Lion Head Mesa creeps in its petty pace from day to day
24 Posts
Ooc — mercury
It was hard to miss, and impossible to forget. A great red monolith among the snow, rising stalwart toward the sky, weathered trails along the edges and shadowed caverns promising secrets within. 

A castle. And she would know one when she saw one.

No doubt its sentinels had marked her presence here already; she'd lingered near the periphery for a few days, deliberating. Eventually, though, the pull was too much, and Madhu strode slowly but deliberately toward the boundaries of the mesa where the scents grew stronger.

Her breath fogged in the frigid air as she howled. Warmth, she thought, was nearby. Food, shelter, rest. She might not be here for a long time, but she'd certainly enjoy the hospitality for however long they offered it.

And they would offer it. How could one turn away a beautiful young princess? It just wasn't done.

@Toula @Senmut @Rashepses for visibility
1,058 Posts
Ooc — ebony
all the Red Land slumbered beneath the quiet of winter. the snow fell upon the outside of the red sand. an imperial call at its borders summoned the idle prince and his coterie of guards and fellahin.

"who calls to akashingo, dominion of pharaoh isetnofret toula?" came the priest's interested words.
24 Posts
Ooc — mercury
A greeter and party with him. A land of royalty, of culture.

Madhu immediately dropped into a curtsy, right leg extending, head and neck bowed, muzzle nearly to her outstretched knee.

I am pleased to come across your great kingdom, she replied. She straightened somewhat but did not, yet, meet the other's eye. My name is Madhuri Rhian verch Taliesin, princess of Mynydd. I have come to seek shelter.

She dipped a golden muzzle at the red rocks behind them. Do you have room for a traveling royal? she asked gently, raising her gilded brows.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"akashingo welcomes those traveling royals as allies," senmut said, countenance smooth despite his growing interest in the intrigue of her. "i am senmut, erpa-ha, hereditary prince to akashingo, and high priest. our pharaoh honeymoons in her desert palace of pleasure with her consort."

he turned; a fellahin moved forth to shadow the princess with a frond of preserved pine, for despite its coldness the winter sun could be a pierce of detriment to any coddled complexion.

she would be brought to a set of rooms along the wellspring, bodies shifting, moving in silence and bringing furs, a meal, and the winterdrink, and senmut did not speak until they had gone away. "i am interested to know of this mynydd," the prince said, but he had not sat. "shall you rest first?"
24 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Oh. . .the luxury!

She could have happily died here.

As it was, she was awash in wine and furs when Senmut spoke again, and she had to rouse herself from a stupor to answer and even then—

Perhaps, Madhu admitted, a bit sheepishly. I'm afraid I will not do our home justice. But I only need some rest. . .please bring me to the Pharaoh when she has returned! she insisted.

Stifling a yawn, she bowed again, face suffused with warmth. Thank you, prince Senmut, she purred. I am indebted to you.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"rest well, princess."

for her, a small bow; the prince saw himself out of her newly appointed chambers and sent word to @Toula of the royal who had come to akashingo.

in the morning, madhuri would have a fine breakfast, and thereafter — senmut supposed a tour.