Ankyra Sound as grief can tear apart the soul (discovery)
in time you'll taste all the salt in my lungs
2,045 Posts
Ooc — lauren
Master Warrior
Caiaphas was content to rub just about every inch of her body on the wide expanse of every tree -- and it was unfortunate then that Aktaie had to look up when Caiaphas bore the most oafish of expressions -- a smug smile half between doltishness and glee. Her expression terminated in a flush, and she proffered a somewhat ungainly smile in return -- her eyes fastened on the object held like a supplicant offering between Aktaie's jaws.

Caiaphas disentangled herself from the bough then, noting with great satisfaction the unholy amount of hair left behind from her exchange with the tree. Content with this she drifted closer to Aktaie, choosing to set herself upon another unfortunate tree. She was not sure what Aktaie held in her teeth, but did not want to press the matter -- and with a childish bemusement she continued to wrap herself endlessly around the wide bough in asinine circles until it seemed as if the tree bore more fur than she did.
Messages In This Thread
as grief can tear apart the soul (discovery) - by Aktaiê - September 02, 2014, 10:00 PM
RE: as grief can tear apart the soul (discovery) - by Caiaphas - October 09, 2014, 07:57 PM