Qeya River Your life burns faster
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
All Welcome 
He spent more time among the maples than anywhere else these days. Atreus ventured further westward today, eventually coming across a stream cutting through the woods. He helped himself to a drink, then turned to mosey upstream.

The trees thinned and he could see the glacier soaring to the north. Soon, he began smelling the scents of wolves. His heart began to beat harder as he slowed down, then stopped. He thrust his muzzle skyward, testing the wind and sifting through all the smells it carried to him.

He wasn’t prepared to take drastic action today, yet there was no reason he couldn’t explore his options. Well, Atreus supposed there was a certain amount of danger involved in approaching another pack’s borders. But he knew enough about them to handle himself, he thought, and he could always mention Tulukiri’s name.

Steeling himself, the young boy moved cautiously toward the riverbend ahead. With every step, he deliberated whether he should announce himself.
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
As always Amalia was going acroas borders leaving her scent markers. A new scent came to her and she arrived with a growl and a snarl.

Her tail over her back, eyes slanted towards the youngling. He was young, but old enough to know better and mind his nose. He hadn't crossed, but he was too near for comfort.

what are you doing so near our borders? she snarled.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Before he could arrive at a decision, he saw a dark figure ahead. Atreus slowed his step even more, trying to decide if he really wanted to go through with this. Perhaps he ought to turn back…

She came rushing toward him, snapping and snarling. Atreus hunched instinctively, thinking a very snide thought about women before reminding himself that her questions were fair. She was only protecting her home. He should be flattered that she considered him a threat.

Tulukiri, he blurted idiotically, the word dangling in the air between them for several awkward seconds before Atreus drew in a breath and rushed out, told me her pack lives on the glacier. I came to learn more about it.
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
the ic leaving thread is still vague so i will make no eluding to it yet.

Amalia didn't cross, nor did she outright attack him. She simply made it clear where they stood.

An ugly feeling rose in Amalia's chest about the girl, before she shoved it down and showed no outward signs.

You have approached Natigvik. What do you want to know of us?
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
His mind went blank at her question. Atreus thought he should really beat a retreat, though he wondered if that would irk this woman even further. He remained rooted to the spot, trying to breathe and sort his thoughts. Meanwhile, he could feel the pressure of her leering gaze.

I guess I want to know what the pack is like, he said lamely. Tulukiri had said it consisted of a leader and his kids. Where did she fit into that? She said it was a small group and… Well, she’d said they were all forgettable; that didn’t bear repeating. She also said you guys weren’t warriors but you seem kind of like a warrior.
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia realized rather quickly that she had been rather hard on the child, and he was a child. So she shifted into a more neutral stance, though she kept her tail above her hips, and her head erect. She would not submit, merely lessen the rigidity with which she stood.

Amalia smiled. We are a pack of hunters, but even hunters must be warriors to protect those they care for? Just because we aren't classified as something, doesn't mean that we can't protect or fight if we must.

Amalia dipped her muzzle. We are called Natigvik and she isn't wrong. We are small. There is the leader family, then myself, Tulukiri and a couple other wolves make up our ranks.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
His candid observation landed like a compliment and her demeanor changed significantly. Her posture relaxed, she smiled and her tone became much warmer. Atreus blinked, taken aback, but made a mental note: apparently, flattery gets you everywhere.

Quickly overcoming his surprise, he paid attention to what she was saying. He felt a flicker of disappointment when she said they were hunters. He could hardly hunt at all yet. Perhaps they could teach him? He didn’t question the fact that such a hypothetical even floated through his head.

His brain made a bullet list as she mentioned the members: the leader’s family, Tulukiri and herself, plus a few other wolves. How many was that? Even if she’d been more specific, Atreus couldn’t really count that high.

It occurred to him that they hadn’t exchanged names. He and Tulukiri had never gotten around to that either. But this time, Atreus not only remembered, he came prepared.

What’s your name? he asked, then offered, I’m Bear.
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia would have laughed were he to voice his opinion, hut she was not privvy to it and instead tilted ears foward.

I'm Amalia. Well met Bear.

She shifted. our leader is a warrior as is Tulukiri. What trades are you interested pursuing?

She peered at him with a small smile.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Amalia, he repeated, then fell silent as she dispensed another few details about her pack mates and posed a question.

