Hoshor Plains i've got that sunrise energy
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Ooc — metic
he'd returned to the sentinels, eager to assess the land and any changes that might have occurred while he'd been away. thankfully, the only notable change had been that of the seasons, with snow now darting the charred landscape. he remained among the sequoias for a day, dutifully returning to his duties of caretaker before opting to visit perhaps the only friend he'd made during his time here.

eager steps led him towards the towering sight of moonsong in the distance, his heart anxious to see how ariadne's village had grown during his time away. upon reaching the borders he stopped to call for his friend, only to be greeted by a stranger and directed more inland towards the fields of golden sea.

he thanked the stranger before parting from the mountain and continuing towards his new destination. it took him a few days of travel altogether, but eventually he reached what he believed to be the correct location. unexpectedly, it appeared as if the plains were teeming with life and party.

a twinge of awkwardness overcame him as he felt he'd become a party crasher. still, he'd come this far, he couldn't just leave now. and so with a nervous pitch that he'd not be making a fool of himself, he called for @Tatkigiksuk and hoped that she was among those in the fields.

writing letters addressed to the fire
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Ooc — Chan
Tatkigiksuk had not expected Barbatos's call. She hadn't heard from him in a while and assumed he'd moved elsewhere; listening to his voice was an unexpected delight! Before setting off in his direction, she sought @Kigipigak, and explained to him that he was an old friend of hers and that he could chaperone if he wished, given the fact that she was still in the midst of her season.

When she finally arrived, Tatkigiksuk broke into a gallop once she spotted him and pulled him into a brief hug. It is so good to see your face! she remarked, pulling back and looking him up and down, searching for injuries. What happened? Where did you go?
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Ooc — metic
the dryad settled himself to wait for the arrival of his friend, giving brief yet awkward smiles to any who might have happened to pass by. eventually the familiar streamlined figure of the moon-woman materialized in the distance, and he rose to meet her halfway. his steps were filled with an eagerness to greet her, up until the wind revealed her spring condition. he slowed his steps, allowing her to close the rest of the distance and initiate their hug.

"as it is good to see yours!" he greeted back with a swish of his tail. what questions he'd had for her and her village were suddenly fogged, and he instead chose to focus on the questions she'd asked instead. "i returned to visit my homeland," he revealed, "my children were choosing their paths of nature and i wished to be there for them during their ascension."

writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
His homeland! She couldn't remember if he had ever told her about where he was from. That's great! she remarked, grinning broadly as she found herself with more questions than answers. And everybody picked their path alright? She wasn't even sure if that was a proper question; she felt suddenly self-conscious, cleared her throat, and started again.

Since I don't know the paths of nature, I should have asked about that first! she laughed, hoping he'd explain.
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Ooc — metic
her questions remedied his muddled mind, and he soon found himself at ease with her situational state. he offered a toothy grin at her interest in the different paths before shifting his weight to lean more heavily on one side. "there is a path for each place the fae guard. my son has chosen dryad, of the forest, like myself. my daughters have chosen different paths."

he paused for a moment to suck in a breath before continuing. "one has chosen haliae, of the sea, while the other has chosen asteriae, a path you might be more familiar with," he revealed with a soft smile as he recalled the time she'd revealed she was a moon-woman.

he glanced towards her then, brow knit in thought before tossing a look towards where she'd claimed her village. "perhaps now you are an oread, rather than an asteriae?" he paused for a moment for any answer she might have before clarifying, "a woman of the mountain."

writing letters addressed to the fire
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Ooc — Chan
Barbatos explained his children's paths, and Ariadne listened with rapt interest. She smiled as he inquired whether or not she would now become a oread, and she shook her head. No, I will always be a asteriae—regardless of where I live. She found homes were temporary; being a moonwoman was in her blood.

