Moonspear and in the city, it hits
186 Posts
Ooc — Kat
All Welcome 
She couldn’t stand being at the caldera right now. The bad vibes were really getting to her. @Eljay and @Maia weren’t in the mood to argue, so they gave Frolic permission to go exploring only if she took her brother and her sister along with her.

Frolic made a valiant effort to locate both siblings, though she only found @Glee. She was too impatient to continue looking for @Callahan and he didn’t come when called, so she shrugged and decided to risk their parents’ ire if they found out later.

We’re goin’ to Moonspear to see @Seal! Frolic declared, tugging at Glee to follow.

Sometime later, they arrived at the foot of the mount. Frolic looked over and saw some leaves stuck to her sister’s fur from traveling through Bramblepoint. She giggled and plucked at one, only to put it atop Glee’s head like a hat.

Okay, ready? she asked, giving her sister no chance to answer before calling for her friend.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Montagne de Ciguë
408 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Seal was excited when she heard Frolic’s howl. She couldn’t wait to tell her friend all about Sweetharbor and her travels with Grandma Towhee. As an adventurist, Seal knew Frolic would be smitten by her island tales.

“Hi Frolic!”
she shouted merrily when the trees parted. Besides Frolic was someone she had never met before. “Hi, m’names Seal,” she introduced herself with a happy wag.

Recently, Seal underwent a growth spurt. She was surprised to find herself a good amount taller than her bestie. Now, more a young woman than a wee lass, she looked more proportioned and adult-like.
20 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Glee had been hard at work stripping bark off of a particularly magnificent-looking stick when Frolic appeared before her. She smiled and greeted her sister with a cheerful "Hi!" which was followed swiftly by an enthusiastic "Okay!" when it was declared that they would be taking a trip to visit a seal. She hopped merrily to her paws, very eager to travel to the ocean, which is where she assumed they would be going since everyone knows that's where seals live, like duh.

Having no idea where to find the ocean, it didn't occur to her that they were not going there even after the arrived at the foot of Moonspear. She looked around for water wearing her fancy hat, eventually landing her gaze upon an older girl, whom was greeted with a huge smile and a wag of her tail. Her eyes widened at the pronouncement of the girl's name, her mouth dropping into a little 'o'.

"That's so cool!" she squealed, "We're on our way to the ocean to go see seals! Are you coming too?? Please please please???" Glee smiled broadly at Frolic. Had she known? Had she planned this??
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
she probably won't stay long, just wanted to pop in and get some intros! <3

A call for Seal bent Sialuk's ear forward, listening. Curious, she followed the howl, coming to find two wolves in a friendly greeting with utjuasuk, as Sialuk had named Meerkat's daughter in her thoughts. As she drew closer, the Ostrega caught their scent upon the wind and smiled—Brecheliant. She wondered now how Bridget fared, and if the man who had assisted Njord and his daughter had recovered under her care. Sialuk realized it had been many months since she had visited their ally, and she thought it a wise thing to remedy soon. Perhaps Orca or Seal would wish to spend their time abroad with not a moon village, but another.

She had not caught the names exchanged, and instead greeted the trio with a friendly wave of her tail. Seal, it is good to see your face. These are village Brecheliant friends? she asked.
Atkan Aleut
186 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Seal looked much bigger than Frolic remembered. Her eyes widened and she opened her mouth to remark on this when Glee said something that tickled her funny bone hard. A laugh wheezed out of her, the sound of it making her laugh even harder, until Frolic was on her back on the ground, black paws holding her tummy at first before they roamed further down, between her legs. She felt like she was about to wet herself!

Fortunately, an adult joined the party then, which was distracting enough to prevent a hilarious but embarrassing accident. Frolic slowly caught her breath and rolled onto her belly, then pushed herself up on her forelegs. Her back legs were still a bit akimbo but she was too enchanted by the way the pale woman spoke, she forgot to fix them.

Yeah, we’re from Brecheliant! Frolic declared. Something about the lady’s demeanor prompted her to add sotto voce to her bestie, Seal, is she your Auspex?
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
20 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Glee was entirely ignorant of what was making Frolic laugh so very hard, but that was inconsequential. She smiled brightly and giggled herself, reaching out to snuffle affectionately at her sister's face as she rolled about.

Her tail bounced back and forth on her rump as she turned from Frolic to the tall woman who joined them. "I'm Glee and this is Frollie!" Glee said, lifting her chin proudly as she introduced herself and her sister, "We're gonna go find seals! Do you have an ocean here?"
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
The one soon to be introduced as Frolic explained that they were from Brecheliant, then whispered something to Seal. It was good that they had one another, even if they lived in villages further away. The darker one put names to faces, and Sialuk lifted a brow when she asked about seals and oceans.

@Seal introduced Sialuk as the village head and her mentor, a title that the starwoman was happy to have.

We have one Seal, Sialuk said, grinning at her apprentice. The salt water is further away, to the north. Sialuk thought of village Moontide and of the village Vaire sought to establish with Rhaegal.

Use careful steps on the mountain; she does not always play nicely, Sialuk said. She did not wish to intrude long, though she paused a moment longer in case they had any additional information or questions they wished to share.
Atkan Aleut
186 Posts
Ooc — Kat
With a titter, Seal corrected Frolic, introducing Sialuk as the head of her village. She suddenly heard Ajei’s voice in the back of her head, whispering about “Starwoman” and “Moonwoman.” Although Frolic didn’t know exactly which one she was, this meant Sialuk was one of the space wolves!

Cool, she muttered to herself.

Now Sialuk fielded Glee’s silly questions with maternal patience. Frolic giggled again, fondly rolling her eyes as she pushed at her sister’s shoulder.

This is Seal, she said, thrusting both forepaws at her friend. We can’t go to the ocean today. Mama and papa would ground us until we’re eleventy! But maybe Sialuk and Seal can take us there some other day? Frolic tacked on hopefully.

Since Seal’s on NPC, I figured the three of us can post another round or two, then fade this? :)
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
20 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Glee frowned thoughtfully at the response she received. She was about to correct the woman and explain that she didn't want salt water—she wanted the O-C-E-A-N, but she held her tongue as others spoke before her. She turned to her sister when she revealed the news that they weren't going to the ocean, but still didn't quite connect that her friend Seal had been the seal they were looking for. But once again, she was distracted. This time, by making plans to go to the ocean together on another day.

She nodded eagerly and looked at her new friends. "Yeah! Yeah! Can you? Please??" she begged, her tail positively flailing. An idea popped into her head then and, without waiting for their response, she exclaimed, "Maybe we can practice seeing the ocean today to get ready! Do you have any rivers? We can pretend it's the ocean and—OH MY GOSH! Seal! You can pretend to be the seal!!"

Had anyone ever come up with a more brilliant game? Absolutely not.

works for me!
186 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Everyone seemed to enjoy the idea of a beach day. There was even mention of a specific destination, a seaside pack called Moontide. Frolic caught her sister’s eye and bobbed her head eagerly, already looking forward to their future field trip.

Nobody opposed Glee’s suggestion of playing pretend in the meantime. Sialuk welcomed the two visiting youngsters to accompany Seal deeper into the territory. Although there were no rivers on the mountainside, there were many springs where the trio of girls could gleefully frolic like seals to their hearts' delight.

I need to post with this goober, so I figured I’d wrap this for us!
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)