Feeling stumped, Atreus sounded like a parrot when he echoed, Trades? The term seemed familiar, though it was mostly contextual clues that prompted him to add, Like hunters or warriors, you mean?

That was a fair question. He knew his superiors on the rise likely expected him to be both (hunter and warrior). But Amalia had asked him what trades interested him. He didn’t know of any others. Were there any others?

What other trades are there…?
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Dark Furred femme looked him over. His family should be teaching him this, but she supposed she could step up. At least whilst he was visiting. She found his parroting of her name, and trades a little bit adorable and dipped her head.

They are a job to help out your packmates. For instance I'm a scout. It's my job to run messages to allies, to learn of other packs nearby.

SHe tilted her head and thought about it. It is whatever interests you that could help your pack. Healer, caregiver they take care of pups, warriors, wardens for the borders, hunters, fisherman. All sorts of things.

What kind of things do you like to do?

She could use what he liked to make a jump off point to better help her give him a trade he maybe interested in.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Amalia gave him a ton of information. It was a little overwhelming, though Atreus did his best to keep up. It sounded like a trade should be something that interested him whilst also serving the pack. His lips pulled into a line as he contemplated the list she provided.

What kind of things did he like to do? Atreus didn’t know how to answer that. Were wolves his age expected to have jobs? Aventus has probably mentioned it before, though the boy couldn’t remember. He shook his head and shrugged.

But something Amalia had said piqued his interest particularly and he said, This is the first pack I’ve ever visited but I’m learning a lot. Does that make me a scout? He paused and added, What’s ‘run messages to allies’ mean?
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia knew that what she was sharing would probably be more than he could take. But there was no small answer for the questions he was asking.

Amalia dipped her head. Yes in a way it does.

Amalia frowned in thought. Her mind racing to make this the easiest that she could. He was still young, far younger than most she was used to dealing with, with the exception of Kivaluk.

Sometimes you make friends with other packs to share hunting, and knowledge. But you live far away. So you need to get a message to your friends you send someone like me to deliver it.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
The fact that two packs might strike up a friendship was news to Atreus. He wondered if Redtail Rise had any such allies. Perhaps Natigvik might even be one of them. The territories weren’t very far apart, after all.

Reluctant to share too much about himself, Atreus hesitated momentarily before asking, Do you know of Redtail Rise?
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia knew it was not common place for packs to form bonds of such. However, it seemed to be doing well for moonglow and Natigvik, moonglow more so. As they seemed to be on good standing with almost every single pack they knew.

However, when the youth spoke a name. She didn't recognize it. She shook her head. I'm afraid not. Is that where you are from? or just a pack you know?

She was fairly certain it was the former, but the young male Bear didn't seem to want to share much. He was very tight lipped, other than to ask many questions.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He couldn’t decide whether he was disappointed or relieved when she didn’t recognize the pack’s name. Atreus thought it might be cool to take a message back to the rise, especially if it might temper his father’s inevitable anger for running off all the time.

Thinking about Aventus prompted him to sigh. He felt shunned by the man, his brother too, even though it was his choice to avoid them. But neither one seemed to care that much, since they never came looking for him. That’s how he saw it, at least.

For several seconds, the Bearn looked like he was constipated before he eventually divulged, It’s the pack where I was born. But my mom left, my dad hates me and my brother… But his feelings about Ancelin were too complicated and young Atreus didn’t have the words.
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia's ears pricked forward at the heavy sigh that left the child's lips. She gazed at him with jade gems, wondering how she could help, or even if he would want her too.

Amalia frowned in thought. I'm sorry that all that has happened to you. As for siblings they are different and hard to explain. I myself have a brother and a sister.

Granted she had more than that she imagined, but those were the ones she had been born with, that were near her.

How old are you? I ask because it's possible you could find another pack to weather with, if yours is truly as hard on you as you say?
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
After his voice trailed off, it occurred to him that it had sounded rather ominous. But Amalia didn’t appear concerned about his brother’s fate. She seemed much more focused on Atreus’s situation. Like with Void, it made him feel a little peculiar but hell if he wasn’t starved for any semblance of compassion.

