Ocean's Breath Plateau seventy-fourth
1,053 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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trading thread #2, backdated to 2/17 <3

it seemed that things went well.

senmut walked alongside the sea, marveling at its breadth and greatness. truly the gods were here; who else could carve such beauty from a plateau beside the salt? for a moment he envisioned a temple here, and nazli —

the man's eyes closed, and surf misted over his upturned features.
24 Posts
Ooc — mercury
She had been meaning to find the Erpa-ha alone at some point, and it seemed like this was the window. She saw him from afar, wandering the beach, and made her way down to meet him, trotting through the tall sea-grasses and sending sand and rock flying in her wake as she traversed the ragged shore.

Senmut, Madhu greeted warmly, dipping her head. How are you enjoying the ocean?

Her golden head turned, scanning the horizon. I'm not familiar with it, myself, she remarked. It's quite lovely. Imagine something going on and on like this does!
1,053 Posts
Ooc — ebony
madhuri was graven in gold with eyes of brilliant gemfire. Ra favored the princess as she moved along the shoreline toward senmut, who had opened his own gaze to watch her approach.

she was scintillate in the sunlight, and his eyes appreciated her as a living work by the hand of gods. was that not who carved all royalty? the inner fellahin of the prince responded as senmut had been ordained to do.

scarlet head dipped. "i have not seen in the ocean in long years, and not in a land such as these," he answered, looking at the waves which exposed round shells of soft pink and white as they dragged back toward sea. "there must be things unimaginable in those waters. things for only the gods to know." she took his gaze once more. "how are you enjoying yourself, princess madhuri?"
24 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Madhu took in his words, smiling broadly. Oh, wonderful, she replied, stretching slightly upon the sand. It's so nice to meet Akashingo's allies, and to trade with them. Very fascinating.

She felt the need to go on and wax poetic, but she'd break into her father's tongue if she continued. And Senmut did not know that.

Speaking of Senmut. . .

Madhuri glanced at the man, somewhat demurely. Have Moontide traded anything of value? she asked, curiosity mingling with conversation.
1,053 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"i have not asked," senmut said with a wide smile. "i trust that akashingo will trade well. i shall call us together when it is time."

"i have received good, beautiful shells and stones from the sea. i shall trade for skins of the bird they call cormorant."

the surf lapped, drawing his eyes.