Ankyra Sound as grief can tear apart the soul (discovery)
in time you'll taste all the salt in my lungs
2,045 Posts
Ooc — lauren
Master Warrior
Caiaphas as of late had not felt particularly social - she had much to think about in regards to the potential bridge she had burned down with Ragnar; he had been fairly compelling but in truth he had ideals that Caiaphas did not share with him. Occupied by this thought, she found herself trailing distantly after two of the only wolves she knew. She kept a wide berth from them; trailing after like a windblown waif, directionless and off kilter.

They were departing from the strand and they marched down the whiteworn strand towards a bosk laden with tall spires of trees. Unlike Atlas, Caiaphas paid them no mind -- trees were plentiful where she was born and they served only as a reminder there were things bigger and longer lasting out there. She did, however, appreciate how they stood immune to the cold in the winter.

She was oblivious to the exchange between the two wolves -- but she noted how Atlas nearly sheepishly recoiled from the wolf. Curious but not compelled to join their company, Caiaphas held back -- a diminutive figure under the immensity of the shadowed sequoias.
Messages In This Thread
as grief can tear apart the soul (discovery) - by Aktaiê - September 02, 2014, 10:00 PM
RE: as grief can tear apart the soul (discovery) - by Caiaphas - September 04, 2014, 09:07 PM