Redhawk Caldera Get buck in here
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
All Welcome 
It was a particularly lovely spring day today. Atreus ate some breakfast and then took advantage of some free time to explore westward across the steppes and into the adjacent forest. He knew it was right next door to the caldera, so he made a loose plan to catch something to eat and bring it to @Amalia later. In the meantime, he just wanted to walk among the trees, enjoying the sound of the wind in their branches and the birdsong sprinkled in there.

Finally, he turned his attention to tracking some small game. Atreus sniffed his way to a rabbits’ nest tucked in a shallow hole in the ground. He ate the small kits he found, then slunk into some brush nearby to ambush the mother when she returned to find her nest empty.

He almost fell asleep waiting, though he perked up when he heard some rustling in the grass. He watched the hare approach the nest, her eyes warily darting around the surrounding forest as she came closer. Atreus waited for the perfect moment to leap out of concealment. She darted, of course, and he gave chase.

She hightailed it down a small deer path, Atreus in hot pursuit. A tree had fallen over the narrow track. The rabbit easily slipped beneath it but the young wolf had no choice but to jump over it. He cleared the thick trunk easily enough but came down wrong on his ankle. It rolled. With a cry of pain, Atreus lost his balance and went careening into the underbrush.

He lay where he came to a stop, breathing hard. Wincing, Atreus rolled onto his belly and tried to sit up. His left foreleg couldn’t bear any weight. Balancing on three legs, he managed to climb to his feet. He tucked his hurt leg closer to his chest. His hip and shoulder on that side ached a bit from his hard landing.

Atreus faced north and slowly shuffled toward the caldera, instinctively seeking his dearest friend in his time of need.
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia was using the silent hours to patrol the borders. Something she found enjoyable. It gave her time to just exist. Let her mind float and sometimes she'd chase a butterfly, or roll in the grass. There was always something for the femme who loved simple things to find to do.

Though on this day, she was shaken from her play by the sight of someone limping up the Caldera. Though she was wary, all thoughts fled her head as she realized who it was and she raced as fast as she could towards him.

Atreus! Oh my goodness. She sniffed at him, all over searching for any breaks in the skin or open wounds. There was none, but he was limping. She pressed to his side to offer her own quiet strength.

Are you okay? Goodness what happened? I'll have to call the healer, i mean i could probably pack it myself if you'd like, but.

She closed her mouth realizing she was rambling and she huffed gently. Sorry sometimes my worry outmaneuvers my mouth.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
It felt like hours passed before the trees began to thin and he reached the edge of the woods. Atreus had to stop there and catch his breath for a moment. His one good foreleg trembled with the effort of carrying extra weight. He rested it by taking a seat for a few minutes.

He resumed all threes with a grunt. The caldera gradually grew larger, taking up his entire visual field. Atreus was so busy staring at its flat top, he didn’t see the black speck racing toward him. Only when he heard the sound of rushing footfalls did he drop his eyes and see Amalia rushing his way.

I’m— he said as her nose pressed into his side. He waited her out before huffing, It’s fine. And I’m alright. I mean, I did something to my ankle but…

He held it out to her, which made him grimace a little. It throbbed. It was visibly swollen too, which Atreus just now noticed. He didn’t know what that meant, exactly, but he knew it was nothing good.

Could we just go to your den so I can get off my feet? he asked, eyes lifting to meet Amalia’s.
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She eyed his ankle and nodded. Using herself she offered her side as prop. It would be slow going, but they could make it. She didn't ask him how he did it, she didn't care. The amount of injuries she had gotten doing something stupid, she was sure his was more serious in nature. He had been hunting or patrolling. Not just rolling in a pile of leaves and snow.

Once they made it to the den. She'd run for some cool moss by the river and while he lay prone, prop that on either side of his paw, in the hopes to take the swelling down. Alaric used to bind it in stuff, but she didn't know what. So this would have to do. She could call Bridget she supposed.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
At first, he resisted leaning into Amalia too much, but as they made the trek to her den, more of his body began to ache. His ankle was starting to hurt fiercely and he couldn’t stop panting. Even when they reached their destination and he eased inside, his tongue lolled from his mouth as he breathed hard.

Amalia departed to grab something and Atreus tried to get comfortable, though it was impossible. He bent down to nose at his throbbing ankle, a small whine eking out of his throat. He didn’t think it was broken but maybe he’d sprained it? Atreus wasn’t savvy about these things.

Luckily, Amalia knew a bit about first aid and soon provided damp moss to drape over his ankle. It did bring him a measure of relief. If someone had asked him to rate his pain, he would’ve scored it at eight before the moss, maybe five after its application.

Thanks, Amalia, he said in a slightly thready voice. He meant to tell her how he’d injured himself but instead, Atreus found himself saying, You’re always looking out for me, taking care of me. It means a lot, you know.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia knew enough about leg injuries that she knew he would be alright for a bit, but then his leg would start to ache and he'd need her to help him. She had enough of them, always running.

Amalia also knew that sprains were sometimes worse than breaks pain wise. He wouldn't be going anywhere for a day or two, and it wasn't as if she'd let him anyway. Though she'd probably have to run to his pack and tell them he was here, so they didn't think he deserted or something.

She smiled at him and nudged him between his ears. of course I am. I care about you to the moon and back again. And you'd do the same for me.

She didn't like to think on getting hurt to often. But she hoped he'd do the same if she were hurt. She was pretty sure he would.

451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He lapsed into thoughtful silence at her words. He liked to think he would be there for Amalia the same way she’d been there for him, yet the occasion had never arisen. And he hoped it never would, if only because he preferred Amalia to be happy and carefree. He did wish he could repay her kindness in some other way, though.

