Lion Head Mesa Chew you up and spit you out
388 Posts
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A scent flooded the palace halls. New, and yet not.

Just few paces was the chamber it hovered most.

Lady @Qiao, A heavy rumble, but intended with sincerity — that of a proper greeting, if one took it this way.

The jodai's frame set there like a statue, eyes fixated upon the returned woman. He'd known only of her for a brief time, but it was difficult to forget a face; even for him.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

burying them there while we carry on.
408 Posts
Ooc —
the hemet’s personal stores had been well tended by @Sayf in qiao’s absence. qiao made note to praise him — perhaps shank of doeling or partridge breast would show her appreciation. 

a shadow’s dark beam raked the entryway. qiao looked upon the man who by all rights dwarfed most of akashingo. among a sea of faces this made him very memorable indeed. his obsidian muzzle and striking eyes made pleasing contrast against the red of her room. well met, khaba. has fall and winter treated you well?
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
He remained still within in the doorway, unmoving, save for his lips and occasional side glance.

You've returned. After all this time. I wasn't too sure whether I would see your face in these halls again. It almost tickled a bit of suspicion within, but he would set it aside for now.

It has. Somewhat.

Much has happened in your absence.

Many details were left unspoken.

And what of your travels?

Why have you come back? Do you intend to stay this time?

Questions left unspoken.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

burying them there while we carry on.
408 Posts
Ooc —
the shadow on her door may well have curled itself there like an onyx serpent. his gaze seemed ophidian, as if any moment he might constrict the room with his enormity. 

she ignored the first statement, sensing it a barb beneath her station to address. a thousand praises to our gods, then. the priestess murmured, tidying a branch of gaultheria which had strayed from its cupboard. the pharaoh is pleased with my travels. we have a new merchant to the south, who will pay handsomely for our winterpelted deer. she turned her long green eyes to the male with an empty smile. they find them most enchanting. their deer are red, and thin skinned. now she moved along to the shelf which housed her prized trinkets. the chipmunk skull, kept clean by @Sayf’s devotion, gleamed darkly as she fondly ran her paw across it. 

now, qiao’s eyes burned in the half light. what is it you require from me, khaba?
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Traveling. Merchants. Praising the gods— things he cared not for.

Silent upon the other topics, he waited for the ending question to come from the woman's lips.

"What is it you require from me, Khaba?"

Was there even anything?

A barren face, ears tipped at the corner. Nothing in truth, Lady Qiao. As jodai, I merely felt it proper to make my face known to new, and returning bodies of Akashingo — in addition to being sure you are aware that I am present, should you need me. Though, there was only so much he had to offer.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

burying them there while we carry on.
408 Posts
Ooc —
khaba remained as unreadable as stone. qiao had anticipated that he might find southerners interesting -- for what deer grew without a winter pelt? there was much of the world qiao had yet to discover; harking back on her journey filled her with restive curiosity for the paths to come.

she could not tell if what this man spoke was a threat, or simply an over-indulgent sense of duty. she knew khaba poorly, and so, could draw little about his character. that is very kind of you. qiao turned from the shelf and strode to where sayf had made deerskins for her bed. there is one thing i need. her eyes rested on khaba in measuring interest.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
She thought it kind. Khaba saw it only dutiful.

But there was more. Something she wanted of him.

Speak it, and I will do my best to fulfill. He would make no promises he could not keep.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

burying them there while we carry on.
408 Posts
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i would like for you to turn your sights to a man named arsenio. her narrow muzzle lifted. if his name is not familiar to you, he was a man who once called himself mazoi. he is foxfurred and sharp. i have reason to believe his doings may be of interest to us.

here she set down the braid of gaultheria in a bed of deerskin. but you must not be observed. implying she would be no ally in event his clandestine operation was discovered.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
To him, she gave a detailed mission. 

The jodai's expression hardened. Does pharaoh know of this mission you have concocted? Or was the returned hemet have plans for herself that he is not apart of?
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

burying them there while we carry on.
408 Posts
Ooc —
qiao endured the hardened bite of khaba’s stare. his accusation settled around her shoulders in a garland of red. 

concocted. such an ugly word. did he think so little of her? 

arsenio is an enemy of akashingo. you will find the pharaoh would be most interested in learning of his whereabouts.

qiao stepped back, gesturing the jodai’s dismissal. but if you do not trust me, i have no use for you. pleasant nights, khaba.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
He did not turn to leave so quickly, despite her dismissal. 

It is not a matter of whether I trust you. If this man is truly an enemy of Akashingo, as you claim, this order should come from him... or at least be discussed and approved. The sheer fact she had the audacity to surpass his authority appalled Khaba. Did she really think she was above him in this matter, or any?

I am jodai. A protector, soldier. What I am not, is some fellahin you can send about with your every whim. If he wishes a spy of me, he will have it. Until then, I am guardian of the palace and mesa, and commander to the mazoi.

What next? She would ignore his words and seek Bayek in his stead? He wouldn't hear of it. Ramesses would know of this. Khaba would be sure.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

burying them there while we carry on.
408 Posts
Ooc —
you get qiao’s spicy 200th!! :o

the man did not move. this earned a flicker of disdain from qiao, who had little patience for men and even less for those who believed themselves clever. 

he was but one man in a long line of beasts who believed they’d found some leverage over her. men could be so arrogant. you offered your aid first, great jodai. i simply gave you a greater purpose than hall monitor to sleepy orgies. qiao rejoined with a soft smile. how silly this little misunderstanding was! all would be forgiven, that smile seemed to promise. 

qiao leveled khaba an unflinching stare. her lingering smile chilled to something unreadable. go then, waste our pharaoh’s time scuttling to him like a scullery-maid with a string of gossip.  he will tell you what i have. good night, khaba.

this time she wished him no pleasantries.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Words, and nothing but.

Khaba heard none of it. He knew only of her arrogance and spitefulness. This was all he saw.

With no acknowledgement in return, the jodai simply turned toward the door and left. A small chuff escaped him, but he cared not if she heard.

New plans filled his mind now. Not only would Ramesses hear of this— but another. And he wouldn't be first.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

burying them there while we carry on.
408 Posts
Ooc —
he left. qiao smiled blankly into the darkness. 

she had no fear of this man, nor his report to the pharaoh. as priestess and counselor, it was her duty to akashingo to have eyes in every room, and knives in every corner. that khaba could not see this was unfortunate, but it was of little worry to the seer.  

she began breaking up strands of gaultheria. around her the sound of crackling came, dry sprigs reduced to bitter dust that would be used in akashingo’s stores.

thank u for the thread!! <3 big eyes at any future drama this might cause