Ouroboros Spine Sweetness
569 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei had found a berry bush. And though she hated the mess, the sweety tang of the berries couldn't be ignored so with gentle precision she slowly picked them with her teeth. Some got squished and of course waste not want not so she ate them. 

However, she had managed a small leaf full and was continuing on. Wondering if her mother @Shikoba might have time to see her. She tried not to demand much time from her mama knowing she was busy. And she treasured the moments they had.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
in many ways, shikoba's body continues to age without her spirit. she finds herself starting to grey in the areas beneath her eyes and muzzle, and parts of her ache in the morning as she comes to stretch and yawn and think about her day. motherhood has put the weight onto her hips that still remain stubbornly attacked, and perhaps the stress of her life is finally catching up to cash in all of its chips.

but work still calls to her, though star hunter finds herself distracted upon the scent of her daughter coming to her nose. and curiously, the woman would follow to see what her child, now perhaps adolescent, was up to. shikoba was often lucky that her kids enjoyed spending time with her, as often many would find time with their parents full of resentment or embarrassment. there is something to be said when your kid still thinks your cool!

in her line of sight comes her red daughter and a berry bush, the sugary scent seemingly coating her daughter as shikoba draws near. "ajei," she greets in their native tongue, "it seems you have found a berry bush. are they ripe?" 
[Image: giphy.gif]
569 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei knew her mother was older than most mother's and she worried after her. But Shikoba was strong of spirit and also straightvforward. Ajei hoped she would tell her if she needed a little help.

Ajei heard a noise and ears prick forward as head turns. Wag of tail, smile of berry and white. Hello!

A bound forward to greet with heqd nudge normally she'd lick her, but she was midnful that she may stain her fur. Her whole body vibrating excited to see her.

Oh yes! Some are too ripe. I picked some to share. she motioned at the leaf full of berries.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
a bright gem of her lineage, shikoba does not mind the mess and comes to press a sweet kiss to her daughter's temple before looking over her work. "you have a good eye for ripeness," she comes to tell her as her pink tongue comes to taste a few,"perhaps you walk the path of a naturalist."

it was an honorable interest, for the earth held so many incredible and interesting things to be discovered and appreciated. perhaps she secretly was a fighter, but shikoba still did not see such a glint within her daughter. 

"have you been thinking of any talents you wish to pursue in the village?" a polite nudge as she had done so with mojag, though her son was perhaps older when it came to be. ajei was growing, though still so young in the eye of her mother.
[Image: giphy.gif]
569 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A soft sigh at her mother's kiss. A press under her chin in greeting.

It is so good to see you!

And it was even though she still stayed with her parents and saw them everyday it was nice to hsve her just to herself. All usually busy with their own days ventures.

Ajei smiled, though a small furrow in her brow. I had briefly thought of healer, but there are so many healers. So i thought perhaps I would follow naturalist and grow the plants they will be needing. I also love fishing so i may seek the hunter trade for primarily fishing. And I think. I like helping others feel better in their spirit. So perhaps a coache or medistor of somekind.

Ajei looked down. I still get so nervous meeting new wolves i dare not go to the borders for fear. It's quite troubling. she frowned.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
shikoba sighs into her daughter's touch, listening to her words carefully. "you have many interests, that is good" she says to her, "follow your heart, and it will guide you where you are meant to be." it is what led shikoba to the wilds, to inutsuk, to the birth of her children. so far, her heart has come to heal. 

when she hears of fear, shikoba offers a comforting sweep of her muzzle against the girl's shoulder. "it is okay to be afraid," she says, "you are young ajei, and there is much of the world you have yet to see. when you feel fear, trust your gut." in some ways, shikoba liked to think it was the ancestors guiding her to make choices, the little voice in her head that tried to steer her from mistakes.

"it is better to be cautious; i was not so wise when i was your age."
[Image: giphy.gif]
569 Posts
Ooc — Danni
oh im ao glad to see you! How is everything? Getting into a routine with all that school work?

Ajei smiled. Sometimes she wasn't sure if all the interests were good. But her mother eased her thoughts on the matter, well.

Sometimes my hesrt is stubbornly quiet. She groused a little, but it was with humor attached.

Ajei nodded though there was a small furrow. But what if she was afraid always? Could she really trust it then?

Ajei smiled.
Oh i am sure you were plenty wise, mama.::
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
i am alive finally! forgive for my late replies, i'm finally interviewing for some medical programs <333 i absolutely adore our special little threads

she offers a crooked and toothful grin. "when i was your age" she says softly, "i got into trouble a lot. i was too prideful, afraid to admit when i was scared." shikoba was nothing but lightning and thunder in her days of childhood, nothing but a paper kid playing with matches. in many ways, she was quite lucky for not having suck a difficult group of kids; shikoba could only think back to the sheer handful she was for her own mother.

"there is a balance to our life. those who are tough learn to be gentle. and those who are quiet learn to find their voice." a paw comes to gently rest upon her daughter's, a little squeeze to give her a sense of comfort. "my daughter, each day i look upon you with pride." a quiet whisper in the tongue only they knew, "never doubt yourself. you come from a line of courage. and courage comes in different forms."
[Image: giphy.gif]
569 Posts
Ooc — Danni
You are forgiven. Good luck on your interviews. I love our threads too.

Ajei listened surprised. She giggled softly. She couldn't imsg8ne her mother getting in trouble. She was too kind and sweet. 

Ajei couldn't quite hide the smile on her face. She loved that her mother could make her feel better so easily.

Thank you i will try.