I don’t know, he told her honestly when questioned about his age, a few months? He shrugged and added, Tulukiri said I could leave my pack when I’m older. But I met this guy, Void, who said he was on his own since he was only two months old. And he didn’t even have a pack.

He didn’t know where he was going with any of this. Atreus shut his mouth and rewound Amalia’s words in his head. She hadn’t offered Nativgik to him, not that he was ready for one. There was always Void’s offer… or he could try to mend fences back home at the rise.

He scowled, feeling like a lost cause.
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia studied him again. And her heart went out to him. Though she was concerned with everything going on if it would be worth it to bring him into their fold, or if it would cause him more upheaval. She briefly thought of Kivaluk.

It is harder for someone who is young to leave their pack, but it can be done. Tell you what.

She frowned thinking through everything. I can call my leaders and perhaps if they are amenable to it. You can join us? You can stay with me until we can get you settled into your own den if you want? What do you say? Want me to call them?
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
His heart began to pound at her offer. Atreus definitely wasn’t ready to take this step, though he recognized her generosity and definitely didn’t want to snub Amalia. She really seemed to want to help him and that meant a lot.

Can I think about it? he asked the same question he’d posed to Void. Today he added an extra thought. Shouldn’t I tell my pack I’m leaving, like, before I join another pack? Or can I just… He gestured with his paw.

He truly didn’t know how these things worked. Of course he wanted to avoid a confrontation with Aventus. But if he just disappeared without a word and never returned, surely the man would go looking for his son? It could cause trouble for Natigvik.

Then again, Atreus was truly convinced his father had probably given up on him at this point. He bit at his lip, fighting another sigh.
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia gave him a small smile. Of course you can. Such decisions shouldn't be made lightly.

She tilted an ear down at him and listened to the question. That would be the nice thing to do, yes.

Her mother would've been heartbroken had she left without saying goodbye, her father, she wasn't too certain. He was a different type of wolf than she and her mother.

Amalia looked him over again, noticing the lip bite. Tell you what, if you decide you want to come here, and you want someone to come with you. I will gladly walk to neutral territory with you and you can call your family. I won't go near your borders, because territory lines shouldn't be crossed, but i'll gladly stand to support you where your borders aren't at.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He let out a relieved breath when she agreed that he shouldn’t make such a decision lightly. Atreus was just glad he hadn’t offended her. He did plan to give her offer some serious consideration.

Her next proposition made his guts ache. He could not have anticipated her generosity. Atreus didn’t know what to do with it. It made him want to squirm away and closer, all at once. He wasn’t used to being the object of such solicitude.

Oh… he breathed. Thanks.

It felt like a rather lame thing to say, yet no other words came to him. He was still grappling with all the weird feelings suddenly swirling around inside him. Atreus swallowed thickly.
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Tiny breath popped from little mouth and her heart hurt. What had happened to this sweet baby child. She wanted to pull him so tight that he couldn't breath and just love him all up.

You're welcome. She murmured at him. She ached to pull him closer, but it was clear he wasn't used to a wolf of the likes of her. She tilted her head and then changed the subject.

would you like to hunt something?

let her love him!!!! ....grabby hands....
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat

He still didn’t trust his voice, though he nodded quickly when Amalia suggested they hunt. No matter what else was going on inside him, his stomach would always have room! Especially lately, he hadn’t been getting quite enough to eat, since he tended to avoid the rise and its bounties.

The young Bearn took a step closer to Amalia, prepared to fall into step with her and follow her lead. He found himself gazing at the side of her swarthy face, marveling a little bit. Maybe not all she-wolves were so bad, once you got to know them.
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia shifted and moved forward. Nose to the ground. Have you done a lot of hunting?

She was trying to gauge his skill level without upsetting him. She had no qualms about leading, but if he was able to she'd like him to try it. It would serve him well, especially if he ended up leaving his pack, and perhaps being unable to find her again. She wanted him to be able to have something, anything to fall back on. To survive.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
By the time they got underway, eight paws shuffling swiftly across ground firm with autumn’s chill, Atreus found he could speak again. He didn’t answer right away, though, taking a moment to ponder the question.

I’ve tried to hunt a lot of times, Atreus said slowly, but I’m not very good at it yet. One of the grownups told me that we—wolves, I mean—fail way more than we succeed. Is that true? Or is it just me?
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