Redhawk Caldera You're standing too close to a flame that's burning
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
Bridget was exhausted and disheartened by the time she returned after her most recent excursion, but at this point, she was running out of places to look. No matter how hard she scoured the places between here and Mereo she couldn't find a trace. It was likely at this point that they wouldn't be the ones finding him. She just had to hope his luck was as good as (fuck - better than) her own.

She'd go check on things back in the den soon. As soon as she crossed into the Caldera Bridget headed for the pines and settled down for a short break beneath them. She really wanted a nap, but if she let herself fall asleep here, she couldn't count on herself waking up reasonably to take care of the things she needed to before nightfall. The shadows were already getting long.

It might be time to call it. She hated the thought. Teya needed closure, Sorana needed her father, and Bridget... she didn't really need anything.

She started to drift off despite herself, the edges of the trees blurring as things got heavier. She wouldn't stop completely, but maybe it would be better to be here more. Chasing shadows aimlessly really wasn't getting her anywhere.
378 Posts
Ooc — ebony
chickadee was bored. everyone was asleep in the heat or fishing or patrolling — BORING!
she found something else to do in the reappearing form of bridget. chickadee had grown up around the woman with the three legs long enough not to find her a novelty. the interesting thing was where she had been.
the girl crept through the underbrush. she thought she was quite silent, when in fact she hardly was.
chickadee curled under an aspen branch, peering at bridget as if she were a prey animal laying there.
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Luckily for her, Chickadee's presence snapped her abruptly back to awareness. She didn't have time to sleep right now - she could do that after she'd made sure her patient had food and treatment for the day. Bridget opened an eye and looked, catching the place where she'd heard the pup creep to.

If you're a spy, you're required by law to tell me, you know. She said with a smile. Bridget could tell it was one of the kids but not which one. Ceridwen would have been her initial guess, as the girl seemed to be quite taken with sneaking up on pack members unawares.
378 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"what's law?" chickadee asked, but her tail wagged as she heeded auntie bridget and showed her presence. "'dwin taught me! were you scared?" she laughed, pouncing toward the pack's adult.
brecheliant was a family, and as such, she wondered if bridget had brought back snacks. chickadee shoved her cold nose toward the corner of the healer's mouth to check!
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Something that's probably better off ignored. I knew those moves looked familiar. She wasn't about to be the one to tell these kids to follow the rules. So long as they didn't give her any work to do, she'd prefer to stay the cool aunt who you go to when you don't want the parents catching wise.

She winced apologetically when Chickadee came looking for food, though. Shit.... she'd actually completely forgotten. Sorry Dee, I completely skipped lunch. She sat up, then cocked her head. Actually.... I'm feeling pretty hungry... and you are the perfect size for a snack....

She playfully leaned forward and attempted to pull the girl into her clutches so that she could gobble her up. Which would probably amount to little more than an over-the-top eating impression and some brief (well-deserved) tickling. It was only fair - she had woken her up, after all.
378 Posts
Ooc — ebony
chickadee's eyes widened; bridget grabbed her! she squealed and struggled and laughed, pretending to grapple against 'the monster.'
"what's ignore!" she shouted next, though she knew the word well enough by now. "you can't eat me! i can't live in your belly!" she giggle and twisted, nipping wildly.
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget laughed her best mock-villain's laugh. Oh yes you can! You can live in there and keep me full and I'll never have to worry about being hungry again! She leaned down to mock-gobble at Chickadee's soft belly, tickling her pelt with her muzzle for a few moments before dissolving into laughter herself.

Oh, no, you're right!! It's too much! Bridget rolled onto her own side playfully then, giving Chickadee the opportunity to turn the tables around. You have too much cute, my stomach can't handle it!
378 Posts
Ooc — ebony
chickadee was thrilled! she laughed and squealed and struggled and twisted, her little teeth flashing and claws blurring. but she was not truly trying to hurt bridget, only get away.
she blew air across the other's face, a very large raspberry! and then she rolled away, shouting "YOU CANNOT GET ME!" at the very tippy top of her expansive young lungs. "BUT I GET YOU!"
chickadee pounced!
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget might have been exhausted, but absolutely nothing in this world was going to stop her from disappointing this little girl in the game she wanted to play. She growled playfully, then gasped as she was pounced on. The nerve!

Such a powerful warrior!! I fear I've bitten off more than I can chew! I have to beg for mercy! She put up her paws, but she couldn't even try to hide her smile. Bridget had never been much of an actor but with kids she'd found it didn't really matter. If they wanted to throw themselves into the game then they would!

Would Chickadee show mercy, or would the powerful warrior eat the monster instead?!
378 Posts
Ooc — ebony
chickadee roared a little and grabbed the fur along the side of bridget's face. she sawed her head to and fro in mimicry of what she had seen, then dodged back with a breathless little chuckle. "see! I BITE!" 
the girl scampered around and tried to nip bridget's haunch before she was perhaps caught! and all the while she was tripping and giggling and laughing aloud, completely delighted.
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
wrapping this up!

Even as exhausted as she was, Bridget played along willingly and laughingly with Chickadee for a while longer, chasing her about and continuing the game of rival monsters. She wouldn’t take a break until Maia came along to collect the girl for the afternoon.

After that she needed to go tend to her patient, but regardless, the time spent had been entirely worth it. She would grab a nap later before going out to search again - but lately, it was sometimes easy to forget how much joy Brecheliant still had. Reminders like this were so important.