flower could not see the girl’s thoughts of her parents. She believed that Belen would not remember them for long, or at least they would become less of a focus. Once she had been loved by the Pharaoh, there would likely be nothing else she would desire.

Come, let us go back to your furs and the warmth there. You can rest until you feel better and once you have cleared the fruits from your mind, you should drink water.

Kasmut nudged the girl again, hoping she would be able to walk without tripping on her own feet.
911 Posts
Ooc — ebony

belen nodded. "i understand." her head lolled a bit and she laughed aloud. this time she did not fight kasmut. she allowed herself to be guided along the corridors until they came to the place of the dens. the girl lay down and curled among the pelts. "will you stay with me?" she breathed after a moment, hopeful. her eyes widened with realization. "i think i am afraid. to go to him. to disappoint him."
77 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Of course I will stay with you.

Kasmut was a little surprised that the girl felt inclined to keep her there. The fruits must have softened her. It was good for the pale flower to know that they would be a special reward for when Belen had done well. A few fermented fruits in exchange for the perfect Fellahin? It was a small price to pay.

I do not think you will disappoint him, Belen. Look at how you learn. Look at how you ask questions. You will make him feel worshipped and he will adore you. I will be sure of it.

The woman settled into the room, near to the girl who had found a place among the furs. She hummed softly, waiting to see when Belen might fall asleep.