Ever curious and fascinated about his ways, she continued asking questions. Now that they have picked their paths, what comes next for them?
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Ooc — metic
she remained as an asteriae, and he felt a warmth thrum in his heart. he thought briefly of thaleia and how she might find a kinship with the moon-woman, should she ever choose to visit. "they will continue to be educated under the guidance of our elders, or they might choose to set out and tend to where nature calls them."

he paused for a moment, leaving room for her to ask any further questions before shifting the topic. "i've talked so much of myself that i've yet to ask, how have you been?" he asked with genuine interest. a glance downwards revealed she still carried the cast around her leg. "still healing well?"

writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
They should explore the world at some point, she agreed. I know doing so expanded my mind and taught me things I would not have learned under my family's guidance. This wasn't to say her family's ways were wrong or didn't benefit her. Her mind was more open and accepting of what she'd learned, and she was happier for it.

When the subject changed to her, her eyes followed his gaze down to her casted leg. It heals well—anaa said it shouldn't be long now until this thing can come off. Oh, she was so excited about that! I am courting a man, Kigipigak, and we should be expecting children in the spring, more excitement! And Moonsong continues to thrive. All good things to report, thankfully.

You know, you always have a home with me if you want it, she offered. These winters are harsh—especially if you are alone. She cared about him and was concerned about his wellbeing.
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Ooc — metic
a soft smile tugged at the corner of his lips at the mention of his children exploring. "with any luck they might choose to venture here and pay a visit to their old man," he jested. whether his trio remained in saltlight or not, he would take the time to periodically check in on them, even if just by raven.

ariadne went on to share of her healing, her village, and of a man! "i am glad to hear it heals well, i am sure it will be a relief to be free of it," he spoke first of her cast. then of her courtship, "this is wonderful news! children are a blessing, and i am sure you will make an excellent mother." the moon-woman seemed wise for her age, and he was confident she would do well in raising her young.

a smile befell him at the report of moonsong's thriving, and the invitation to join. his heart tugged in opposite directions, conflicted. she was not wrong in her words, winter was harsh, but he'd pledged to care for the sentinels and to abandon it over hardships..."you are a good friend, and yours will be the first place i go should i seek company in cold times."

writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
They should visit! Ariadne agreed. And if they do, you'll introduce us, right? She was always willing to meet new individuals, especially relatives of those she cared for. I will teach them things of the sunshine people—my people, which may have been confusing since she often referred to herself as a moonwoman, And things that I have learned from the other cultures in the area.

She beamed under his praise and nodded eagerly when he mentioned the excitement regarding getting her cast off. It has held me back for far too long—I can't wait to run and jump and dance! Which, honestly, would more than likely have to wait until after the children were born. Speaking of which: I think so, too. It is still early, so I do not want to jinx anything, but I think it might happen. Which reminded her: she needed to drink her tea.

Are you hungry? she asked. We have much food here, and I have some tea I need to drink. I do not want you to just watch me do so if you are hungry.
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Ooc — metic
"of course!" he answered with a swish of his tail. "i am sure they would be eager to meet you and learn of what you have to teach." he realized then that he often spoke of his own ways with ariadne, but knew so little of her own culture. this would need to be remedied soon!

at the mention of dancing and of children, he offered a gentle smile and a quick word, "i will ask the nymphs to guide you towards a strong recovery and healthy children." he made a mental note to inscribe runes for her back along the coastline.

"something to eat would be lovely," he answered while remembering the last time she'd offered him food during his visit, "though next time the meal's on me."

writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne would happily accept; she loved teaching and learning and was sure she could learn a thing or two from Barbatos's children. You know where to find me if they visit, she offered. On the topic of her own children, she smiled appreciatively. That means a lot, thank you, friend, she said.

When he accepted her offer, she led him away from the crowd and towards the Moonsong camp. Towards the center of their resting place was the collective cache where they'd stored the meat they were going to take home. She slid onto her belly to grab a hearty piece of meat from the underground store, and once it was on her jaws, she got onto all fours, trotted towards him, and placed it at her paws. She was always happy to help those in need—especially her friends—and saw no need for him to feel the need to repay her. She was happy to provide.

