Moonspear I'd just allow a fragment of your life to wander free
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Early morning light and he was up and racing towards the cliff tops. Though he stopped for brief moments to dance in place. Tap tapping as he moved. Body sinuously slipping through the movements of the jaunty tune that he sang too. Though he tried not to be too loud, after all there were babies sleeping.

He finally made it to the edge, dawn peeking up over, and gave his dance his all. Allowing the sun to splash along his shoulders, dipping into the brown accents that made up his pelt. Laughter in his words and the song sliding out to dance along the morning air.

I'm burnin' through the sky, yeah
200 degrees, that's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit
I'm travelling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic man out of you
I'm having such a good time
I'm having a ball
(Don't stop me now)
If you wanna have a good time
Just give me a call
(Don]'t stop me now)
'Cause I'm having a good time
(Don't stop me now)
Yes, I'm havin' a good time
I don't want to stop at all, yeah

When he finally ended his song, he lifted his head and closed his eyes letting the sun peek along the bridge of his muzzle and color the brown of his ears and he smiled. While the sunrise warmed his face. 
Lyrics Don't stop me now Queen. Queen suits Alaric lmao.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
can we bring this to present? <3

chakliux thought he might go mad. sialuk had gone from his arms to elentari, which he did not mind; it was the twining of their scents which caused his hunger to burn. he had become protective of them, and when he was not close he set a tight perimeter to ward those men from outside moonspear who were not chosen.
but now he broke away, almost in desperation; he called out to alaric, smiling thinly at the last notes of the song. "you are calm, brother hunter," chakliux commented; his eyes drifted back in the last direction he had seen sialuk.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
sure can :) <3

The scents were there and sure Alaric was affected, but he hadn't been chosen by Elentari or Sialuk so. He could do two things be a monster, guard the other males, pout, or swear. Or he could celebrate the life they'd be bringing forth eventually.

A sense of darkness entered Alaric chest at the voice of the seal hunter. He'd not quite forgiven him for scaring his sister. However, Amalia would be quite cross with him if he started a fight on her behalf. So instead he greeted with a smile.

I am. How are you brother hunter?
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"filled with a man's vigor," chakliux said with a suggestive chuckle. "ah. spring is a good time." and he was never too thrilled not to be chosen for such things. a sense came over him, that he should seek out elentari while her time still wreathed in flames.
"will you hunt with me today, away?" chakliux grunted, gesturing down the mountain. he needed to get away from these things, these thoughts; soon he would go to moontide.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A small chuckle, and all he could think was pride goeth before a fall, but he kept that to himself. He could understand. After all he was not unaffected, he had just not been chosen so he hadn't thought much on it, or more so tried not too, but were he human he'd have raised a drink to those who had been chosen and congratulate the mother's to be.

Of course. What do we hunt for? Alaric stilled his movements and stepped into the vicinity of the other male with a nod.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"pig," chakliux decided, thinking of how he and elentari had hunted together.
he dragged himself away from the perfumed atmosphere and trotted downside the mountain, watching a pair of meadowlarks flirt alongside one another.
kannoyak and alaric were unmarried, and therefore free to come and go as they pleased. chakliux envied them in small ways.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It had been sometime since he had hunted wild pig, but he was trying to remember any tidbits he could from yeara b3fore.

We want stay downwind of pigs make sure they are coming to us and watch their tusks and teeth.

Alaric luked his freedoms mostly. Did that mean he didn't get lonely especially lately no, but he did his best to weather it.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
alaric understood, and chakliux was pleased to have his skill matched. the seal hunter paraded along a game-trail, drawing up the musky scent of boars. "look," he grunted, showing alaric where a rather large male had cut the bark of a tree with its tusks.
there were other signs of rooting, and soon it became clear that this was a large herd. he glanced toward the other moonspear man to see how they might go on.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric wasn't sure if his skill set was as good as the hunter in front of him. But he'd give it his best shot. After all you never learned anything without practice. 

Alaric saw the bark and he nodded. This was probably a big fella. They'd definitely have to be wary of his tusks. 

Alaric quickly measured and frowned in thought. There was quite a few here. 