Yeah. Can I ask you another favor? Atreus said, speaking slowly in the manner of someone thoughtful. Could you go to Akashingo and let them know I’m injured and will be staying here with you?

It was two requests rolled into one, of course, but he doubted Amalia would mind if he stayed. In fact, he was kind of counting on it because, the longer he looked at her, the more he wondered why he’d never followed her in the first place. She’d tried to take him in so many times and he’d always rebuffed her in some way. Presently, Atreus couldn’t think of any reason why.

Maybe I could… he began, then hesitated.

Did he really want to leave Akashingo, just like that? He really enjoyed getting to know the pharaoh and her sister, though the priest didn’t like him. And the mesa had proved insurmountable for him. Atreus wasn’t a fan of the subterranean palace, especially after recently spending so much time down there guarding Makono’s door.

But, more importantly, Amalia was here. At least the packs were allies and neighbors. It really shouldn’t be a big deal in the end, should it?
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-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia had high hopes with Atreus. And she truly believed that he would do his best by her if he could. They were friends, and family found.

She nodded. I can do that. I shouldn't be gone long at all. She had seen the mesa from her hilltop and it wasn't far, a good day for running. She liked to do that kind of thing too.

She fussed over him, adding new moss, and motioning for him to lift it a little higher it helped. She'd take the coolness of in a few minutes let it air dry for a time and then put more moss back on.

You could what? She asked as she fussed.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He knew he should probably think about it more, maybe even sleep on it. But something about today’s events made it so obvious to him that Atreus should be here, not there. He felt his chest tightening with guilt, if only because he felt like he would be betraying Akashingo, even though he had not been there very long.

Amalia prompted him to finish his sentence. He looked at her for a long moment, feeling that same certainty. He glanced down at the fresh moss soothing his ankle, then at the cozy walls of her den. In the background, Atreus could hear that sound he’d been missing: the wind sifting through the boughs of trees.

Remember that word you taught me? ‘Psithurism’? I decided I’d like to use it for my last name, he said, apropos of nothing. With a smile, he continued, You named me, in a way. You’ve been like a mother or sister to me for so long. I was thinking… maybe I could stay here and actually live with you.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia would never ask him to abandon his station and she had quickly learned not to ask him to stay. She just had to watch him leave and fret silently.

Amalia didn't want to overwhelm him but her joy was instantaneous and she had to take a deep breath. Before she nudged his shoulder and his head trying not to jar his leg.

I'd love to have you stay with me. And that is a fitting name! Once you're feeling better I'll call for Maia.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He couldn’t do much more than thump his tail at Amalia’s understated joy. He smiled lopsidedly at her, reaching out to touch his muzzle to her cheek. Once such contact would’ve made him blush and reel away. Now, it just felt natural.

Okay, Atreus replied wearily, cool. I can’t remember: do you have a surname? If you don’t, you could use Psithursim too. Only if you wanted to, though.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia's hesrt soared at the small contact. When before he'd have shied away and become awkward. Such growth into the young man before her. She was so proud of him.

Just Willow, but that can be a middle name and I could take the last name of Psithurism.

She was glad to share a name with him.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Amalia immediately offered to change her name to fit with his. His heart warmed, though Atreus didn’t want her to have to do that. She was always accommodating him. He sincerely appreciated it, but he wanted to show her it went both ways.

What if you flipped it? Amalia Psithurism Willow. Then I could be Atreus Psithursim Willow, if that’s okay with you? It’s kinda like saying ‘wind in the willows,’ isn’t it? Poetic, he observed with an exhausted huff of laughter.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia was an accommodating creature. Perhaps too muc, because thus far the only one to stay was Atreus. The only one.

She amiled it was poetic and it fit well. So she gave a soft huff with a gentle laugh eyes aglow. that works just fine. Its pretty.
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
That was that: they were the Psithurism Willows. Atreus’s heart smiled.

But his ankle still hurt pretty badly. The strain showed on his face. The moss’s effect seemed to lessen as the minutes passed. He shifted uncomfortably. He didn’t want to complain or make Amalia feel bad, though he wished there was something more they could do for the pain.

I don’t know when you want to go to Akashingo but don’t worry about leaving me here. I’ll probably just try to sleep. He paused. Maybe you should tell them I broke my leg. It feels like it, and it would probably sound like a better excuse than simply twisting his ankle.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
i got permission to share that bridget gave something

Amalia pushed forward some of the pain medicine Bridget had given her. These are from our healer maybe it might make you feel better. You rest. If you need anything before I'm back call for Bridget.

She tucked her muzzle against his head with a little huff. Closing her eyes. Please be careful and rest
451 Posts
Ooc — Kat
She procured a plant of some kind, saying it had come from Bridget, the pack’s healer. It didn’t look very appetizing, though Atreus would try just about anything to alleviate this pain. He ingested the greens quickly, trying not to grimace too much at the taste.

I’m not going anywhere, he assured her. I’m just going to sit here and chill. Thanks, Amalia.

He nudged her chin, then maneuvered himself into a more comfortable position again. This time, he rolled his weight to his good side, then sprawled onto that flank. He grunted as his cheek rested on the cool earth. Maybe if he just stayed very still and let the medicine work, he would feel better soon.

I figured you could wrap here!
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia gave one last look at him. She'd be sure to ask Nridget to look in on him amd then shed be off to Akashingo to tell them that he wasn't moving for a time as it was his responsibility to tell them he was not coming back