I will be right back, she told him next as she excused herself and retreated into her room. She retrieved one of the packets Kukutux had prepared and poured the mixture into a turtle shell full of water that she kept beside her bed. Once everything was ready, she returned to him, placing the bowl on the ground, and waiting as the leaves began to denigrate into the water. She sat, watching as he ate for a moment, before explaining, I just need to wait for this to be ready. It is a mixture my anaa prepared for me so my children may survive their first days.
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Ooc — metic
he followed where she led, eyes of burnt amber admiring the scenery around them. it was not often he spent time away from the familiar waters of comforting sea. where he usually felt large in comparison to that around him, he now felt like a mouse in the shadow of the impressive mountain range beside them.

his attention turned from scenery to the moon-woman when she presented him with a slab of meat, a grateful smile spread wide across his maw. he waited for her to return from her task before he indulged himself in the meal.

curious as to what exactly brewed in her tea, barbatos leaned in closer to investigate the aroma with a wiggle of his nose. it did not smell of any particular ingredient that he recognized. "does it taste good?" he wondered with a raised brow as he bent down to tear another piece of meat free.

writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
No, Ariadne answered with a laugh. But, regardless of the taste, she knew this was for her and the children she so desperately wanted to carry; taste didn't matter. But, as a reward, I will pick a fatty piece of bison to eat when I'm done. She took a long drink, but it wasn't enough to finish it, and she resurfaced with a repelled expression. She still had a ways to go with the tea.

So, tell me, she said, swallowing hard to try and rid her mouth of the taste. What is your home like? And what made you come back here?
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Ooc — metic
a light laugh echos his friend's at the mention of the tea's unpleasant taste. he watches as she drinks and lifts her head with a twisted expression, and only ushers a light giggle to himself in return.

he stripped away another piece of flesh when her questions reached his ears. he paused for a moment, before a smile teased the edge of his lips. "my homeland is of warm shores, even during the chill of winter. it is a place of sanctuary, and of peace." saltlight had never know of war or the frosted bite of winter.

as for why he'd returned, "do you remember the place where we first met?" he asked, hoping she'd be able to recall the scorched woodland. "i felt it called to me," he began while lifting a paw to place on his chest. "it called to my heart, to breathe life back into that which had died." he paused, magma eyes searching hers for understanding.

"it called to me as home."

writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
While it seemed like Barbatos came from a land of paradise, he was called to a place of death and disarray. She had seen the promise of re-birth and growth in the Sentenials—it would take years for it to return to its former glory.

Do you know how you plan to bring it back to life? she asked curiously; regrowing a forest was no small feat.
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Ooc — metic
her question was one he'd not expected, and it struck a thoughtful pause from him. after a moment of deliberation, his lips parted and spoke a simple, "no idea." his answer was followed with a half-laugh, though it did not take away the truth from his words. "but i suppose that is the beauty of trying something for the first time, you learn as you go."

if determination and wishful thinking were enough to regrow a forest, then that would be his plan of action. however, he knew it would take more than runes and hymns to restore the woodland back to it's former glory.

writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Wanna wrap this one up?

She laughed with him, unable to hold it in. At least you are being honest about it, she remarked, clearly amused. There was a beauty to trying new things, and she could appreciate the sentiment; half of the time, Ariadne still felt like she had no idea of what she was doing as the head of a village.

Well, if you need anything, village Moonsong is here for you, she offered.
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Ooc — metic
he gave a grateful nod to her offer once more before plucking away at the remainder of his meal. he enjoyed her company for the time it took her to finish the red tea, before standing to stretch out his aging muscles.

it would be a few days journey back to the shore, and he longed to be amongst the redwoods once more. so with an exchange of goodbyes and future plans to visit, he bid the village leader a farewell and set off for his trip back home.