Ouroboros Spine becoming
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Limit Two 
maybe @Samani?

She continued to split her time between the spine and the spear. Anaa was round again, and Sialuk knew that she would welcome more children into Moonglow. Her own sisters and Lote's children would soon join the adults in their hierarchy, and the world would move on. Sialuk's own path had been made clear to her, but she kept it close to her chest.

Today, she sought out sistraa Samani. They did not know one another as well as the raindrop would have liked, and her intent was to fix this error. Much of Samani's life had been a blur to Sialuk, who had struggled under the shadow that clouded her spirit for a better part of the past year.
Atkan Aleut
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The moon child had found a thirst for knowledge inside of her. Samani had spent the last moon searching Moonglow and spending her time with her thoughts of the future. She had walked away from these moments of solitude with a newfound desire to expand her mind. There were many members in Moonglow who could teach her a thing or two about their skills and how they had found their own path.

One of those individuals was Sialuk.

As Samani drew her gaze upward, she saw the light figure of her sister. A smile swept her features, and she drew her snout up to yip out a greeting. Sialuk, Samani called out, trotting so that she might catch up to her older sibling. The moon child wondered if Sialuk would mind some company.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
It was sistraa who found her, rather than the other way around, and Sialuk glanced back to see the familiar face striding toward her.

Samani! I was seeking you, but you have found me first. Warm months are ahead, and anaa is round with more children for Moonglow, but I do not feel I know you or Kausuit well. What fills your days now that you are older? she asked. When Sialuk had been Samani's age, she had been sent down her own path with the appearance of Sixsix and the subsequent bones. Perhaps sistraa was finding her path as well.
Atkan Aleut
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Though they did not have an established closeness from time spent together, Samani did not find it difficult to look up to Sialuk. The eldest sister was someone who had drawn the moon child’s eye since she had been a few months old. As she had grown into a more adult frame, Samani wondered if she would get the chance to see her older sister’s skills, if Sialuk could share the path that she followed so that Samani might know what her own might look like.

Sialuk voiced the thoughts in Samani’s head well enough, saying that she would like to know her younger sisters better. The moon child offered a small smile, dipping her head.

I have been learning about many paths, Sialuk. I believe I would like to learn to be a hunter.

Warmth flooded her face at this confession, though it had been spoken before. It felt different when Samani was actively pursuing it.

I wish to learn from you, too! If you can share with me your path and your skills. The girl’s jade eyes searched Sialuk’s features with warmth.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sia’s ears moved to listen, hearing as her sister explained that she wished to become hunter. The older sister knew of hunting, had practiced such things when needed. Men were hunters by tradition, but it was Shikoba who was their lead hunter now.

I am medicine woman like anaa. And whisperer of bones, she said. Samani would know these things. You wish to know both?
Atkan Aleut
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Only to learn, the girl said swiftly, hoping that she hadn’t overstepped.

Samani understood that not all paths were meant for all spirits. She did not believe that she was destined for the ways of bones and herbs. The moon child wished to learn the ways of a hunter for herself. In time, she believed she could discover the role of mentor, as well. This was the path that would require her to learn from others, most of all.

The peachy figure looked up to her pale sister. She would happily take Sialuk’s words and keep them in her mind. The limitless possibilities of the world still mesmerized her. Samani would be nothing but a captive audience.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk nodded, knowing. She had always known her path. Or perhaps it had been the only path available to her. She had been needed to heal anaa, and Sixsix had provided her with her secondary duty. To commune with the bones was less of a duty and more of a… compulsion. Sialuk was drawn to them more than anything else. Their meanings etched into her heart.

To read bones is to be engulfed in them. Not something learned from an elder, but something learned from the heart. To be medicine woman is to help those who need. Learn well the ways of plants and wolves from those who have taught your teachers. Was there more sistraa wished to know?
Atkan Aleut
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The moon child listened to her older sister speak. Reading bones was something that the spirit knew, without being taught. She did not quite understand this, as Samani believed that everything could be learned by a dedicated mind. She was troubled by it for a few moments until she continued to listen through what Sialuk had to say about medicines.

Can the plants heal all wounds? Samani asked her sibling softly. A guess at an answer rested in her mind, but she wished to be certain. If herbs were powerful enough to cure most things, she wondered if this was not the best path that one could choose. It was the path of a spirit who wished to help those around them.
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
The raindrop pondered the question. Medicine plants had healed many things under her eye, but some things it could not. She recalled the man her mother had kept hidden away from Moonspear, how he had not come away from there.

No, she said. Sometimes the dancing lights call to them, and no plant may stop their journey. This happened to my father and brother. Ice crystal brother was born with me, but you will not be able to meet him until you, too, go to the dancing lights. Sialuk wished for that day to be very far in the future.

But many times, plants may heal those who are sick and injured. It is always worth trying.
Atkan Aleut
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Samani’s ears splayed atop her head.

There were some things that herbs could not fix. If a spirit was bound for the dancing lights, nothing would sway them from that journey. It saddened the girl to hear of Sialuk’s brother, of her father. She wondered if the man had been anything like her own father. Samani loved the sun man with all of her heart. To think of him journeying to the dancing lights filled her with dread, with heartache.

You are very important, sister. Samani was not blind to this. It was clear that Sialuk performed services that were unlike anyone else’s.

Can I learn about the herbs? So that if I need to heal, I am able. The jade of her eyes searched her sister’s pale face. Would Sialuk be willing to teach her?
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk smiled, glad to hear the respect come from sistraa. She was to be a fine woman.

Yes; come. I will show you where the most common, most helpful plants grow; teach you to tend to them so they will come back again.

we can prob fade here! love this thread. <3
Atkan Aleut
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Samani felt her heart soar at her sister’s answer. The moon child’s tail waved pleasantly. She nodded her head in agreement. Anywhere that Sialuk went, Samani would follow. The girl wished to learn. She wished to fill her mind with all the possibilities that the world had before she would truly know the path of her spirit.

Trailing at Sialuk’s side, Samani found herself befuddled with happiness. Her cheeks burned a rosy red. She devoured every moment of their time together with hungry eager eyes.