Well I suggest we continue on a way's see if we can get a glimpse of them and try and decide if we can win if they should turn against us. Cause sometimes they do.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
chakliux nodded, for this was true. men could be gored and die a horrible, long death.
in silence he hunted on; he walked quietly along the paths and then trotted. a ridge above; he climbed the mossy slope there and moved into the smaller woodland.
there. multiple shapes, at least eleven. chakliux held back and found alaric's gaze.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric eyed the creatures from their vantage point. Mostly sows and their young it wasn't terrible. But the one big boar that seemed to stay on the outside is the one that bothered Alaric. It must still be breeding season for that one to be so near.

He looked to the side closest. There are a few younglings. We could grab them and run. As long as we stay on this side of the boar. Mother sow may try and hurt us too, but she will want to keep her remaining piglets.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
grab the young pigs and run. chakliux liked this idea and flashed a rogue's grin toward alaric.
the seal hunter slid behind the foliage and approached on soft steps, intending to lunge as soon as he saw the same movement from his raven-haired counterpart.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric shifted into the foliage. His body blending in well. The red of his fur was a nice camoflage for the summer. Better in fall, but he did alright. His steps were whisper light. His green eyes on his quarry a small brown spotted creature, that was a bit away from it's mama. 

He sought out Chakliux and then dipped his head to let him know he was ready. Then with a burst of speed forward, but no noise he grabbed the youngling, crunching down hard. IT wiggled and squirmed, and it took precious seconds to dispatch it, before he could run. 

He could hear the pigs moving towards him, though the sow was screaming for her other's. Which he knew would happen. He could hear the boar moving on the other side trying to get to them, and he gave one look to his hunter pal. Made sure he was alright and then he began to run. The piglet heavier than he had thought, so his run wasn't as quick, but still quicker than the boar.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
alaric was swift! a leap, a run, jaws piercing hide. chakliux too ran, low and fast, and grabbed another. his kill was less skilled, but the young pig was ended all the same.
now he too fled with the heavy prey in tow as the mother sow screamed her fury and attempted a pursuit.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Holy shit he could feel the hot breath every now and again of the sow in pursuit, but he hoped she would tire out eventually. And tire out she did or maybe she decided her remaining children were worth more. She finally calmed and let out one last bellow of fury, before she headed back the way they had come. 

Alaric ran for a few more minutes until he was sure she was gone and then stopped and lay the piglet down and he flopped next to it and then rolled to his back, breathing heavily.

That was AWESOME! He crowed and put a paw up before he let it flop back down and just lay there on his back.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
chakliux let out a loud whoop of triumph, dancing in small steps around his collapsed friend and their quarries. only then did his legs give out, dumping him in a heap of laughter next to alaric.
"very awesome," the seal hunter agreed when he had caught his breath. "you are a reckless man." but this was said with praise. such daring had ensured much meat for moonspear; such confidence called to his own heart.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric felt the telltale itch that always began at his shoulderblades when his recklessness was commented on. Something he'd never out grown from days with his father. Though it wasn't sounding as if it was a bad thing this time.

So he chuckled. So I've been told, but eh food for caches and no one got hurt.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"it is a good thing!" chakliux exulted. "men die when a boar stabs them with the knives he carries, yes? you have seen it. so have it. on the ice," the northerner went on, "to hunt the walrus is to hunt an even greater creature, who wears teeth like spears. and to be seal hunter, it is to go under the water and know you may not ever come back up."
"but who led the hunters to know this wisdom? it is recklessness." his laughter was genuine.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric listened with interest. Truthfully those hunts sounded like the bees knees. He wouldn't mind doing one or two and if he died doing it well. At least he died having fun right. Perhaps there was truth to that, but Alaric flirted with the edge and every so often he went too far.

Alaric smiled then. Well that's all true. Tell you want though. Those hunts sound like fun to me.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
chakliux thought, and then said: "i am not happy in moontide. i enjoy being near samani and the sea. i enjoy nasamik and raiyuk. but my heart, it is here, on the mountain. perhaps you will trade between the villages with me?"
hopeful, for a time of men and their place besides.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric heard only mention of the female of Moontide, but he had heard good things of her husband. Perhaps Chakliux and him just didn't get along, but well he wasn't thinking much on it. Wasn't his place, but he hoped there would be no trouble caused. 

He nodded. I'd be glad too. It's how i made my life and stayed alive before i settled here.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony

for some time thereafter, chakliux and alaric remained speaking.
the seal hunter knew now perhaps what it was to have a companion, as kannoyak had been.
the thought warmed his spirit.